Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
polarization | 极化
| A condition of RADIANT ENERGY in which the VIBRATIONS take place in a regular manner, as in a straight line, circle or ellipse, in a plane p... more | 以规则的方式(如在与运动轨道相垂直的平面上沿一条直线、圆或椭圆线)产生振动的辐射能现象。 |
polarization error | 极化误差
| See ERROR. | 无线电指向标在一定的发射条件下,由于电场分量被水平极化引起的无线电定向或无线电指向标波束的误差。有两个术语现已不用,即夜间误差或夜间效应。 |
polar orthographic projection | 极正射投影
| See PROJECTION. | 正射投影,其投影面与地球自转轴相垂直(与赤道面相平行);在该投影中,地理经线是直线。 |
polder | 围圩,圩田
| LAND reclaimed from the SEA or other body of water by the construction of an EMBANKMENT to restrain the water. See DIKE. | 用堤坝形式从海或其他水体围垦出来的土地。参见dike(堤)。 |
pole | 极点;地极;磁极;长条棒,测杆
| Either of the two points of intersection of the surface of a sphere or SPHEROID and its AXIS. The origin of a system of POLAR COORDINATES. E... more | 星球或球体表面与其轴的两个交点之一。
木制或铁制长条棒。这种用于测深的长条棒叫做测深杆。 |
pole: celestial | 黄极,天极
| Either of the two points of intersection of the CELESTIAL SPHERE and the extended AXIS of the EARTH, labelled N or S to indicate either the ... more | 天球与地轴延长线的两个交汇点。通过标注N或S指示是北天极还是南天极。 |
pole: depressed | 俯极
| The CELESTIAL POLE below the HORIZON, of opposite NAME to the LATITUDE. | 在地平线下的天极,与纬度计量符号命名相反。 |
pole: elevated | 仰极,上天极
| The CELESTIAL POLE above the HORIZON, agreeing in NAME with the LATITUDE. | 在水平面上方同观测者纬度同名的天极。 |
pole: geographic(al) | 地极
| Either of the two points of intersection of the surface of the EARTH with its AXIS, labelled N or S to indicate either the north geographica... more | 地球表面与其轴的两个交点之一,N或者S分别表示北地极和南地极。 |
pole: magnetic | 磁极
| See MAGNETIC POLE. | 地球表面磁倾角为90°的两点中的任一点;指定北半球的为北磁极,南半球的为南磁极。磁极并不固定,且不与地极一致。
磁铁磁力最大的两点中的任一点。 |
pole: terrestrial | 地(理)级 | One of the POLES of the EARTH. See POLE. | 地球的两极之一。参见pole(极点)。 |
pollution | 污染
| The direct or indirect alteration of the physical, chemical, thermal, biological or radioactive properties of any part of the environment i... more | 环境的任何部分在物理、化学、温度、生物或放射性质方面发生的直接或间接变化,从而对所有生物健康、安全或繁荣构成危害或潜在危害,这一情况称为污染。 |
polyconic projection | 多圆锥投影
| See PROJECTION. | 一种投影,其中央经线表示为一条直线,在其上的地理纬线,其间距与各纬圈的间距成正比,各纬线为一系列圆弧,并不同心,但其中心处于由中央经线表示的直线上,并且其半径由相切于纬圈的圆锥元素的长度来确定。除中央经线外,其他经线都是曲线。该投影既不是正形投影,也不是等积投影,但由于它便于绘制... more |
polygon | 多边形
| A non-selfintersecting, closed chain defining the boundary of an area. | 确定了区域边界的且不自相交的封闭线构成的图形。 |
polynia | 冰间湖,冰穴
| A water area enclosed in ICE, generally fast; this water area remains constant and usually has an oblong shape; sometimes limited to one sid... more | 由坚固的冰所包围的一片水域;该水域保持稳定,通常为椭圆形;有时一边被限制在海岸。
流冰群中暂时的小块空地,由不断移动的小浮冰和碎冰群... more |
polyvinyl corer | 聚乙烯取芯(采样)器
| See CORER: HYDROPLASTIC. | 参见hydroplastic corer(氢化塑料取芯器)。 |
pond | 池塘
| A small body of still water of artificial formation, its BED being either hollowed out of the SOIL or formed by embanking and damming up a ... more | 人工形成的小静水体,其水底泥土被挖出,或由堤坝围成自然凹地而形成。 |
pontoon | 浮桥,浮码头
| Floating structure, usually rectangular in shape which serves as landing, pierhead or bridge support. | 一般为矩形,可用来当做陆地、码头或桥梁支架的浮体结构。 |
pool | 池,塘,潭,浮冰穴
| A small body of still or standing water, permanent or temporary; chiefly one of natural formation. A deep or still place in a RIVER or STRE... more | 暂时的或永久的小面积静水或死水水体;主要指自然形成。
在有关冰的术语中,指被流冰群所包围着的较小封闭水区,而非冰间航道。参见polynia(冰穴)。 |
porosity | 孔积率;孔隙度
| The ratio of the aggregate volume of pore space in a ROCK or SEDIMENT to its total volume, usually expressed as a percentage. | 岩石或沉积物中,孔隙所占空间与岩石总体积的比率,通常用百分率来表示。 |