Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
ship-to-shore triangulation | 船/岸(水陆)三角测量 | See TRIANGULATION. | 一种三角测量方法,采用从三个岸上站同时对中间站离岸船只携带的物标进行观测。中间站与两个端点站之间必须通视。 |
shipyard | 船坞,造船厂 | A place where ships are built or repaired. | 修造船舶的地方。 |
shoal | 变浅 | (adj.). SHALLOW. | 深度由大到小的过程。使深度变小。 |
shoal | 变浅 | (n.). An offshore hazard to surface NAVIGATION with substantially less clearance than the surrounding area and composed of unconsolidated ma... more | 深度由大到小的过程。使深度变小。 |
shoal | 变浅 | (v.i.). To proceed from a greater to a lesser DEPTH. To cause to become less deep. | 深度由大到小的过程。使深度变小。 |
shoaling effect | 趋浅效应 | The alteration of a WAVE proceeding from deep water to SHALLOW WATER. | 波浪自深水向浅水行进的变更作用。 |
shoot | 测高,击中;拍摄,摄影 | (v.t.). To observe the ALTITUDE of (a CELESTIAL BODY). | 用激光观测天体的高度。 |
shore | 岸、滨 | The narrow strip of LAND in immediate contact with any body of water including the area between HIGH and LOW WATER lines. | 紧接水域的陆地狭窄地带。包括高潮线和低潮线之间的地带。 |
shoreface | 滨面,岸面 | The narrow zone seaward from the low tide shoreline, permanently covered by water, over which the beach sands and gravels actively oscillate... more | 自低潮线向海的窄区,那里常年被海水覆盖,海滨沙粒和海滩砾石随着变化的波浪方向经常变动。 |
shore lead | 冰道,冰岸水道 | A LEAD between PACK ICE and the SHORE, or between PACK ICE and a narrow fringe of FAST ICE. | 在堆积冰和海岸之间,或者堆积冰与固结冰缘之间的通道。 |
shoreline | 岸线 | The line where SHORE and water meet. Although the terminology of COASTS and SHORES is rather confused, shoreline and coastline are generally... more | 水与岸滨相接的界线。虽然术语coast(海岸)和shore(岸滨)有时易混淆,但coastline和shoreline常作为同义词使用。 |
shoreline map | 海岸线地图 | Shoreline maps are the graphic representation of planetable and photogrammetric surveys. The maps contain graphic data relating to the sho... more | 海岸线图是平板仪测量和摄影测量结果的图形描绘。内容包括以下图形资料:海岸线,沿岸自然与人工地物,岸线以上陆地带的自然与人工地物。海岸图的原始资料是地面测量资料和像片,测图员应用这些资料,利用摄影测图技术和仪器,生产出海岸线地图,透明片以及有关数据。这些数据主要用于航海图改正,新海... more |
shore station | 岸台 | See FIXED STATION. | 整个工作期间都在某一固定地点的无线电定位台。其对应术语是车载无线电站。亦称shore station。
在海洋学中,指进行海洋观测重复使用的平台。它们包括:海岸和岛屿站、灯标船、气象预报船、自动观测站及冰情观测站等。亦称fixed platform。 |
short baseline acoustic system | 短基线声定位系统 | An underwater acoustic position fixing system comprising a minimum of three hydrophones on the hull of a surface vessel. Three ranges are me... more | 一种水下声定位系统,在水面船只外壳上安置三个小型水听器,对安置在海床上或潜艇上的标志测出三个距离,获得其定点的三维位置。 |
short range navigation | 近程导航 | See NAVIGATION. | 导航设备仅作用于短距离的导航。与近程导航相对的是远程导航。 |
short wave | 短波 | See WAVE. | 一种比标准广播波段波长短的无线电波。
在海洋学中,是指相对深度(水深/波长)大于0.5且相位速度与水深无关,而与波长有关的波。 |
shower | 阵雨,暴雨 | PRECIPITATION, often short-lived and heavy, falling from convective CLOUDS; the drops or solid particles in showers are usually bigger than ... more | 短暂而猛烈的降水,自对流云层降落,雨滴或固态颗粒比其它种类的降水要大得多。暴雨的特点是骤然开始与停止;降水密度大幅度且急速改变;最显著的是天空的变化,即浓密黑暗的云层(积雨云)与短暂的晴朗现象迅速交替出现。 |
shuga | 冰花,冰团 | An accumulation of spongy white ice lumps, a few centimetres across; the lumps are formed from grease ice or slush and sometimes from anchor... more | 松软白色冰块的堆积,直径约几厘米,冰块产生于脂状冰或冰凌,有时产生于升起在水面的锚冰。 |
shutter | 快门 | In PHOTOGRAPHY, the mechanism of a CAMERA which controls the length of time the EMULSION is exposed. | 在摄影测量中,照相机上用于控制感光乳剂曝光时间长度的装置。 |
shutter: between-the-lens | 中心快门
,镜间快门 | A SHUTTER located between the lens elements of a CAMERA; usually consisting of thin metal leaves which open and close or revolve to make the... more | 通常由金属薄片组成的位于相机透镜之间的快门,可通过金属片的开关和旋转控制曝光。 |