Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
satellite geodesy | 卫星大地测量学 | See GEODESY. | 研究如何利用地球卫星观测值获取大地测量信息的学科。 |
satellite navigation | 卫星导航 | A positioning method using satellites. | 使用卫星的一种定位方法。 |
satellite sounding | 卫星测深 | SOUNDING effected by means of instruments placed on board an ARTIFICIAL SATELLITE. | 通过人造卫星携带的仪器所完成的探测。 |
satellite station | 卫星站 | See ECCENTRIC STATION. | 参见eccentric station(偏心站)。 |
saturation | 饱和,浸润,浸透饱和度 | The condition existing when the greatest possible amount of anything has been reached, as a magnetic substance which cannot be further magne... more | 当某物体已经达到其最大容纳量时所呈现的状态。如:磁性材料不能再进一步磁化;电子助航设备已被其所能用的所有船只使用。
在给定的维度与压力下,湿气在中性平衡情况下能与相同温度、压力下的有关凝相(液体或固体)共存,其分离面为平面。 |
Savonius rotor current meter | 萨沃纽斯转子海流计
| A low-threshold current speed sensor composed of two cylindrical VANES disposed to form an S-shaped rotor responsive to a wide SPECTRUM of h... more | 一种低阈值流速传感器,由两个筒状叶片组成,配置成能对各种水平流分量进行反应的S形转子。 |
scale | 刻度,尺(分)度;比例;(比例,刻度)尺 | A series of marks or GRADUATIONS at definite intervals. The ratio between the linear dimensions of a CHART, MAP, drawing, etc., and the actu... more | 按一定间距刻划的一系列标记或分划。
在摄影测量中,像片上一距离相对于地面距离的比率。因为倾斜和地表起伏产生位移,因此,像片比例尺在各个点是不同的,但一般把像片比例... more |
scale: bar | 直线比例尺 | A graduated line on a MAP, PLAN, PHOTOGRAPH, or MOSAIC, by means of which actual ground distances may be determined. Also called graphic sc... more | 1. 地图、平面图、像片和镶嵌图上的分划线尺,用于确定实地距离。亦称图解比例尺或线性比例尺。
2. 在ECDIS中,1海里的垂直直线比例尺被分为1/10,以表达出距离的即时感。 |
scale: border | 图廓比例尺
| A SCALE drawn along the BORDER OF CHART. | 沿着海图边界绘制的分划比例尺。 |
scale: equivalent | 当量比例尺
| The relationship which a small distance on a MAP, CHART or graphic bears to the corresponding distance on the EARTH, expressed as an equiv... more | 地图、海图或者略图上一小段距离与相对应的地面距离的关系,表示为某一当量。 |
scale: fractional | 分数比例尺
| See SCALE: NATURAL. | 参见natural scale(普通比例尺)。 |
scale: graphic | 图解比例尺
| See SCALE: BAR. | 参见bar scale(直线比例尺)。 |
scale: large | 大比例尺
| A SCALE involving a relatively small reduction in size. A large scale CHART is one covering a small area. The opposite is SMALL SCALE. See S... more | 在尺度上缩小较少的比例尺。大比例尺海图覆盖区域较小。与此相对的是small scale(小比例尺)。参见natural scale(自然比例尺)。 |
scale: latitude | 纬线分划,纬度尺 | The subdivided east and west borders of a MERCATOR CHART into DEGREES and MINUTES. A variant of the BAR SCALE, since a MINUTE of LATITUDE ... more | 墨卡托投影海图东西图廓的细分。
直线比例尺的变形,因为纬度的1′非常接近于1海里。 |
scale: linear | 线性比例尺,直线比例尺
| See SCALE: BAR. | 参见bar scale(直线比例尺)。 |
scale: logarithmic | 对数尺
| A SCALE graduated in the logarithms of uniformly-spaced consecutive numbers. | 按照等间隔的连续数字的对数进行标记的比例尺。 |
scale: log factor | NULL | In HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS, a proportional DIAGRAM constructed for the SCALE of the SURVEY sheet by means of which the LOG FACTOR can be quic... more | NULL |
scale: natural | 自然比例尺
| The ratio between the linear dimensions of a CHART, drawing, etc., and the actual linear dimensions represented, expressed as a proportion. ... more | 海图、略图等的线性尺寸与其所代表的实际线性尺寸的比。有时称为图示比例尺、分数比例尺或数字比例尺。 |
scale: numerical | 数字比例尺
| See SCALE: NATURAL. | 参见natural scale(自然比例尺)。 |