Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
ridge | 海脊,海岭;气象高压脊
| The linked major mid-oceanic mountain systems of global extent. Also called mid-OCEANIC RIDGE. | a)狭长延伸的高地,侧面陡峭。b)分隔海洋盆地的狭长高地。c)全球范围内的连接在一起的主要海洋中脊,也成为mid-oceanic ridge。d)特定气压区,在该区域内,大气压力高于同高度的周围区域。在天气图上,以略呈U形的、互相接近于平行的一组等压线表示高压脊,其凹面朝向高压。... more |
rift | 断裂
| A cleft, fissure or chasm in the EARTH. See MEDIAN VALLEY. | 地面的裂缝、裂口或峡谷。参见median valley(中央裂谷)。 |
rift valley | 裂谷
| See MEDIAN VALLEY. | 参见median valley(中央裂谷)。 |
rig | 平台,钻塔
| A temporary, mobile structure, either fixed or floating, used in the exploration stages of oil and gas fields. | 一种临时的、可移动的装置,有固定和浮动的两种,用在油、气田的探测阶段。 |
right ascension | 赤经
| ANGULAR DISTANCE east of the vernal EQUINOX; the arc of the CELESTIAL EQUATOR, or the angle at the CELESTIAL POLE, between the HOUR CIRCLE o... more | 春分点以东的角距;天球赤道的弧或天极角,春分点时圈和天球上某点时圈之间的夹角,自春分点向东量取0-24小时。 |
right bank | 右岸
| Of a RIVER, the BANK on the right-hand side as one proceeds downstream. | 江河顺流而下时的右侧岸。 |
right reading image | 正读图像
| An IMAGE which may be read or observed normally whether in NEGATIVE or POSITIVE form. | 不论在正片或负片内可以正常读出或观测的图像。 |
rill mark | 沙沟,流痕
| A small groove, furrow or CHANNEL made in MUD or SAND on a BEACH by tiny STREAMS following an outflowing TIDE. | 海滨沙质或泥质滩上的小沟槽、冲痕和水道,由落潮后的小水流冲刷而成。 |
rip current | 回流,离岸流,激流
| See CURRENT. | 受风浪作用冲上海岸的海水的回流。 |
ripple | 波纹;波动
| The ruffling of the surface of water, hence a little curling WAVE or UNDULATION. A WAVE controlled to a significant degree by both surface t... more | 水体表面不平所形成的小波浪或波动。
在很大程度上受控于表面张力和重力的波浪。 |
ripple mark | 波痕
| Undulating surface features of various shapes produced in unconsolidated sediments by wave or current action. | 波或流的运动在松散沉积物中产生的各种形状的表面起伏。 |
rip-rap | 乱石堆 | See GROIN. | 参见groin(防波堤)。 |
rips | 破浪,涟波
| A turbulent agitation of water generally caused by the interaction of CURRENTS and WIND; in nearshore regions, rips may also be caused by CU... more | 由流水和风相互作用引起的汹涌湍急的水流;在近海区域也可能因海流急速流过不规则的海底而产生。 |
rise | 海隆;上升;潮升
| A broad ELEVATION that rises gently and generally smoothly from the SEAFLOOR. | 由海底平缓凸起的绵延、宽阔的高地。 |
rise | 上升 | A broad ELEVATION that rises gently and generally smoothly from the SEAFLOOR. | 天体越出可见的地平线而升高。反之为下落。 |
rise of tide | 潮升
| The HEIGHT of HIGH WATER above DATUM. Also called tidal rise. | 基准面上高潮的潮高。亦称tidal rise。 |
rising tide | 涨潮
| See TIDE. | 潮汐周期介于低潮与其后的高潮之间的那部分。亦称flood tide。反之为falling tide(落潮)。 |
river | 江河
| A relatively large natural STREAM of water. | 比较大的天然水流。 |
river discharge | 流量
| The rate of FLOW of water past a point in a STREAM, expressed as volume per unit time (usually cubic feet per second). | 水流通过某一点的泄水率,以每单位时间的水流体积表示(单位通常为立方英尺/秒)。 |
river harbour | 河港
| A harbour which lies on the banks of a river. | 位于江河岸边的港口。 |