Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
age of phase inequality | 月相不等潮龄
| The time interval between new or full moon and the maximum effect of these phases upon the range of tide or the speed of the tidal current. | 朔月或满月和其对潮高或潮汐速度影响最大时刻之间的时间差。 |
age of the moon | 月龄
| The elapsed time since the last new moon; usually expressed in DAYS and fractions of a DAY. See PHASES OF THE MOON. | 距上一个朔月的时间。通常用天数或天数的小数表示。 |
age of tide | 潮龄
| See AGE OF PHASE INEQUALITY. | 见age of phase inequality(月相不等潮龄)。 |
agger | 双潮
| See TIDE: DOUBLE. | 参见double tide(双潮)。 |
aggradation | 沉积
| See ACCRETION. | 见accretion(堆积,冲积)。 |
agonic line | 无偏线,零磁偏线
| The line through all points on the EARTH's surface at which the MAGNETIC VARIATION is zero. | 地球表面上线上各点磁差均为0的线。 |
aground | 搁浅的
| Touching, resting or lodged on the BOTTOM of shallow water. The opposite is AFLOAT. | 触及、搁置或固定在浅水海底。反义词是afloat(漂浮的)。 |
ahead | (船)前方
,船首向 | Bearing approximately 000° relative. The term is often used loosely for dead ahead or bearing exactly 000° relative. The opposite is ASTERN. | 相对方位为0°。该术语常用于表示正前方或正好是0°的相对方位。反义词为正后方(astern)。 |
aid to navigation | 航标
| A visual, acoustical, or RADIO device, external to a ship, designed to assist in determining a safe COURSE or a vessel’s POSITION, or to war... more | 为确保船舶航行安全或警示危险或障碍物而设置的视觉、声音或无线电装置,通常包括:浮标、信标、雾号、信号灯、无线电信标、导标、无线电定位系统、GNSS等。它们通常与海图相关,并协助安全航行。 |
aiming line | 瞄准线,照准线
| See COLLIMATION: LINE OF. | 参见line of collimation(视准轴)。 |
air almanac | 航空天文年历
| See under ALMANAC. | 一种用于空中导航的定期出版物,包含各种天文数据。也可参见ephemeris(星历表)。 |
air base | 航摄基线
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the line joining two AIR STATIONS, or the length of this line; also, the distance (at the SCALE of the STEREOSCOPIC MODEL... more | 在摄影测量学中,两个相邻摄影站的连线或者该线的长度。也指在测图仪器中重建的相邻透视中心的距离(按照立体模型的比例尺计算)。亦可参见photo base(像片基线)。 |
air camera | 航空摄影机 | A CAMERA specially designed for use in flying craft. | 专门为飞机摄影而设计的摄影机。 |
air mass | 气团
| Ensemble of air particles whose PATHS and physical properties exhibit, in the horizontal, only small and continuous differences. The mass ma... more | 在水平方向上路径和物理性质差异较小且连续的空气粒子团。气团的水平范围可达几百万平方英里,厚度可达几公里。 |
air navigation | 航空,航行 | See NAVIGATION. | 飞机的飞行。参见surface navigation(表面航行)。 |
air photograph | 航摄像片
| See PHOTOGRAPH: AERIAL. | 见aerial photograph(航空摄影)。 |
air photography | 航空摄影学
| See PHOTOGRAPHY: AERIAL. | 参见aerial photography(航空摄影学)。 |
air sextant | 航空六分仪
| See SEXTANT. | 为航空导航设计的六分仪。一般装配有人造地平结构。 |
air speed | 空速
| The SPEED of an aircraft relative to the surrounding ATMOSPHERE. As opposed to GROUND SPEED. | 飞机相对于周围空气的速度。与地速相对。 |
air station | 空中摄影站
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the point in space occupied by the camera lens at the moment of EXPOSURE. Also called exposure station or camera station... more | 在摄影测量中,曝光瞬间摄相机镜头所处的空间位置。也称之为摄影站。 |