Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
chart amendment patch | 海图改正贴图
| See CHARTLET. | 参见chartlet(贴图,图块;小海图)。 |
chart comparison unit | (雷达)海图比较器
| A device which provides simultaneous, superimposed views of a CHART and radar scope. | 能将海图图形与雷达屏图像同时叠加在一起进行比较的设备。 |
chart compilation | 海图编绘;海图编制
| The production of a new or revised map or chart, or portions thereof, from existing maps, aerial photographs, surveys, new data and other so... more | 根据现有地图、航空影像、测量资料、新资料以及其他资料,生产新版或修订版地图或海图的过程,包括对相关信息的选取、组合和图形表达。 |
chart datum | 海图基准面 | See DATUM: CHART. | 水深或水位永久参考面,通常采用低潮面作为海图基准面。也称作基准、基准水准、基准面、海道测量基准、参考基准水准、参考面。参见tidal datum(潮汐基准面)。 |
charted depth | 海图水深
| See DEPTH. | 从海图基准到海底的垂直距离。 |
chart evaluation survey | 海图评估调查
| The Chart Evaluations Surveys (CES) program is designed to: 1. Resolve all deficiencies reported or discovered. (A deficiency is defined as... more | 海图评估调查计划目的:
1. 解决所有所报告的或发现的缺陷(缺陷的定义是,可通过外业检验获得更完整的资料或应该标绘在图上而没有标绘的资料)。
4.进行用户评价和公共关系努力,以提高产... more |
chartlet | 贴图,小(幅)海图
| A small auxiliary CHART giving new details on a particular area, to be added to the CHART after publication. Also calledblock correctionorch... more | 在海图出版发行之后,一种对特定区域进行最新资料贴补的海图贴片,该海图贴片带有最新的信息。也称作改正块或海图小改正块。在电子海图导航系统中,类似的小海图通过其线条分布显示其覆盖范围,其改正信息是机器可读的。 |
chart portfolio | 海图夹,海图组
| A systematic grouping of nautical charts covering a specific geographical area. | 某一个特定地理区域的系列航海图的系统分组。 |
chart production | 海图生产
| All processes in the design, compilation, draughting and reproduction of a chart. | 指海图的设计、编绘、绘图和复制的过程。 |
chart projection | 海图投影
| See PROJECTION. | 参见projection(投影)。 |
chart reading | 读图
| Interpretation of the symbols, lines, abbreviations, and terms appearing on charts. May be called map reading when applied to maps generally... more | 海图上表示的符号、线划、缩写和术语的判读。该术语应用于地图时,可称作map reading(读图)。 |
chart scale | 海图比例尺
| See SCALE. | 参见scale(比例尺)。 |
chart sounding datum | 海图深度基准面
| The tidal datum to which soundings and drying heights on a chart are referred. It is usually taken to correspond to a low water stage of the... more | 海图上水深和干出高度参照的基准面。通常采取相应的低潮水位,简称海图基准面,特别是参考基准明确不是水平基准时,更应该这样表述。 |
chart symbol | 海图符号
| A character, letter, or similar graphic representation used on a chart to indicate some object, characteristic, etc. May be called map symbo... more | 海图上用于表示物标或特性的字符、字母或类似图形。对于其它地图而言,该术语可表述为地图符号(map symbol)。 |
check angle | 检查角
| A third angle taken to a fourth point as a check to a THREE-POINT FIX. | 三角定位时,为了检验定位结果利用第四个点测得的第三个夹角。 |
check lines of sounding | 水深检查线
| SOUNDING LINES run after completing the main system of SOUNDING LINES for the purpose of checking them. See also CROSS LINES OF SOUNDING. | 在完成区域主测深线测量后,为了检查这些测深线而补充测量的测深线。参见cross lines of sounding(补充测深线)。 |
chlorinity | 氯度,含氯度
| The total amount in GRAMS of chlorine, bromine and iodine contained in one KILOGRAM of SEA WATER, assuming that the bromine and the iodine h... more | 1千克海水中所含溴、碘和以当量氯置换后所含氯的总克数。参见salinity(盐度)。 |
chlorophyll | 叶绿素
| The green pigment contained in the leaves of plants. See PHOTOSYNTHESIS. | 植物叶子中含有的绿色色素。参见photosynthesis(光合作用)。 |
chlorosity | 氯容,体积氯度
| The property of SEA WATER corresponding to the CHLORINITY expressed as GRAMS per LITRE at 20°. | 与氯度相当的海水参数,即海水20℃时1升海水中含有多少克氯。 |
choppy | 波浪起伏的
| (adj). Of the SEA, having short, abrupt, breaking WAVES dashing against each other. | 海面上短的、碎的、破裂且相互冲撞的波浪。 |