Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
navigability | 适航性
| Of a vessel: capability of being controlled and steered. Of a water area: capability of being navigated. | 船只的可操控性。
水域的可航行性。 |
navigable | 可航行的
| (adj.). Affording passage to a craft; capable of being navigated. | (形容词)。为航行器提供航道;具可供航行能力的。 |
navigable area surveys (NAS) | 可航行区域测量
| Navigable Area Surveys are basic hydrographic surveys with restricted area coverage. The coverage is reduced by omitting requirements for: ... more | (缩写“NAS”)。可航行区域测量是覆盖有限区域的基本海道测量。该测量不包括:1、对零英尺深度曲线区、多礁区、近岸区这些被认为是不可航行区域的开发测量;2、测量区域的完整野外调查。可航行区域测量也可只限于主要通航航道或廊道。 |
navigable semicircle | 可航半圆
| See DANGEROUS SEMICIRCLE. | 参见dangerous semicircle(危险半圆)。 |
navigable waters | 通航水域
| Waters usable, with or without improvements, as routes for commerce in the customary means of travel on water. | 通常用作商用水上交通航线,经改造或未经改造的水域。 |
navigation | 导航
| The process of directing the movement of a craft from one point to another. | 引导航行器从某点移动到另一点的过程。 |
navigation mark | 助航标志
| An artificial or natural object of easily recognisable shape or colour, or both, situated in such a POSITION that it may be identified on a ... more | 置于易在海图上辨识或与已知航行指令相关的位置,形状或颜色易于辨别的人工或自然物标。亦称为 visual aid to navigation(视觉航标),包括浮标和信标(固定的人工助航标志)。 |
navigation: acoustic | 声学导航
| See NAVIGATION: SONIC. | 参见sonic navigation(声波导航)。 |
navigation: aerial | 航空导航
| See NAVIGATION: AIR. | 参见air navigation(航空)。 |
navigation: air | 航空,航行 | The NAVIGATION of aircraft. Occasionally called aerial navigation or navigation. See NAVIGATION: SURFACE. | 飞机的飞行。参见surface navigation(表面航行)。 |
navigation: astro | NULL | See NAVIGATION: CELESTIAL. | NULL |
navigation: celestial | 天文导航,天文航海
| NAVIGATION with the aid of CELESTIAL BODIES. Also called astro-navigation. | 在天体辅助下开展的导航。亦称作astro-navigation(天文导航)。 |
navigation: coastwise | 沿岸航行
| NAVIGATION in the vicinity of a COAST, in contrast with OFFSHORE NAVIGATION. | 在海岸附近的航行。与离岸航行(offshore navigation)相对。 |
navigation: Doppler | 多普勒导航
| NAVIGATION using equipment employing Doppler shift measurement techniques with respect to transmitted and reflected SIGNALS to automatical... more | 应用多普勒频移测量技术和设备进行的导航。该技术是根据发射和反射的信号自动计算偏流角和地速。偏流角和地速用于推算航位,可人工计算,也可用计算机计算。在这两种情况下,均需输入船舶航向。 |
navigation: electronic | 电子导航 | NAVIGATION by means of electronic equipment. The expression 'electronic navigation' is more inclusive than radio navigation, since it includ... more | 使用电子设备导航。电子导航表达的内容比无线电导航更加广泛,因为它包含利用任何电子设备或者工具的导航。 |
navigation: grid | 格网导航
| NAVIGATION by the use of GRID DIRECTIONS. | 利用格网方向的导航。 |
navigation: hyperbolic | 双曲线导航
| NAVIGATION by the use of HYPERBOLIC LINES OF POSITION. | 利用双曲位置线导航。 |
navigation: inertial | 惯性导航
| DEAD RECKONING performed automatically by a device which gives a continuous indication of POSITION by double integration of ACCELERATION... more | 由某一设备自动完成的船位推测,该设备自离开起始点即通过计算加速度的二重积分给出连续的船位。 |
navigation: land | 地面导航
| NAVIGATION of vehicles across LAND or ICE. The expression is generally used in connection with the crossing of a region devoid of roads or L... more | 交通工具在陆地或冰上的导航。该词通常指在通过缺乏道路或陆标的区域通过,在这种情况下必须使用类似于航空或航海导航类似的方法。 |
navigation: long range | NULL | NAVIGATION requiring only aids usable at long RANGE, relatively few of which could provide world coverage. The opposite is SHORT RANGE NAVIG... more | NULL |