Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
plane surveying | 平面测量
| See SURVEYING. | 测量技术的一个分支,它把地球表面视为一个平面。平面测量不考虑地球曲率,计算时使用平面几何和平面三角公式。 |
planet | 行星
| A CELESTIAL BODY of the SOLAR SYSTEM, shining by reflected light and revolving around the SUN. | 太阳系中的天体,通过反射太阳光来发亮,并围绕太阳而旋转。 |
planet(s): inferior | NULL | The PLANETS with ORBITS smaller than that of the EARTH: Mercury and Venus. | NULL |
planet(s): major | NULL | The four largest PLANETS (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). | NULL |
planet(s): minor | NULL | See ASTEROID. | NULL |
planet(s): navigational | NULL | The four PLANETS commonly used for celestial observations: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. | NULL |
planet(s): superior | NULL | The PLANETS with ORBITS larger than that of the EARTH: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. | NULL |
plane table | 平板仪,平板绘图器
| A field device for plotting the lines of a SURVEY directly from the OBSERVATIONS. It consists essentially of a drawing board mounted on a TR... more | 一种可根据观测数据直接标绘测量线的野外装置。它一般由一块装在三角架上的绘图板及一个上面装有望远镜或其他照准装置的划线尺组成。参见alidade(照准部)。英文有时也写作一个单词planetable。 |
plane table traverse | 平板仪导线
| See TRAVERSE. | 用平板仪方法实现的图解导线。 |
planetary | 行星的
| (adj.). Of a PLANET or the PLANETS. Like a PLANET. Terrestrial. | (形容词)行星的或者组成行星的,像行星一样的。陆地的,地球的。 |
planetoid | 小行星
| See ASTEROID. | 参见asteroid(小行星)。 |
planform | (水体的)平面形状,俯视形状
| The outline or shape of a body of water as determined by the STILL WATER LEVEL. | 由静水面水位确定的水体的外缘或形状。 |
planimeter | 测面器,求积仪
| A mechanical integrator for measuring the area of a plane surface. | 一种用于测量平面面积的机械积分器。 |
planimetric map | 平面图
| See MAP. | 对于图上要素仅表示出平面位置的地图;和地形图不同之处在于其不能显示地貌。 |
planimetry | 平面测量
| The measurement of plane surfaces. The plan details of a MAP. | 平面表面的测量。
地图的平面碎部测量。 |
planisphere | 平面天球图,星座图
| A MAP or CHART that is the PROJECTION of all or part of a sphere on a plane. A representation, on a plane, of the CELESTIAL SPHERE, especial... more | 将全部或部分球面投影到一个平面上的地图或海图。
平面上的、特别是极投影的天球图形,可以测定纬度和方位角等使用。参见star finder(寻星器)。 |
plankton | 浮游生物
| The passively drifting or weakly swimming organisms in marine and fresh waters. | 在海中和淡水中被动漂浮或微弱游动的生物。 |
plan position indicator (PPI) | 平面位置显示器,雷达荧光屏
| A cathode-ray SCOPE on which SIGNALS appear in correct relation to each other, so that the scope face presents a maplike representation of ... more | (PPI)。一种阴极射线显示器,在该显示器上信号以正确的相互关系出现,这样该显示器荧光屏可像地图一样显示出发射机所在区域、目标方向(由来自某一中心的反射波的方向表示)及至中心的距离。 |
planning chart | (航线)计划图
| A chart designed for use in planning voyages or flight operations or investigating areas of marine or aviation activities. | 以计划航线、飞行操作、海洋区域调查或航空活动为目的而设计的图。 |
plat | 地区图
| (U.S. terminology). A diagram drawn to SCALE showing land boundaries and subdivisions, and identification of the several units shown thereon... more | (美国术语),表示土地边界、区域划分及图上几个单位符号(标志)的按比例示意图,其中包括一个或多个适当说明。土地图与地图的不同之处在于它不需要表示附加的文化要素、排水要素和地形要素。参见cadastral map(地籍图)。 |