Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
permeability: magnetic | 磁导率
| See MAGNETIC PERMEABILITY. | 可磁化物质在其所在区域内影响磁通量程度的能力。 |
personal correction | 人差改正
| The CORRECTION due to PERSONAL ERROR. | 对人为误差所作的改正。 |
personal equation | 个人观测误差
| The time interval between the sensory perception of a PHENOMENON and the motor reaction thereto. Personal equation may be either positive o... more | 感知某一现象与对其作出反应之间的时间间隔。个人观测误差有正有负,因为观测者既可能预知事件的发生,又可能在实际看到事件发生后做记录。此误差被视为恒定系统误差。此术语因其为一种人为误差而被保留。它对时间观测格外重要,用于确定精确时计改正。 |
personal error | (个)人(误)差
| See ERROR. | 观测者不能准确感知尺寸值的结果。人差在观测中可能是随机的,也可能是规则的。亦见personal equation(个人观测误差)。 |
personal parallax | 个人视差
| See PARALLAX: INSTRUMENTAL. | 参见 instrumental parallax(仪器视差)。 |
perspective centre | 透视中心
| The point of origin or termination of bundles of PERSPECTIVE RAYS. The two such points usually associated with a survey photograph are the ... more | 透视光束的起点或终点。通常与航摄像片相关,指内透视中心和外透视中心。在完善的透镜拍摄系统中,从内透视中心到像片影像的透视线与相应的从外透视中心到所摄物体的透视线所包含的角相同。在图像失真的透镜中,此情况仅在像片的特殊区域成立。在调好的透镜拍摄系统中,内外透视中心分别与该摄像机镜头... more |
perspective grid | 透视投影格网
| See GRID. | 在摄影测量学中,指绘制或加印在像片上的网线,用于表示地面或基准面上系统网线的透视图形。亦见grid method(格网转绘法)。 |
perspective plane | 透视面,投影面
| Any plane containing the PERSPECTIVE CENTRE. The intersection of a perspective plane and the GROUND will always appear as a straight line o... more | 任何包含透视中心的面。在航摄像片上,透视面与地面的交会是一条直线。 |
perspective projection | 透视投影
| See PROJECTION. | 在平面或曲面上,通过可能位于无穷远处的某点发出的投影线,对某种形状进行的再现。亦称geometric projection(几何投影)。 |
perspective ray | 透视线
| A line joining a PERSPECTIVE CENTRE and a point object. | 透视中心与点目标的连线。 |
perturbation | 摄动
| Disturbance in the orbital PATH of a CELESTIAL BODY, natural or artificial, due to attraction of another body. See LUNAR INEQUALITY. | 其他天体引力对某一天体轨道的自然或人为干扰。参见lunar inequality(月行差)。 |
Ph | ph值
| A SCALE used for expressing the acidity or ALKALINITY of solutions. | 表示溶液的酸度或碱度的指标。 |
phantom bottom | 假海底
| A false BOTTOM indicated by an ECHO SOUNDER, some distance above the actual BOTTOM. Such an indication, quite common in the deeper parts of ... more | 用回声测深仪测出的在实际海底之上的伪底。这种假象由大量微生物所致,在海洋较深部分普遍存在。亦称deep scattering layer(深海散射层)或false bottom(伪底)。 |
phase | 相,形象;相位,阶段;(月像)盈亏
| The visible aspect of an object. The amount by which a CYCLE has progressed from a specified origin. In ASTRONOMY, any of the stages of vari... more | 物体的可见部分。
在天文学中,指月亮或行星亮度变化的各个阶段。参见phase of the moon(月相)。
在物理学中,指物质聚集的状态,如固体(冰)、液体(水)或气体(蒸气)。 |
phase angle | 相位角;日地距角,相角
| The phase difference of two periodically recurring PHENOMENA of the same FREQUENCY, expressed in angular measure. The angle at a CELESTIAL ... more | 两个频率相同、周期性重复现象的相位差,以角度计量表示。
太阳与地球在某天体上所夹的角。 |
phase inequality | 相位不等,月潮相位不等 | Variations in the TIDES or TIDAL CURRENTS associated with changes in the PHASE OF THE MOON. | 与月相变化有关的潮汐或潮流的变化。 |
phase lag | 相位滞后,相位延迟;潮汐迟角
| Angular retardation of the maximum of a constituent of the observed TIDE behind the corresponding maximum of the same constituent of the ... more | 实际最大分潮落后于相应最大假设平衡分潮的角延迟。亦称tidal epoch(迟角)。 |
phase modulation | 调相
| See MODULATION. | 参见modulation(调制)。 |
phase of a navigational light | 航标灯的光相
| A visually discrete part of a light signal. It is bounded by changes between darkness and light (e.g. an occultation or flash), or between d... more | 序列变化特征的各个要素,包括明暗间隔(如闪光与遮蔽)或颜色变化。 |
phase(s) of the moon | 月相
| The various appearances of the MOON during different parts of the SYNODICAL MONTH. The CYCLE begins with new moon or change of the MOON at C... more | 在朔望月不同阶段中月亮的各种外观。月相周期从新月或合时月亮的改变开始。在其前半周,盈月亮面逐渐增大,直至满月出现在太阳冲位,在其后的后半周,亏月亮面逐渐变小。上弦月发生在盈月位于东方照时,下弦月发生在亏月位于西方照时。从下弦到朔再到上弦时的月亮为蛾眉月;从上弦到望再到下弦时的月亮... more |