Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
foresight | 前视
| In LEVELLING, a reading on a LEVELLING ROD held on a point whose ELEVATION is to be determined. See also BACKSIGHT. | 在水准测量中,竖在某一待测高程点上的水准尺的读数。 |
format | 总计划,格式、规格
| The general plan or arrangement of a product. Specification of succession and type of representation of elements of information (numbers, t... more | 某一产品总的计划或者安排。在某一介质上表示信息要素(数字,文本)的顺序和类型的规定。固定的格式相当于表格,而自由的格式使用分隔符来区分各个要素,或用“标记”(在目录的基础上)的形式来识别各种要素。一组格式或者一种复杂的格式可确定如何在介质上表示信息。 |
formation sounding | 编队探测
| See SOUNDING. | 由两条或者更多船队组成队形进行的测深,目的是搜寻据报危险物。 |
form lines | 拟构等高线,山形线,地形线
| Lines drawn to represent the shape of TERRAIN; unlike CONTOUR LINES, these are drawn without regard to a true vertical DATUM or regular vert... more | 表示地形的线划;与等高线不同之处在于这些线未参考实际高程基准而绘制,也未按照规则的等高距绘制。 |
forward azimuth | 前方位角
| See AZIMUTH: GEODETIC. | 参见geodetic azimuth(大地方位角)。 |
forward lap | 前后重叠
| See OVERLAP. | 参见overlap(重叠)。 |
foul | 缠住,缠结;污底
| (1) To entangle or become entangled; e.g. as a propeller becoming entangled in cables, nets, or seaweed. (2) To attach or come to lie on th... more | 1、缠结或者被缠住。例如船的螺旋桨被电缆、渔网或者海草缠住。
2、贴在水下物标表面上的海藻及贝类,通常在船舶底部较多。 |
foul area | 险恶地
,多礁区 | An area of numerous uncharted dangers to navigation. The area charted serves as a warning to the mariner that all dangers are not charted in... more | 具有海图上未标出的大量危险碍航物的海区。在海图上表示这一区域提请航海人员注意,该海区的危险物未在海图上一一标出,从此区域航行通过会有危险。“foul”术语不应该用于没有界限的软底质无限区域,例如泥质或者沙质海区;也不该用于那些长有大量海菜或者海藻的区域;或者那些存在不会对船舶航行... more |
foul berth | 不良锚位,回转不便锚泊地,危险泊位
| A berth in which a vessel cannot swing to her anchor or moorings without fouling another vessel or striking an obstruction. | 在没有缠住其它船舶或者撞击障碍物的情况下船舶难以抛锚或者系泊的泊位。 |
foul bottom | 不良锚地
| A hard, uneven, rocky or obstructed BOTTOM having poor holding qualities for anchors, or one having ROCKS or WRECKAGE that would endanger an... more | 坚硬、凸凹不平、多岩石或者障碍物的海底,不利于船舶抛锚;或者存在岩石、沉船,对抛锚船舶有危险的区域。 |
foul ground | 险恶地,不良锚地
| An area over which it is safe to navigate but which should be avoided for anchoring, taking the GROUND or GROUND fishing. | 可以安全航行但应避免抛锚、开采资源或者捕鱼的区域。 |
fouling | 污底
| The mass of living and non-living bodies and particles attached to or lying on the surface of a submerged man-made or introduced object; mor... more | 大量有生命或者无生命的物体附着在或者寄生在淹没于水中的人造物体表面;更普遍的情况只指有生命的生物及附着的物体。 |
fractional scale | 分数比例尺
| See SCALE: NATURAL. | 参见natural scale(普通比例尺)。 |
fracture zone | 海底断裂区
| An extensive linear zone of irregular topography, mountainous or faulted, characterized by steep-sided or asymmetrical RIDGES, clefts, TROUG... more | 海床中地形不规则、多山的狭长区,其地形特点是两侧陡峭或者不对称的山脊、裂缝、海槽或者悬崖。 |
frazil ice | 冰片,松冰团
| Fine spicules or plates of ICE in suspension in water. | 悬浮在水中的细小、针状或者片状的冰。 |
free-air anomaly | 自由空间(重力)异常
| The difference between observed GRAVITY and theoretical GRAVITY which has been computed for LATITUDE and corrected for ELEVATION of the STA... more | 重力观测值和理论值之间的差值。理论值是依据重力点位的纬度并进行高程(至大地水准面的高程)改正计算得到。高程改正是用空间重力随地面高程变化的正常变化率,对不同高程的点位计算而得出的改正值。也称为Faye anomaly(法雅异常)。 |
free atmosphere | 自由大气
| See ATMOSPHERE. | 指地表边界层以上的大气部分。在自由大气中,空气运动受地表摩擦力的影响可以忽略不计。 |
free convection | 自由对流
| See CONVECTION. | 在大气中,由空气内的密度差所引起的对流。 |
free gyroscope | 自由陀螺仪
| See GYRO: FREE. | 参见free gyro(自由陀螺仪)。 |
free port | 自由港
| A port where certain import and export duties are waived (unless goods pass into the country) to facilitate re-shipment to other countries. | 一种便于转运到其它国家的没有进出口关税(除非货物进入这个国家)的港口。 |