Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
strays | 杂声,干扰 | In ECHO SOUNDING, false indications occasionally appearing on the DIAL or FATHOGRAM of an ECHO SOUNDER. They may be caused by the motion o... more | 在回声测深中,常常显示在回声测深仪刻度盘或回声图上的假信号。这些假信号产生于船只通过水体的运动,或船体的声、电噪声,或回声测深设备的电噪声。杂声或许被误认为真回声信号,从而妨碍真回声信号的辨认。 |
stream | 抛,射 | Any RIVER, BROOK, RIVULET or course of running water. A steady CURRENT in the SEA or in a RIVER, especially the middle or most rapid part of... more | 向船外投放并固定某物,如掷测程仪,抛海锚。 |
stream | 抛,射 | (v.t.). To place overboard and secure, as to stream a LOG, or stream a sea anchor. | 向船外投放并固定某物,如掷测程仪,抛海锚。 |
stream: ebb | 落潮流
| See EBB STREAM. | 落潮时水的水平运动。落潮流通常向海一侧,或者潮汐前进的相反方向。也称为ebb, ebb current 或 outgoing stream(落潮流)。 |
stream: flood | 涨潮流
| See FLOOD STREAM. | 涨潮时海水的水平运动。涨潮流一般流向海边或者沿着涨潮方向。亦称为flood,flood current或者ingoing stream(涨潮流)。 |
stream: ingoing | 进潮流,涨潮流
| See FLOOD STREAM. | 参见flood stream(涨潮流)。 |
stream: outgoing | 落潮流,退潮流
| See EBB STREAM. | 参见ebb stream(落潮流)。 |
stream: rectilinear | 直线流
| See CURRENT: REVERSING. | 参见reversing current(往复流)。 |
stream: rotary | 回转潮流
| See CURRENT: ROTARY. | 参见rotary current(回转潮流)。 |
stream: tidal | 潮流 | See CURRENT: TIDAL. | 海水在引潮力的作用下伴随落潮所产生的交替水平运动。亦称tidal stream。 |
stream current | 海洋急流 | See CURRENT. | 相对于较宽而弱的漂移水流而言,是一个狭窄的、深的并快速移动的水流。 |
streamer | 浮签,拖缆 | A string of hydrophones towed behind a ship. | 拖曳在船后面的水听器绳索。 |
streamline | 流线,流线(型) | A LINE OF FLOW. In METEOROLOGY, line envelope in space of the tangents to the instantaneous wind directions at a given time. Also written a... more | 一种流动的线。
气象学定义为:在确定的时间,空间中瞬时风向的切向包围线。有时也写为两个单词。 |
streamline flow | 线流 | See LAMINAR FLOW. | 流体沿流线平稳地流动,按层或片平行排列。相对于湍流。亦称streamline flow。 |
strength of current | 潮流强度(极限) | The PHASE of a TIDAL CURRENT at which the SPEED is a maximum; also the SPEED at this time. | 速度最大的潮流相位;亦指这时的流速。 |
strength of figure | 图形强度 | In GEODESY, the comparative PRECISION of computed lengths in a TRIANGULATION NET as determined by the size of the angles, the number of con... more | 在大地测量中,三角测量网中被计算距离的比较精度,系通过角度的大小,要求满足的条件数,以及基线和固定点的分布来共同确定。这些关系即构成图形强度。 |
striding level | 跨水准器 | See LEVEL. | 水准器安放在测量或天文仪器上方且平行于水平轴,因此可保证用于测量水平轴到水平面的倾斜。通常安放在仪器的望远镜上。 |
strip | 带状流冰 | In ice terminology, a long narrow area of PACK ICE, about 1 km or less in width, usually composed of small fragments detached from the main ... more | 海冰术语,意指宽度不超过1公里的长距离浮冰带,一般由从冰主体分离下来的碎块组成,这些碎块在风、浪涛或海流的作用下聚拢在一起。 |
strip coordinates | 航线坐标 | See COORDINATES. | 航线上任何点(无论是地面点还是实际空间点)的坐标。它们以首次重叠的空间坐标系统的原点和坐标轴为基准。 |
strip film (or stripping film) | 撕膜片 | A film which has the emulsion coated on an extremely thin membrane which is in turn supported on a normal‑thickness film base. The emulsion ... more | 在标准厚度的片基上依次涂有极薄的表层和乳胶层的膜片。乳膜层和表层在曝光或处理后能从片基上剥离(分开)。由此得到的图形能固定在新的支持物表面,从而得到反像,或用于叠合及套入其它图形要素。 |