Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
spit | 岬,沙嘴 | A small point of land or narrow SHOAL projecting into a body of water from the SHORE. | 陆地小岬角或从海岸突向水体的窄长浅滩。 |
splines | 曲线尺,活动曲线规 | Flexible rulers or interpolation algorithm used to draw smooth curves between points when constructing e.g. hyperbolic lattices. | 用于描绘两点间光滑曲线的可变形尺(如绘制双曲线格网时)。 |
split fix | 四标两角定位 | See FIX. | 在没有适当的中间物标,不能观测三标两角的情况下,通过观测已知位置的四标两角来确定船位。 |
split line of sounding | 辅助测深线,加密测深线 | A LINE OF SOUNDING run to fill a void when the maximum spacing of principal lines is exceeded. | 主测深线间隔超限时填补空白的测深线。 |
spoil | 弃土,挖出的泥土和岩石 | MUD, SAND, SILT or other DEPOSIT obtained from the BOTTOM of a CHANNEL or HARBOUR by dredging. | 疏浚工程中从航道或港湾的水底挖出的泥、沙、淤泥或其它沉积物。 |
spoil banks | 弃(废)土堆 | Submerged accumulations of dumped material dredged from CHANNELS or HARBOURS. | 从水道或港湾疏浚出的水下堆积抛弃物。 |
spoil ground | (垃圾)倾倒区,抛泥区 | A sea area where dredged material is deposited. See also DUMPING GROUND. | 堆积疏浚物质的海中区域。亦见dumping ground(弃泥区)。 |
spoil ground buoy | 倾倒区浮标 | A BUOY marking the limit of a SPOIL GROUND. | 指示倾倒区界限的浮标。 |
spot elevation | 高程点,高程注记 | A point on a MAP or CHART whose ELEVATION is noted. It is usually indicated by a dot accompanied by a number indicating the vertical distan... more | 地图或海图上标注高程的点。一般用小圆点表示,并注出该点自参考基准面起算的垂直距离数值。高程点主要用于指示比其周围地面高的点位。亦称spot height。 |
spot height | 点位高程 | See SPOT ELEVATION. | 地图或海图上注记高程的点。一般用小圆点表示,并注出该点自参考基准面起算的垂直距离数值。高程点主要用于指示比其周围地面高的点位。 |
spout | 龙卷风 | Phenomenon consisting of an often violent WHIRLWIND, revealed by the presence of a cloud column or inverted cloud cone (funnel cloud), prot... more | 由猛烈旋风构成的天气现象,呈现出云柱或倒置的圆锥云形,自积雨云底部出现,或自一种由海面升起的水滴或地面升起的尘埃、沙粒及碎屑组成 “套筒”的底部。 |
spray | 浪花,水花 | Ensemble of water droplets torn by the WIND from the surface of an extensive body of water, generally from the CRESTS of WAVES, and carried... more | 被风自广阔水体表面刮出的大量水滴,经常从波峰上刮起,将水滴向上抛掷一段距离。 |
spring | 大潮;(源)泉 | SPRING TIDE. A natural issue of water or other substances from the EARTH. One on the BOTTOM of the SEA is called a submarine spring. | 大潮。水或其它物质从地面自然涌出,发生在海底者称海底泉。 |
spring high water | 大潮高潮 | See MEAN HIGH WATER SPRINGS. | 大潮高潮的平均高度。亦称spring high water。 |
spring low water | 大潮低潮 | See MEAN LOW WATER SPRINGS. | 大潮低潮的平均高度。在某些区域这个水平面用作潮高基准面。亦称spring low water。 |
spring range | (平均)大潮差 | The mean semidiurnal RANGE OF TIDE when SPRING TIDES are occurring. The mean difference in HEIGHT between MEAN HIGH WATER SPRINGS and MEAN ... more | 大潮发生时的平均半日潮差。即平均大潮高潮和平均大潮低潮间的平均高差。亦称mean spring range。 |
spring rise | 大潮升 | See MEAN SPRING RISE. | 在海图基准面上平均大潮高潮的高度。亦称spring rise。 |
spring tide(s) | 大潮 | See TIDE. | 在接近满月和新月时间所发生的范围较大的潮汐。 |
spur | 悬崖,山嘴,支脉 | A subordinate ELEVATION, RIDGE or RISE projecting outward from a larger feature. | 自较大地形特征向外凸出的次级高地、山脊或海隆。 |
squall | 飑 | Atmospheric phenomenon characterized by a very large variation of wind speed: it begins suddenly, has a duration of the order of minutes, a... more | 以风速剧变为特征的大气现象。这种强风突然发生,持续数分钟,突然速度减小。常伴有阵雨或雷暴。 |