Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
quadrantal correctors | 象限偏差校正器
| Masses of SOFT IRON placed near a MAGNETIC COMPASS to correct for QUADRANTAL DEVIATION. Spherical quadrantal correctors are called quadrant... more | 为改正象限误差放在磁罗经附近的软铁片。球形的象限误差改正器称之为象限球。 |
quadrantal deviation | 象限自差
| See DEVIATION. | 船首方向每改变大约90°,其符号也随之改变(东或西)的自差称为象限自差。这是由水平放置的软铁的感应磁性所引起的。 |
quadrantal sphere | 象限球
| See QUADRANTAL CORRECTORS. | 参见quadrantal corrections(象限偏差校正器)。 |
quadrature | 方照,(上下)弦;90°相位差
| An ELONGATION of 90° usually specified as east or west in accordance with the direction of the body from the SUN. The MOON is at quadrature ... more | 通常指天体在太阳之东方或西方90°的距角。月亮上、下弦即指处于方照。参见phases of the moon(月相)。
相差1/4周的两个周期量所处的位置。 |
quadripod | 四角标
| A four-legged stand for TRIANGULATION, SIGNALS, etc. | 用于三角测量或觇标的四脚支架。 |
quality control | 质量控制
| All procedures which ensure that the product meets certain standards and specifications. | 使产品符合确定标准和规范的各种程序。 |
quality of the bottom | 底质
| See BOTTOM: NATURE OF. | 参见nature of bottom(底质)。 |
quarantine anchorage | 检疫锚地
| An area where a vessel anchors when satisfying quarantine regulations. | 为履行检疫法规而设置的船舶抛锚区域。 |
quarantine buoy | 检疫浮标
| A BUOY marking the location of a QUARANTINE ANCHORAGE. | 标示检疫锚地位置的浮标。 |
quarter-diurnal tide(s) | 四分之一日潮
| See TIDE. | 在浅水区由正常潮汐变形所导致的潮汐,每日四次高潮和四次低潮。亦见shallow water tide(浅水潮汐)。 |
quartering sea | 尾斜浪,尾侧浪
| WAVES moving in a direction approximately 45° from a vessel's HEADING, striking the vessel on the quarter. | 与船只航向成近45°、击拍船只尾部的波浪。 |
quarter point | 四分之一罗经点
| The fourth of the distance from one POINT of the COMPASS to another, equivalent to about two DEGREES and forty-nine MINUTES. | 罗经上一个罗经点到另一个罗经点的距离的四分之一,约等于2°49′。 |
quartz | 石英,水晶
| Crystalline silica. In its most common form it is colourless and transparent, but it takes a large variety of forms of varying degrees of op... more | 结晶硅石。一般无色透明,但形状各异,其透明度和色彩亦有很大差别。是最普通的固态矿物质,部分大洋底质是由石英组成的。 |
quartz clock | 石英钟
| See CLOCK: CRYSTAL. | 参见crystal clock(石英钟)。 |
quartz horizontal magnetometer | 石英水平磁力仪
| See MAGNETOMETER. | 由地球水平磁场施加在悬挂磁铁的扭矩被石英悬丝扭转360°时产生的扭矩所平衡的磁力仪。 |
quay | 横码头
| A WHARF approximately parallel to the SHORELINE and accommodating ships on one side only, the other side being attached to the SHORE. It is... more | 一种近似平行于岸线的码头,舰船只能在其一侧停靠,另一侧与海岸连接。构筑坚固,与那种码头式的桩基结构不同。 |
quayage | 岸壁
| A comprehensive term embracing all the structures in a PORT alongside which vessels can lie. | 泛指港湾内供船舶停靠的所有构筑物。 |
quenching | 抑制,猝熄,衰减
| The great reduction in underwater sound transmission or reception resulting from absorption and SCATTERING of sound energy by air bubbles en... more | 水下声发射和接收能力的大幅度减低,导致这种现象的原因是声纳室周围气泡的截留,使声能被吸收和散射。参见attenuation(衰减)。 |
quicksand | 流沙
| A loose mixture of SAND and water that yields to the pressure of heavy objects. Such objects are difficult to extract once they begin sinkin... more | 沙与水的松散混合物,在重物压力下易沉陷,物体一旦开始下陷则很难拔出。 |
quintant | 五分仪
| A double-reflecting instrument for measuring angles. It is similar to a SEXTANT, but has an arc of 72°. | 一种用于测角的双反射仪器,与六分仪相似,但分度弧长72°。 |