Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
retardation | 延迟量
| In ELECTRONIC NAVIGATION, the amount of delay in TIME or PHASE ANGLE introduced by the resistivity of the GROUND over which the SIGNAL is p... more | 在电子导航中,指时间与相角的延迟数量。这种延迟是由于信号所经过的地面的阻抗引起的。
潮汐术语指潮时滞后。 |
retentivity: magnetic | 顽磁性
,保磁性 | See MAGNETIC RETENTIVITY. | 去除磁化力后保持磁性的能力。亦称remanence(剩磁)。 |
reticle (or reticule) | 十字丝(线),标(度)线
| A system of wires, hairs, threads, etched lines, or the like, placed normal to the AXIS of a TELESCOPE at its principal FOCUS, by means of ... more | 设置在望远镜主焦面并垂直于其轴线的“十”字形网线,由金属丝、毛发、丝线或刻线等制成。利用十字丝,可使望远镜对准星体、觇标、目标,或者用其照准水准尺及测距尺上的刻度进行读数。亦见cross wires(十字丝)、 graticule(十字丝)和diaphragm(光圈)。
在摄影... more |
reticle ring | 十字丝环
| The ring across which the system of wires, hairs, threads, or the like of a RETICLE are stretched; or the ring which supports the glass DIAP... more | 支撑金属线、毛发、丝线或类似十字丝的环,或者当十字丝网刻在玻璃光阑上的时候,用于固定玻璃镜片。 |
retired line of position | 后移位置线
| A LINE OF POSITION which has been moved backward along the COURSE line to correspond with a TIME previous to that at which the line was esta... more | 位置线沿着航线不断向后移动,以便与先前预定的用于建立位置线的时间相一致。在英国术语中也称为transferred position line。 |
retrogression of a beach | 海滩后移 | See RECESSION OF A SHORELINE. | 参见recession of a shoreline(海岸线退化)。 |
reverberation | 混响,发射
| Continuation of RADIANT ENERGY, particularly SOUND by multiple REFLECTION. SOUND scattered towards the source, principally from the ocean s... more | 辐射能,特别是声波,因多重反射产生的持续辐射能。
声波向声源散射在下列情况下产生的不同的混响:由海洋表面向声源散射时为表面混响;由海底向声源散射时为海底混响;从气泡及悬浮的固体物质等小散射源散射为体积混响。 |
reverse azimuth | 反方位角 | See AZIMUTH: BACK. | 参见back azimuth(反方位角)。 |
reversing current | 往复流
| See CURRENT. | 潮流的一种。这种潮流大致互成相反方向交替流动,转流时憩流。这种流主要发生在水流运动基本被限制在相对狭窄水道内的区域。亦称rectilinear current(往复流) 或 rectilinear stream(直线流)。 |
reversing thermometer | 颠倒温度计
| See THERMOMETER. | 一种深海温度计,将其倒置可测定任何预定深度的温度,然后在其回到第一个位置以前仍保持该读数。颠倒温度计通常成对地在采水器上使用。 |
reversing water bottle | 颠倒采水器
| See WATER BOTTLE. | 一种特制采水器,用于深海海水采样。这种采水器用绳索放入海水,在所需深度时关闭且不漏水,通过信号发生器还可向下放线触发颠倒装置,使采水器翻倒。这样,采集的水样就不会被较浅处的海水“污染”,或当提至船舷时泄漏。颠倒采水器上附有颠倒温度计。参见ekman bottle(埃克曼式颠倒采水... more |
revetment | 铺面,堑壕;护坡;护墙 | Facing of stone or other material, either permanent or temporary, placed along the edge of a stream to stabilize the bank and to protect it ... more | 沿河流边缘设置的石头或其他材料的砌面,有永久性或临时性两种。用于稳固海岸,使之免受水流运动的侵蚀。 |
revolution | 旋转,公转,绕转
| Motion of a CELESTIAL BODY in its ORBIT; circular motion about an AXIS usually external to the body. The terms revolution and ROTATION are o... more | 指天体的轨道运动;或指围绕天体以外的轴线运动。“公转”和“自转”这两个术语经常可交替使用,但按参照天体来区别。公转是指轨道运动或绕天体本身之外的一个轴运行,而自转则是绕天体本身的轴运动。如地球每年绕太阳运行一周(公转),每天绕自身的轴旋转一周(自转)。 |
revolver | 回转固定
| See FIX: CIRCULAR. | 参见circular fix(无效定位)。 |
revolving light | NULL | See LIGHT: ROTATING. | NULL |
rho-teta system | ρ-θ导航,极坐标导航,距离-角度导航,全向导航系统
| Positioning system measuring the distance (rho) and direction (teta) from an existing control station to a mobile or another point. | 测量从当前控制站到某个移动站或其他站的距离和方向的定位系统。 |
rhumb | 恒向线,罗盘方位线
| See RHUMB LINE. | 参见rhumb line(恒向线)。 |
rhumb line | 恒向线,等角航线
| A line on the surface of the EARTH making the same oblique angle with all MERIDIANS; a LOXODROME spiralling toward the POLES in a constant t... more | 在地球表面上,与所有经线保持同一斜角的线;以不变的真方向螺旋升至极点的斜航线。平行圈和子午圈也保持恒定的真方向,可以认为它是特殊情况下的恒向线。恒向线在墨卡托投影上是直线。有时简称rhumb。 |
rhumb line sailing | 等角线航行法
| See SAILING. | 利用等角航线的任何航行方法。 |
ria | 溺河,沉降河;河口湾
| A long narrow INLET, with DEPTH gradually diminishing inward; a CREEK. Any broad RIVER opening into the OCEAN. | 指深度向内逐渐减小的狭长海湾、小海湾和流进海洋的宽阔河流。 |