Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
shading | 明暗,加暗,加阴影 | Gradations of light, colour, or thickness of lines; or indications of shadows. Shading of lines is sometimes used on CHARTS to produce the e... more | 各种层次的光线、色调或线划粗度与阴影的显示。线条的加暗有时用于海图上,以产生高度或深度的层次效应。亦见hill shading(山形晕渲法 )。 |
shadow pin | 投影针;(日晷)指时针 | A small rod or pin used to cast a shadow on an instrument, such as a MAGNETIC COMPASS or SUN COMPASS, to determine the direction of the lum... more | 用于将阴影投射到仪器上的小棒或针,可以测定发光方向。一种日晷指时针。 |
shadow zone | 静区,盲区 | A region into which very little sound energy penetrates. | 声能到达很微弱的区域。 |
shallow | 浅滩,浅水 | (adj.). Having little DEPTH. | 由松散物质组成,水深相对较浅的区域。对水面航行或许有危害。 |
shallow | 浅滩,浅水 | (n.). An area composed of unconsolidated material where the DEPTH of water is relatively slight. It may be a hazard to SURFACE NAVIGATION. | 由松散物质组成,水深相对较浅的区域。对水面航行或许有危害。 |
shallows | 浅滩 | An indefinite term applied to expanses of SHOAL or SHALLOW WATER. | 一个不明确的术语,指浅水和滩涂的延伸。 |
shallow water | 浅水 | Commonly, water of such a DEPTH that SURFACE WAVES are noticeably affected by bottom topography. It is customary to consider water of DEPTH... more | 一般指表层波浪极易受海底地形影响的水域。通常把深度小于浅层波长一半的水域称作浅水区。 |
shallow water constituent | 浅水分潮 | A short-period harmonic term introduced into the formula of ASTRONOMICAL TIDE constituents to take account of the change in the form of a T... more | 考虑由浅水效应产生的潮波变化,在天文潮公式中引入的一个短周期调和项。浅水分潮包括倍潮和复合潮。参见harmonic constituent(调和分潮)。 |
shallow water corrections | 浅水分潮改正数 | Quantities to be applied to a TIDE PREDICTION to correct for the QUARTER DIURNAL TIDES. | 应用于潮汐预报中改正四分之一日潮的量。 |
shallow water tide(s) | 浅水潮汐 | See TIDE. | 受浅水浪弯影响的天文潮汐。亦见quarter-diurnal tide(四分之一日潮)。 |
shallow water wave | 浅水(潮)波 | See WAVE: TRANSITIONAL WATER. | 水中行进的重力波,此时水深小于1/2波长,大于1/25波长。常称为浅水波。 |
shear strength | 抗剪(剪切)强度 | The internal resistance of a body to shear stress. | 物体对于剪切应力的内部抗力。 |
shelf | 陆架,陆棚 | Geologically an area adjacent to a continent or around an island and extending from the low-water line to the depth at which there is usuall... more | 地质上指邻接大陆或岛屿,自低潮线向外延伸至坡度明显变陡处的区域。 |
shelf break | 大陆架转折 | See SHELF EDGE. | 大陆架或岛屿陆架外缘坡度显著增大的边沿线。 |
shelf edge (or shelf break) | 大陆架外缘 | The line along which there is a marked increase of SLOPE at the seaward margin of a CONTINENTAL (or ISLAND) SHELF. | 大陆架或岛屿陆架外缘坡度显著增大的边沿线。 |
shell | 甲壳;贝壳 | The hard outside covering of an animal. Part of the ocean bed is composed of numerous shells of marine animals. | 动物覆盖躯体的坚硬表面。由众多海洋生物甲壳组成的海床区域。 |
shelving | 缓坡 | A gently sloping area. | 坡度缓和的斜面。 |
shimmer | 闪烁 | Apparent fluttering of objects at the EARTH's surface, when they are viewed in an almost horizontal direction above strongly heated surfaces... more | 地球表面物体的视颤动。这种现象发生在强热地面,在与受热表面大致成水平方向注视时可见。 |
shingle | 粗砾 | Rounded, often flat waterworn rock fragments larger than approximately 16 millimetres. | 圆形的、被水磨光的岩石碎块,一般直径大于16毫米。 |
ship of opportunity | 顺便(辅助)观测船 | An expression designating ships of commercial lines employed in gathering oceanographic DATA. | 被指派在商业航线上收集海洋观测数据的船只。 |