Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
tuff-cone | 凝灰堆
| See TUFF. | 从火山爆发喷出的火山生成物、尘埃、灰等形成,通常凝固在岩石上。凝灰堆,即火山堆,就是由上述物质构成的。 |
tunny net | 金枪鱼网
| A net built at sea for catching tunnies. | 设置在海上用于捕获金枪鱼的网。 |
turbidite | 浊流岩
| Turbidity current deposits, characterized by both vertically and horizontally graded bedding. | 浊流沉积,其特点是具有垂直和水平粒级层。 |
turbidity | 浊度,浑浊性 | Reduced water clarity resulting from the presence of suspended matter. Water is considered turbid when its load of suspended matter is visib... more | 由于悬浮物质的存在,使水清晰度降低。当水中含有显而易见的悬浮物质时,该水体即是浑浊的。
由于悬浮的固体或液体粒子,而不是云的吸收和辐射扩散作用,致使大气层透明度下降。 |
turbidity current | 浑浊流
| See CURRENT. | 携带着大量悬浮粘土、泥沙的一种密度较大非常浑浊的海流。它沿水下斜坡穿过密度较小的海水向下流动。 |
turbulence | 湍流;涡动,湍动
| A state of fluid flow in which the instantaneous VELOCITIES exhibit irregular and apparently random fluctuations, so that in practice only ... more | 液体流动状态,其瞬时速度不规则,似随机变动,这样实际上只能确定其统计特性,以供分析。
附加在平均空气运动上的一种搅动,由不协调的流动空气构成,处于连续变化的状态。 |
turbulent flow | 湍流,紊流
| A FLOW characterized by TURBULENCE. | 以湍动为特点的流动。 |
turning basin | 转船池;掉头区
| An enlargement of a channel for turning vessels. Also called manoeuvering basin. | 用于掉转船头的航道扩展部分。亦称掉头区。 |
turning buoy | 转向浮标
| A BUOY marking a turn, as in a CHANNEL. | 标示某航道转弯位置的浮标。 |
turning point | 转点,导线点
| In LEVELLING, a point on which both a minus sight (FORESIGHT) and a plus sight (BACKSIGHT) are taken on a line of DIRECT LEVELLING. In TOPO... more | 水准测量中,在某直接水准测量线路上进行前视和后视测量的那个点。
地形测量中,当平板仪迁站到另一测点时标尺仍保持在原位的那一点。导线测量中两导线边汇合的那一点。亦称traverse point(导线点)。 |
turn of the tide | 转潮;转流
| See CHANGE OF TIDE. | 潮汐(涨落)运动的方向转换。有时也指潮流流向的转换。亦称平潮。 |
twilight | 晨昏朦影,曙暮光 | The periods of incomplete darkness following SUNSET (evening twilight) or preceding SUNRISE (morning twilight). Twilight is designated as ci... more | 日落之后或日出之前(曙光)那段没有完全黑暗的时间。当太阳中心在天球地平圈以下6°、12°或18°时。曙暮光作为黑暗的临界线分别被称作民用曙暮光、航海曙暮光或天文曙暮光。 |
twilight stars | 昏影星
| STARS suitably placed for ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATION during morning or evening TWILIGHT. | 在早晚曙暮光中可进行天文观测的星。 |
two-way route | 双向航道,双向交通道
| A route within defined limits inside which two-way traffic is established, aimed at providing safe passage of ships through waters where na... more | 同时双向通行,有分隔行驶界线的航道,目的是在航行困难或危险水域为航船提供安全通道。 |
tyfon | 雾笛
| See TYPHON. | 在压缩空气或水蒸气作用下启动的膜式雾角。在加拿大术语中称作汽笛。 |
type | 铅(活)字
| In printing (TYPOGRAPHY) a metal block having a raised letter or figure which, when inked, is used to make an impression on paper or other ... more | 印刷术中有凸面字母或数字的金属模块,涂上油墨后可在纸或其他材料上印刷。也有负片或正片撕膜片形式的活字。 |
type face | 字样,字体,铅字面
| A type of print, such as Roman, Egyptian, Caslon, etc. | 印刷活字,如罗马字体、埃及文字体、卡斯龙字体等。 |
type of tide | 潮汐类型
| The characteristic feature of the TIDE (TIDAL CURRENT) determined from the combination of its diurnal and semidiurnal components. TIDES are... more | 根据其全日潮、半日潮分量的组合而确定的潮汐潮流特性。潮汐被分为半日潮、混合潮和全日潮,但区分这几组潮汐并没有严格的界线。 |
typhon | 模式号角
| A diaphragm HORN which operates under the influence of compressed air or steam. Called SIREN in Canadian terminology. Also called tyfon. | 在压缩空气或水蒸气作用下启动的膜式雾角。在加拿大术语中称作汽笛。亦称tyfon(雾笛)。 |
typhoon | 台风
| Name given to TROPICAL CYCLONES of the China Sea and, more generally, of the north-west Pacific. | 在中国海,以及(更普遍的)西北太平洋,赋予热带气旋的名称。 |