Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
pingo | 冰核丘
| Small conical hills having a large central core of ice formed from the encroachment of permafrost and the resulting hydrostatic pressure. | 圆锥形小丘,中心具有一个大冰核,由永久冻土层的浸蚀和静水压力所造成。 |
pingo-like features (PLF) | 冰核丘状地形
| Small conical undersea features having the geomorphological appearance of pingos. | 具有冰核丘的地貌外观的小圆锥形海底地形。 |
pinnacle | 海中岩峰,尖礁
| Any high tower or spire-shaped pillar of rock or coral, alone or cresting a SUMMIT. It may extend above the surface of the water. It may or ... more | 海底呈高塔形或尖顶型的岩石柱或珊瑚柱,通常是独立的或者位于峰顶之上。也有可能伸出水面。可能会构成对水面航行威胁。 |
pinnacled iceberg | 塔状冰山
| An iceberg weathered in such manner as to produce spires or pinnacles. Also called pyramidal iceberg, irregular iceberg. | 因气候作用而变成螺旋形或尖塔形的冰山。亦称pyramidal iceberg(锥状冰山),irregular iceberg(峰形冰山)。 |
pinpoint | 精确定位
| (v.t. and i.). To establish (POSITION) with great ACCURACY. | (及物或不及物动词)高精度定位。 |
pip | 脉冲
| See BLIP. | 参见blip(脉冲)。 |
pipe | 管,导管
| A hollow metal tube, of varying diameters and lengths, imbedded in the bottom in a manner similar to a pile. Pipes are often used as private... more | 任意直径和长度的空心金属管,用一种与柱桩类似的方式埋入海底。常用来作为私人维护的助航设备和用于确定沙滩或海底沙漂移(沉积或侵蚀作用)。 |
pipeline | 管道
| A string of interconnected pipes used for the transport of matter, nowadays mainly oil or gas . | 一串相互联接的管子,用于输送物质,现在主要是输送石油或天然气。 |
pitch | 纵摇,螺距,桨距
| The oscillations of a ship about the transverse axis, due to the bow and stern being raised or lowered on passing through successive crests ... more | 船舶绕横轴线的振荡,这是由于船舶穿过连续的波峰和波谷时,船头和船尾被不断抬高或降低而造成的。亦称pitching(俯仰)。
在没有滑脱的情况下,螺旋桨旋转一周在纵向上前进的距离。 |
pitching | 俯仰
| See PITCH. | 参见pitch(纵摇)。 |
pivot | 枢轴,支点
| A spindle or pin by which a movable part of an instrument is supported so as to be free to turn. The pivot of a COMPASS is usually a fixed p... more | 支撑仪器的可活动部位使其自由运转的杆或销。罗经的枢轴通常是一个固定的点,磁针通过唯一的针帽悬于其上。 |
pivot point | 枢轴点,旋转点
| After a ship has assumed its DRIFT ANGLE in a turn, the point on the centerline between the bow and the CENTRE OF GRAVITY at which the resul... more | 船舶转弯时当漂移角确定后,船头与船重心之间的中心线上(旋转速度和操纵的合力直接作用在该中心线上)即有一个点称为枢轴点。对位于甲板上的观测者来说,该船看上去是在围着这一点旋转。 |
pixel | 像素
| Contraction for "picture element". The smallest element resolvable by electronic raster devices such as SCANNER, DISPLAY, and PLOTTER. See R... more | 像片元素的缩写。它是由电子光栅装置(如扫描器、显示器和绘图机)可分辨的最小像元素。参见 remote sensing(遥感)。 |
plain | 平原
| Any LAND with a flat or very slightly undulating surface. A flat, gently sloping or nearly level region of the SEAFLOOR, for example, ABYSS... more | 平坦的或表面起伏极小的陆地。
平坦的、略微倾斜或接近水平的海底平地,如深海平原。 |
plan | 平面图,大比例尺图
| An orthographic drawing on a horizontal plane, as of an instrument, a horizontal section, or a layout. A large scale map or chart of a smal... more | 描绘在水平面上的正射投影图,如仪器设备图、水平剖面图或部局图。
一幅大比例尺地图或小区域的海图。 |
plane: horizontal | 水平面
| A plane perpendicular to the DIRECTION OF GRAVITY; any plane tangent to the GEOID or parallel to such a plane. In SURVEYING, a plane perpen... more | 与重力方向垂直的平面;任何与大地水准面相切或平行的平面。在测量学中,指与铅垂线垂直的平面,在该平面或其上进行角度和距离测量。 |
plane: vertical | 铅垂面,垂直面
| Any plane passing through a point on the EARTH and containing the ZENITH and NADIR of that point. In SURVEYING, a plane at right angles to a... more | 通过地球某一点并包含该点天顶和天底的任何平面。 |
plane coordinates | 平面坐标
| See COORDINATES: PLANE RECTANGULAR. | 参见plane rectangular coordinates(平面直角坐标)。 |
plane rectangular coordinates | 平面直角坐标
| See COORDINATES. | 一种在水平平面内描述点位的坐标系统。它以任意原点为基准,用彼此垂直的两种距离来确定点位。过原点相互垂直的两条基线称为“坐标轴”;平行于真南北(或任意指定)坐标轴的距离称为“纵坐标”或“Y坐标”;平行于真东西(或任意指定)坐标轴的距离为“横坐标”或“X坐标”。一般自坐标原点向北、向... more |
plane sailing | 平面航法 | See SAILING. | 将地球表面或某一区域视为平面的一种航行方法。 |