Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
sill depth | 海槛深度 | The greatest depth over a sill. | 海槛上的最大深度。 |
silt | 淤泥 | An unconsolidated SEDIMENT whose particles range in size from 0.0039 to 0.0625 millimetres in diameter (between CLAY and SAND size). | 一种不固结的沉积物,颗粒直径为0.0039-0.0625毫米(介于粘土和沙之间)。 |
siltation | 淤泥沉积 | The deposition or accumulation of silt that is suspended in a body of water. | 悬浮在水体中淤泥的聚积。 |
simplex | 单工通信 | A method in which TELECOMMUNICATION between two stations takes place in one direction at a time. | 两个台站间,同一时间仅进行单向通信的无线电通信方法。 |
simultaneous altitudes | 同步高度 | ALTITUDES of two or more CELESTIAL BODIES observed at the same TIME. | 在同一时刻所观测的两个或更多天体的高度。 |
simultaneous comparison of depths | 测深同步比较 | The comparison of echo sounding depths with simultaneous direct vertical measurements of DEPTH. Simultaneous comparisons are periodically ma... more | 回声测深与同时直接垂线量测的比较。定期进行同步比较,以确定回声测深仪的仪器误差。 |
single beam echo sounder | NULL | (SBES) an ECHO SOUNDER that transmits and receives a sound pulse providing a single spot depth, as opposed to a MULTI BEAM ECHO SOUNDER. | NULL |
single buoy mooring (SBM) | 单浮筒系船 (设备) | A large mooring buoy used by tankers to load and unload in port approaches or in offshore oil and gas fields. | 设置在港口附近或离岸油气田的大型系船浮筒,供油轮载货或卸货使用。 |
single day tide | 全日潮 | See TIDE: DIURNAL. | 潮汐周期由每个潮汐日的一个高潮和一个低潮组成。在英国术语中亦称single day tide。 |
single point mooring (SPM) | 单点系船(设备),单点系泊 | A mooring structure used by tankers to load and unload in port approaches or in offshore oil and gas fields. The size of the structure can v... more | 设在港口附近或离岸油气田,供油轮载货卸货使用的系船设施,其尺寸介于大型系船浮筒与人工操作浮筒之间。 |
sinker | 沉锤,测深锤 | WEIGHT used to sink fishing line or SOUNDING LINE. | 用于沉下渔索或测深索的重锤。 |
sinking | 下降流;下现蜃景 | A downward movement of surface water generally caused by converging CURRENTS or when water mass becomes more dense than the surrounding wa... more | 由于潮流会聚或者当某处水团的密度高于周围的水域时,所引起的表面水向下运动。
由于异常大气折射产生的远距离地表物体明显降低现象。由于这种现象,一般位于地平线或地平线附近的可见物体,有时就沉没到地平线以下而看不见,与此相对的是上现蜃景。 |
siren | 汽笛,警笛 | A type of FOG SIGNAL apparatus which produces SOUND by virtue of the passage of air through slots or holes in a revolving disk. | 一种雾号装置,系空气经旋转圆盘上的槽或孔流通发出声响。 |
SI System | 国际单位制系统
| See SYSTÈME INTERNATIONAL. | 见System International(国际单位制)。 |
sketch map | 略图,示意图 | See MAP. | 非正规的、非常简单的地图,它虽然保持着必要的空间关系,但比例尺或方位并不真实。 |
sketch survey | 草测,简测 | See SURVEY. | 由于缺乏时间或条件而实施的海道测量,其精度和细节程度低于选定比例尺的正常测图。 |
skew convergence | 偏角,斜角 | The angle, on a SKEWED PROJECTION, between TRUE NORTH and skew north. | 在斜轴投影面上,真北与倾斜北之间的夹角。 |
skewed projection | 斜轴投影 | See PROJECTION. | 用于绘制地图或海图的任何标准投影,该投影不以地图或海图内图廓线构成一般的南北向图幅。 |
sky compass | 天空罗经 | See COMPASS. | 利用天空阳光偏振的一种天文罗经,供在极区长期处于晨昏蒙影时使用。只要天顶晴朗,不论是否可以看见太阳它都可以工作。不过太阳在地平下低于6.5°或在地平上高于10°时,读数不可靠。 |
sky wave | 天波 | See WAVE. | 一种间接的无线电波,由发射天线射向天空,又由电离层反射回地球,参见ground wave(电离层波)。 |