Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
eclipse | (日、月)食【蚀】
| The obscuration of a source of light by the intervention of an object. Whole or partial obscuration of a HEAVENLY BODY by the interposition ... more | 由于某一物体的遮挡而使光源变暗的现象。由于其它天体的遮挡或者一发光天体进入另一天体的隐蔽处而造成天体全部或者部分变暗的现象。 |
eclipse: annular | (日)环食
| An ECLIPSE in which a thin ring of the source of light appears around the obscuring body. Annular SOLAR ECLIPSES occur, but never annular LU... more | 在遮蔽体周围出现微弱光环的现象。存在日环食,但不存在月环食。 |
eclipse: lunar | 月食
| An ECLIPSE of the MOON. When the MOON enters the shadow of the EARTH, it appears eclipsed to an observer on the EARTH. | 月球的亏蚀现象。当月球运行到地球阴影处,从地球上观察到月球被遮蔽的现象。 |
eclipse: partial | 偏食
| An ECLIPSE in which only part of the source of light is obscured. | 只有部分光源被遮蔽的食。 |
eclipse: solar | 日食 | An ECLIPSE of the SUN. When the MOON passes between the SUN and the EARTH, the SUN appears eclipsed to an observer in the MOON's shadow. | 当月球运行到太阳和地球中间时,处于月阴处观察太阳被遮蔽,这种现象就叫做日食。 |
eclipse: total | 全食 | An ECLIPSE in which the entire source of light is obscured. | 光源全部被遮蔽的一种食。 |
ecliptic | 黄道
| The GREAT CIRCLE formed by the intersection of the plane of the EARTH's ORBIT around the SUN (or apparent ORBIT of the SUN around the EARTH)... more | 地球围绕太阳公转的轨道平面(或者太阳围绕地球的视轨道平面)与地球相交的大圆。 |
ecliptic latitude | 黄纬
| See LATITUDE: CELESTIAL. | 参见celestial latitude(黄纬)。 |
ecliptic system of coordinates | 黄道坐标系
ecology | 生态学
| The science of the economy of animals and plants dealing with the relations of living organism to their surroundings. | 研究生物与周围环境相互关系和作用机理的科学。 |
eddy | 漩涡,涡流
| A circular movement of water usually formed, where CURRENTS pass OBSTRUCTIONS, between two adjacent CURRENTS flowing counter to each other, ... more | 海水的旋转运动。通常发生在海流经过障碍物处、两股流向相反的逆流之间、恒流的边界处。 |
eddy viscosity | 涡流粘度
| The turbulent transfer of momentum by EDDIES giving rise to an internal fluid friction, in a manner analogous to the action of molecular vis... more | 涡流产生的动量涡动传递,使液体内部摩擦增加的程度,类似于层流分子粘度作用类似,但是它的规模要大得多。涡流的粘度系数是每平方厘米每秒104。 |
edge | 边界
| In TOPOGRAPHY, the CREST of a sharply pointed RIDGE. | 1、在地形测量中,尖锐海脊的顶部。2、在ECDIS,一种一维的空间对象,由两个或者更多坐标对和可选的插值参数确定其位置。如果可选插补参数,默认情况下边界是坐标对间的直线线段。在链式节点,平面图形和完全拓扑数据结构中,一条边界必须在两个端点处分别指向一个与其连接的节点,并且不能指向... more |
edge wave | 边界波
| See WAVE. | 一种沿海岸传播的海洋波,其波峰垂直于海岸线。边界波高度沿向海一侧迅速减小,于距离一个波长处其高度可以忽略不计。 |
eelgrass | 鳗草,大叶藻
| See SEAGRASS. | 参见seagrass(海草)。 |
Ekman bottle | 埃克曼式颠倒采水器
| A REVERSING WATER BOTTLE which can be closed watertight by means of plates seated in rubber. When at the desired DEPTH, the reversing mechan... more | 可以用装有橡皮的金属片密封起来的一种颠倒采水器。当采水器到达所需深度时,用指令锤松开颠倒装置。 |
Ekman current meter | 艾克曼海流计
| A widely used instrument for measuring the SPEED and direction of the CURRENT at any DEPTH. It is designed for use from a ship or boat at an... more | 广泛用于各种深度上测量海流速度和方向的一种仪器。主要供锚泊的船只在海流流速不大于3-3.5节时使用。 |
Ekman spiral | 埃克曼螺线
| Spiral, polar DIAGRAM of the extremities of the wind vectors at different HEIGHTS, representing the variation of the WIND with HEIGHT in the... more | 一种表示不同高度的风矢量端点的极坐标螺线图。它根据各种简化的假设条件表示风随摩擦层高度的变化情况。埃克曼螺线也适用于海洋表面以下各深度风生洋流的变化。 |
elbow | 急弯
| A sudden turn in a CHANNEL, RIVER, or SHORELINE. | 海峡、河流或者海岸线的突然转弯处。 |
electric log | 测井曲线图
| See LOG. | 钻井内沉积物或者岩石的各种电特性的图形记录。 |