Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
squall line | 飑线 | Fictitious moving line, sometimes of considerable extent, along which squall phenomena occur. | 发生飑天气现象的假想移动线,有时其移动范围相当大。 |
squares: method of | NULL | A method of transferring one SURVEY to another of different SCALE. Also called squaring down or squaring up depending on whether the SCALE i... more | NULL |
squaring down | 格网缩小 | See SQUARES: METHOD OF. | 将一种测量资料转换为其它比例尺的方法。根据比例尺的减小或增大,也称squaring down 或squaring up 。 |
squaring up | 格网放大 | See SQUARES: METHOD OF. | 将一种测量资料转换为其它比例尺的方法。根据比例尺的减小或增大,也称squaring down 或squaring up 。 |
squat | 尾部下坐,尾倾 | For a ship underway, the change of level of the bow and stern from the still water condition in response to the elevation and depression o... more | 船只航行时,其首尾水平相对于静水状态的改变,这种现象产生于船首和船尾由波浪系统引起的船体水面的上升与下降。 |
stability | 稳定性 | Property of the state of rest or continuous movement of a system such that any disturbance introduced into this state decreases. In METEORO... more | 一个系统保持静止或连续移动状态的性质,以至于任何的干扰都会使这种状态减弱。在气象学中,常用作static stability(静力稳定性)的同义词。 |
stability: static | 静力稳定(性,度) | State of hydrostatic equilibrium of the ATMOSPHERE in which a particle of air moved from its initial level undergoes a hydrostatic force whi... more | 大气流体静力均衡状态,在此状态下,自起始水平面移动的空气粒子,其所经受的流体静力,总趋向于使它恢复到这个水平上。亦称hydrostatic stability。 |
stabilization: gyroscopic | 陀螺仪稳定 | See GYROSCOPIC STABILIZATION. | 指使用陀螺仪保持船舶或者飞行器姿态和航向的稳定。也指使用陀螺仪保持飞行器中摄像机处于理想的姿态。 |
stabilizer: marine | 船用平衡器,船用稳定器
| A device installed on ships to reduce rolling. | 装配在船上以减弱横摇的装置。 |
stadia | 测距尺 | A graduated rod used in the determination of distance by observing the intercept on the rod subtending a small known angle at the point of... more | 用于测定距离的刻度尺。使用时在测站观测一已知小角在尺上的截距。实际上,该角常由望远镜中十字丝的两条固定线划确定。亦称stadia rod。 |
stadia constant | 视距常数 | The constant which is multiplied by the STADIA INTERVAL to obtain the length of a sight in METRES. | 用以与视距间隔相乘而获得米制视线长度的常数。 |
stadia interval | 视距间隔 | The length of rod subtended between the top and the bottom CROSS WIRES in the LEVELLING INSTRUMENT as seen projected against the face of the... more | 观测时水准仪上下十字丝之间所夹的线段,投影于前方水准标尺表面所对应的标尺长度。 |
stadia lines | 视距线 | Two or more horizontal wires fixed in the DIAPHRAGM at equal distances from the AXIS of TELESCOPES, of THEODOLITES and LEVELS. Also called s... more | 在经纬仪和水准仪中,固定在光阑上的,与望远镜轴间隔相等的两条或两条以上水平细丝。亦称stadia wires。 |
stadia rod | 视距尺 | See STADIA. | 用于测定距离的刻度尺。使用时在测站观测一已知小角在尺上的截距。实际上,该角常由望远镜中十字丝的两条固定线划确定。亦称stadia rod。 |
stadia wires | 视距丝 | See STADIA LINES. | 在经纬仪和水准仪中,固定在光阑上的,与望远镜轴间隔相等的两条或两条以上水平细丝。亦称stadia wires。 |
stadimeter | 手操测距仪;小型六分仪 | An instrument used to measure the distance from the observer to a more-or-less distant object, such as a vessel, when the HEIGHT of a specif... more | 当物体特定部分(例如船桅)高度已知时,测量离观测者不太远物体(例如船只)距离的仪器。相当于手提式测距仪。 |
stake | (标)桩 | An elongated wood or metal pole embedded in the bottom to serve as a marker or support for fish nets. | 细长的木质或金属杆,插入海底,用以标识或支撑渔网。 |
stand | 停潮 | See STAND OF TIDE. | 海水高度没有变化的高潮或低潮状态。如果发生在高潮时,称作高潮停潮;发生在低潮则称作低潮停潮。 |
standard | 标准;(度衡量)原器;备考图 | An exact value (a physical entity or an abstract concept) established and defined by authority, custom, or common consent, to serve as a r... more | 由有关当局、用户或公众认可建立的准确值(物质实体或抽象概念),用作测定质与量的基准、模型或规则;或用于确定实施方法及步骤;或用于评价某种结果。也指固定的质或量。在海图制作中,指用以校正的样本海图,其上标有各次印刷影响该海图的所有改正(美国术语)。 |
standard atmosphere | 标准大气 | See ATMOSPHERE. | 一种常用的基准大气,用来以简便方式概略地表示垂直方向的平均气压状况。 |