Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
ocean | 洋,海洋,大洋
| The vast body of water on the surface of the GLOBE, which surrounds the LAND; the main or great SEA. One of the main areas into which this b... more | 地球表面包围着陆地的浩瀚水体;大海或大洋。
按地理划分的主要区域之一的水体。 |
ocean acoustic tomography | 海洋声层析
| A method to determine the ocean structure based on precise measurements of transit time of acoustic waves between a net of transmitters an... more | 根据声波在一组发射机和接收机间传播时间的精确测量值确定海洋结构的方法。 |
ocean current | 海流,洋流
| See CURRENT. | 参见current(流)。 |
ocean eddy | 海洋旋涡
| A moving or stationary local rotating formation where water predominantly moves along circular paths. | 运动或静止的局部旋转结构,该处的水主要沿环状路径流动。 |
ocean remote sensing | 海洋遥感
| A kind of remote sensing especially for conducting investigations and surveys of the ocean and the sea. | 特别用于海洋研究及测量的遥感技术。 |
oceanic circulation | 海洋环流
| A unique interrelated system of major ocean currents within a large area; usually a closed circular pattern such as in the North Atlantic, M... more | 在大水域内,主要洋流首尾相接的独特系统;通常为闭合环路,如:北大西洋环流,地中海环流等。 |
oceanic plateau | 海底高原
| A comparatively flat topped elevation of the sea-bed which rises steeply from the ocean floor on all sides, and is of considerable extent ac... more | 从海底隆起的高地,侧面陡峭,顶面相对平坦且范围很大。 |
oceanic province | 海洋区
| See PELAGIC DIVISION. | 参见pelagic division(水层区)。 |
oceanic ridge | 海脊,(大)洋脊
| A long elevation of the ocean floor with either irregular or smooth topography and steep sides, often separating ocean basins. | 海底长距离高地,地势起伏或平坦、侧面陡峭,常分隔海盆。 |
oceanographic cast | 海洋锤测,采水测温
| See CAST. | 参见cast(投放)。 |
oceanographic features | 海洋特征,海水特性参数
| Physical qualities characterising the state of environment in water bodies of the World's Oceans. These features include temperature and sa... more | 描述世界大洋水体环境状况的物理量,包括温度、盐度、电导率、密度、流体静态压力、透明度、潮汐及其它水位振动的水位差和特性、海流的速度和方向、波浪和冰的特性等。 |
oceanographic slide rule | 海洋学计算尺
| A specially designed SLIDE RULE used for calculating the CORRECTION of thermal expansion of a deep sea REVERSING THERMOMETER. | 用于计算深海颠倒温度计热膨胀改正的特制滑尺。 |
oceanographic section | 海洋观测区
| A successive series of oceanographic stations carried out in a specified direction. | 在特定方向上布设的一系列连续海洋观测站。 |
oceanographic station | 海洋观测站
| See STATION. | 任何集中系列海洋观测的地理点位。测站可以是移动平台(船只)或塔形固定平台。 |
oceanographic survey | 海洋调查
| See SURVEY. | 对海洋或其任意部分的物理、化学、生物、地质或地球物理条件的研究或检查。
为上述研究或检查收集数据、样品或信息的调查。 |
oceanography | 海洋学
| The study of the SEA, embracing and integrating all knowledge pertaining to the SEA's physical boundaries, the chemistry and physics of SEA ... more | 研究海洋的科学,涵盖并整合了所有与海洋物理边界、海水化学及海水物理、海洋生物及海底地质有关的知识。
严格地讲,oceanography是指海洋环境,而oceanology是研究海洋及相关学科的科学。 |
oceanology | 海洋学
| See OCEANOGRAPHY. | 参见oceanography(海洋学)。 |
ocean station | 海洋站
,海洋观测站 | As defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization, a specifically located area of ocean surface, roughly square and 200 NAUTICAL M... more | 根据国际民航组织定义,指海面上的一个近似正方形且边长为200海里的特定区域。当海洋定点观测船在该区域内工作时,称为“on station(定点观测)”。 |
ocean station vessel (OSV) | 海洋定点观测船
| Ship assigned to operate at the location of an OCEAN WEATHER STATION. Also called weather ship. | 缩写“OSV”。配属在海洋气象观测站区域内作业的船舶。亦称weather ship(气象观测船)。 |
ocean water | 大洋水
| Water having the physical-chemical characteristics of the OPEN SEA, where continental influences are at a minimum. | 具有远海水域物理化学特征的水,它受陆地影响最小。 |