Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
open water | 无障碍水域,开阔水面,无冰水面
| A relatively large area of free navigable water in an ice-encumbered SEA. In U.S. terminology, an area of SEA with less than one-tenth ICE C... more | 海面上无海冰阻碍的一片较大可自由通航水域。
在美国术语中,指海冰密集度小于1/10的海域。 |
operating system | 操作系统
| System which controls and monitors the execution of programs in the COMPUTER. | 控制及监测计算机程序执行的系统。 |
operative sheet | 外业原图
| See FIELD BOARD. | 参见field board(外业图板)。 |
opisometer | 曲线计
,计图计 | A recording device designed to measure by revolutions of a small wheel, continuous linear distances on a MAP. Used in measuring the length ... more | 通过小轮的旋转来量测海图上连续线性距离的记录仪。将小轮紧沿海岸线的所有弯入部分和弯曲来量测海岸线长度。 |
opposite coasts | 对岸
| The geographical relationship of the coasts of two States facing each other. | 面对面的两国海岸的地理关系。 |
opposition | 反相,冲
| The situation of two periodic quantities differing by half a CYCLE. In ASTRONOMY, the situation of two CELESTIAL BODIES having either CELEST... more | 两周期量相差半周时的态势。
在天文学中,指两天体的黄经或恒星对角相差1800的情况。该术语通常仅用于描述地外行星或月亮相对于太阳的位置。 |
optical axis | 光轴
| See AXIS OF LENS. | 参见axis of lens(透镜光轴)。 |
optical centre | 光心
| The point of intersection of lines which represent within the LENS those RAYS whose emergent directions are parallel to their respective in... more | 出射方向与其对应入射方向平行的光线在透境内的交点,该点位于光轴上。 |
optical flat | 光学平面
| A surface, usually of glass, ground and polished plane within a fraction of a WAVE LENGTH of light. An optical element or glass blank with a... more | 经打磨和抛光的平面,通常为玻璃的表面,其误差不超过光波长的十分之一。带有这种光学平面的光学元件或玻璃毛坯可用于测量其它表面的平面度。 |
optical parallax | 视差
| See PARALLAX: INSTRUMENTAL. | 参见instrumental parallax(仪器视差)。 |
optical path | 光径,光路
| The path followed by a RAY of light through an OPTICAL SYSTEM. | 光线在光学系统中的传播路径。 |
optical pumping magnetometer | 光泵磁力仪
| See MAGNETOMETER. | 使用亚稳态氦或(强)碱金属吸收光电元件的高灵敏度磁力仪,当频谱振荡器调至其谐振频率时,原子从红外光束吸收最大能量。此谐振频率与地球磁场强度成正比。 |
optical square | 光学直角器
| A small hand instrument used to set off a right angle. | 用于安置直角的小型手持仪器。 |
optical system | 光学系统
| A series of LENSES, APERTURES, prisms, MIRRORS, etc., so arranged as to perform a definite optical function. | 一系列透镜、光阑、棱镜及反射镜等组成的系统,这样匹配的目的是实现特定光学功能。 |
orange peel sampler | 橘瓣采泥器
| A bottom sediment sampling device capable of obtaining as much as 1/2 cubic foot of sample from the ocean floor. Named for its likeness to a... more | 最大海底采样量为0.5立方英尺的海底沉积物采样器。因其形似四等分的橘子皮而得名。 |
orbit | 轨道
| The path of a body or particle under the influence of a gravitational or other force. For instance, the orbit of a CELESTIAL BODY is its pa... more | 物体或质点在引力或其它力作用下的运动路径。如天体轨道为其绕转另一天体的轨迹。
在水波中,指水质点在波动影响下的运动路径。 |
ordinate | 纵坐标
| See COORDINATES: PLANE RECTANGULAR. | 参见plane rectangular coordinates(平面直角坐标)。 |
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) | 经济合作与发展组织
| Member States promote economic growth, employment, and improved standards of living for a sound and harmonious development of world economy... more | 该组织通过健全及协调世界经济发展,促进成员国经济发展,增加就业机会以及改善生活水平。 |
orientation | 定向
| The act of establishing the correct relationship in direction with reference to the POINTS of the COMPASS. The state of being in correct re... more | 1.参照罗经点确定正确方向关系的行为,或处于此方向关系的状态。当地图符号与相应地物平行时,地图即完成定向。当像片能够正确显示地面的相应视图或像片上的图像如同相应的地图符号那样与在观测点上看到的方向相一致时,像片即完成了定向,参见orientation of plane table... more |
orientation: absolute | 绝对方位
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the scaling, levelling, and ORIENTATION to GROUND CONTROL (in a photogrammetric instrument) of a relatively oriented ste... more | 在摄影测量学中,确定立体模型或模型组的比例、置平,并根据地面控制点(在摄影测量仪器内)进行定向的过程。 |