Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
parallel sailing | 等纬线航行;平行航法
| See SAILING. | 当真航向为90°或270°时,将东西距转换为经差(或反向转换)的一种方法。 |
parallel sounding | 平行测深
| A system of surveying in which the MOTHER VESSEL takes soundings while following a given course; at the same time an array of satellite boat... more | 母船按规定航向测深,卫星船队与母船保持固定距离沿平行航向测深的测量方法。由卫星船测定其与母船的相对位置。
此术语亦指将换能器按规定间隔安装在船舷外铁架,由一条船进行的多线测深。 |
parameter | 参量,参数
| A quantity which remains constant within the limits of a given case or situation. | 在给定条件范围内保持不变的量。 |
parametric | 参量的,参数的
| Characterizing a quantity which is influenced by the behaviour of one or more parameters. | 对受一个或多个参数特性影响的量的描述。 |
parametric latitude | 参量纬度
| See LATITUDE. | 设想一球体与椭球在赤道相切,由球体上某点向赤道平面作垂线,则该垂线与椭球体交点的参量纬度为过球体交点的半径与赤道面所夹的球心角即定义为参量纬度。参量纬度是一种用于解决大地测量学和制图学问题的辅助纬度。亦称reduced latitude(归化纬度)、geometric latit... more |
paranthelion | 远幻日
| PHOTOMETEOR of the HALO family, consisting of white, round, luminous spots, having a diameter slightly greater than that of the SUN, which ... more | 晕圈族的大气光象,由白色圆形光点组成,其直径略大于太阳直径。普通远幻日位于太阳120°方位角处,特殊远幻日位于太阳90°方位角处。这些点在地平线上的高度即为太阳高度。 |
parantiselena | 远幻月
| PHOTOMETEOR of the HALO family, analogous to the PARANTHELION, the luminary being the MOON. | 晕圈族的大气光象,与远幻日类似,发光体为月亮。 |
paraselene | 近幻月
| Optical phenomenon of the HALO family, similar to but less brilliant than the PARHELION, the luminary being the MOON. | 晕圈族的光学现象,与幻日相似但亮度较弱,发光体为月亮。 |
paraselenic circle | 幻月环
| PHOTOMETEOR of the HALO family, analogous to the PARHELIC CIRCLE, the luminary being the MOON. | 晕圈族的大气光学现象,与幻日环相似,发光体为月亮。 |
parhelia associated with the 22° halo | 22°晕幻日 | PHOTOMETEOR of the HALO family, consisting of two luminous iridescent spots which appear on the PARHELIC CIRCLE close to the SMALL HALO. | 晕圈族的大气光学现象,由出现在小晕圈附近幻日环上的两个彩色光点组成。 |
parhelia associated with the 46° halo | 46°晕幻日 | PHOTOMETEOR of the HALO family consisting of two luminous, iridescent spots which appear on the PARHELIC CIRCLE close to the LARGE HALO. | 晕圈族的大气光学现象,由出现在大晕圈附近幻日环上的两个彩色晕光点组成。 |
parhelic circle | 幻日环
| PHOTOMETEOR of the HALO family, consisting of a white, horizontal circle, situated at the same angular height as the SUN. | 晕圈族的大气光学现象,由一个与太阳高度仰角相同的白色地平圈组成。 |
partial eclipse | 偏食
| See ECLIPSE. | 只有部分光源被遮蔽的食。 |
partial node | 不全节,次节
| The point, line, or surface, in a STANDING WAVE system where some characteristic of the wave field has a minimum AMPLITUDE differing from z... more | 驻波系统中点、线或面,其波场的某些特性具有非零最小振幅。 |
partial tide | 分潮
| See TIDE. | 组成某点潮汐的某一调和分量。分潮的周期由地球、太阳、月亮及相关星体的角速度的各种组合得出。参见harmonic constituent(调和分潮)。 |
particle velocity | 粒子速度
| In ocean wave studies, the instantaneous VELOCITY of a water particle undergoing orbital motion. At the CREST, its direction is the same a... more | 在海洋波浪研究中,指水质点进行轨道运动的瞬时速度。在波峰处,其运动方向与波浪前进方向相同,在波谷处,其方向相反。 |
particular scale | 局部比例尺
| See SCALE. | 地图投影上任意点的任意方向极小直线距离与地球上相应直线距离之间的关系。 |
Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) | 特别敏感海域
| An area which needs special protection through action by the IMO because of its significance for recognised ecological or socio-economic or ... more | 特别敏感海域是指由于公认的生态学、社会经济或科学方面的原因,容易受到国际航运行为损害的区域。这类区域需要IMO采取行动加以特别保护。特别敏感海域(PSSA)是敏感海域(ESSA)的一个类型。 |
pascal | 帕,帕斯卡
| The unit of pressure in the SI SYSTEM. | 压力的国际单位。 |
pass | 隘口,通道,航道
| A break in a MOUNTAIN RANGE, permitting easier passage from one side of the range to the other; also called a COL. A navigable CHANNEL leadi... more | 便于两侧通行的山脉中断处,亦称col(山口)。
连接两个水体的狭窄水道。 |