Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
ground control | 地面控制
| See CONTROL. | 通过地面测量建立的控制,有别于摄影测量方法建立的控制。 |
ground control point | 地面控制点见控制点 | See CONTROL POINT. | 参见control point(控制点)。 |
ground distance | 地面距离
| The great-circle distance between two ground positions, as contrasted with SLANT DISTANCE. Also called ground range. | 地面两点之间的大圆距离,对照于斜距(直线距离),也称为ground range。 |
ground effects | 地面效应
| Influence exerted by the GROUND on the propagation of ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. | 地面对电磁波传播的影响。 |
ground ice | 底冰
| See ANCHOR ICE. | 参见anchor ice(底冰)。 |
ground layer | 近地面层,贴地层
| Thin layer of air adjacent to the EARTH's surface and of a depth which has been variously given as 10 m to 100 m. Also called surface bound... more | 靠近地面的大气层,在10米至100米之间不等。也称为surface boundary layer。 |
ground log | 测速锤 水底拖曳计程仪
| See LOG. | 适用于浅水区域测量航向和航速的设备,由一个水砣与测绳连接构成。将水砣抛出船外至水底。航向由测绳走向确定,航速由测绳单位时间的释放量确定。 |
ground nadir | 地面天底点
,地底点 | See NADIR. | 摄(像)影透镜中心正下方垂直于地面上的点。 |
ground parallel | 地横线
| See PARALLEL. | 在摄影测量学中指摄影平面与地面参考平面之间的交线。亦可参见axis of homology(透射轴)。 |
ground photograph | 地面(摄影)像片,地面照片,陆摄照片
| See PHOTOGRAPH: TERRESTRIAL. | 参见terrestrial photograph(地面摄影像片)。 |
ground plane | 水平面,地平面 | In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the horizontal plane passing through the GROUND NADIR of a CAMERA STATION. | 在摄影测量学中指通过摄站地底点的水平面。 |
ground range | 地面距离
| See GROUND DISTANCE. | 参见ground distance(地面距离)。 |
ground resolution | 地面分辨率 | See RESOLUTION. | 参见resolution(分辨率)。 |
ground speed | 地速
| In AIR NAVIGATION, the rate of motion of an aircraft along its TRACK with relation to the GROUND. See also AIR SPEED. | 在航空学中,飞机在飞行中相对于地面的速度。亦可参见air speed(空速)。 |
ground survey | 地面测量
| See SURVEY. | 以地面方法完成的测量,区别于航空测量。地面测量中可以使用也可以不使用摄影方法。 |
ground swell | 地涌,激涌,岸涛,长滩涌
| A long high ocean swell; also, this SWELL as it rises to prominent HEIGHT in SHALLOW WATER, however, usually not so high or dangerous as BLI... more | 一种长而高的涌;在浅水区内其高度更为显著,但它没有长涌那么高和危险。 |
ground truth | 地面实况,地面真值
| The information acquired by a field study to calibrate or verify geographical data acquired by remote sensing. | 通过外业调查获取的数据,用于校准或者核实遥感获取的地理信息数据。 |
ground wave | 地波、地面波、地面电波
| See WAVE. | 在地面附近且受地面影响的无线电波。它在一定程度上受低层大气的折射、地球表面的衍射和地球电阻率延迟的影响。地波的传播方向基本平行于地面。参见 sky wave(天波)。 |
group | 群,联
| A term distinguishing a LIGHT exhibiting two or more flashes or OCCULTATIONS from one exhibiting a single flash or single OCCULTATION. | 将双闪、多闪明暗光与单闪、单明暗光区别开来使用的一个术语。 |
group velocity | 群速度
| The VELOCITY of a wave disturbance as a whole, i.e., of an entire group of component simple harmonic waves. | 整体波状扰动的速度,也就是简谐波整个波群的速度。 |