Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
growler | 残碎冰山,碎冰山
| A piece of ICE almost awash, smaller than a BERGY BIT. | 几乎淹没,小于小型冰山的冰块。 |
guard lock | 防潮闸,保护闸
| See TIDE LOCK. | 参见tide lock(潮汐船闸)。 |
guidance | 制导
| The exercise of directing influence over the movements of a craft or missile with particular reference to the selection of a flight PATH. | 控制和引导飞行器或者导弹按照特定的基准选择飞行路线运动的过程。 |
gulf | 海湾
| A part of the SEA extending into the LAND, usually larger than a BAY. | 海洋延伸进陆地的部分,通常比bay(海湾)要大。 |
gully | 海底狭沟,海谷
| Small VALLEY cut into soft SEDIMENTS on the CONTINENTAL SHELF or CONTINENTAL SLOPE. | 大陆架或者大陆坡软沉积层上的小峡谷。 |
gust | 阵风
| A sudden brief increase in the SPEED of the WIND. | 突然在短时间内加大风速的风。 |
gut | 狭水道
| A narrow PASSAGE such as a STRAIT or INLET. A CHANNEL in otherwise less deep water, generally formed by water in motion. | 狭窄的通道,例如海峡或入口。水流冲刷形成的较小深水航道。 |
guyot | 海底平顶山、平顶海山
| See TABLEMOUNT. | 参见tablemount(桌状山)。 |
gyre | 大漩涡 | A closed circulatory system, but larger than a WHIRLPOOL or EDDY. | 一种封闭的环流,但比漩涡或者涡流更大。 |
gyro | 陀螺仪
| See GYROSCOPE. | 参见gyroscope(陀螺仪)。 |
gyro: free | 自由陀螺仪
| A two-degree-of-freedom GYRO or a GYRO the spin axis of which may be oriented in any specified attitude. Also called free gyroscope. | 一种两个自由度的陀螺或者其旋转轴可以按任意指定姿态定向的陀螺。 |
gyro compass | 陀螺罗经,电罗经,陀螺罗盘
| See COMPASS: GYROSCOPIC. | 参见gyroscopic compass(陀螺罗经)。 |
gyro pilot | 陀螺自动舵
| An automatic pilot controlled by GYROSCOPES. An automatic device for steering a vessel by means of control signals from a GYROSCOPIC COMPAS... more | 由陀螺控制的自动舵。根据陀螺罗经发出的控制信号操纵船舶的一种自动装置。 |
gyro repeater | 分罗经,陀螺复示器,电罗经复示器
| An electrically operated DIAL repeating at a distance the indications of the MASTER GYRO COMPASS. | 在一定距离上重复主罗经显示的一种电控刻度盘。 |
gyroscope | 陀螺仪
| A rapidly rotating mass free to move about one or both AXES perpendicular to the AXIS of ROTATION and to each other. It is characterized by ... more | 由一个高速旋转的转子和一个或两个转动轴互相垂直的支承它的框架所构成的装置。它具有轴性和进动性。有时简写为gyro。 |
gyroscope: directional | 定向陀螺仪
| A gyroscopic device used to indicate a selected horizontal DIRECTION for a limited time. It requires periodic resetting dependent upon the... more | 能够在有限时间内指示预定水平方向的陀螺仪设备。它需要周期性复位,这取决于陀螺仪进动速率或者预期的艏向变化或者水平方向变化。 |
gyroscope: free | 自由陀螺仪
| See GYRO: FREE. | 参见free gyro(自由陀螺仪)。 |
gyroscopic compass | 陀螺罗经,电罗经
| See COMPASS. | 有一个或者多个陀螺仪作为指向部件并趋于指向真北的罗盘。也称之为gyro compass。 |
gyroscopic inertia | 陀螺惯性,回转惯性
| The property of a GYROSCOPE of resisting any force which tends to change its AXIS of ROTATION. A GYROSCOPE tends to maintain the DIRECTION o... more | 阻止任何外力改变其转动轴的陀螺特性。陀螺倾向于保持它的转动轴方向不变。 |
gyroscopic stabilization | 陀螺仪稳定 | EQUILIBRIUM in the attitude and/or COURSE of a ship or airborne vehicle maintained by the use of GYROSCOPES. Also, the maintenance (by the ... more | 指使用陀螺仪保持船舶或者飞行器姿态和航向的稳定。也指使用陀螺仪保持飞行器中摄像机处于理想的姿态。 |