Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
seagrass | 海草 | Any grasslike marine ALGA. Eelgrass is one of the best known seagrasses. | 泛指草状的海洋藻类。蔓草就是最著名的一种海草。 |
sea ice | 海冰
| Any form of ICE which has originated from SEA WATER. Generally, any ICE in the SEA. | 产生于海水的任何种类的冰冻,更一般的说,指海上的任何冰体。 |
sea level | 海平面 | The height of the sea surface uninfluenced by wind waves and swell, which is frequently measured relative to a reference horizon. Observatio... more | 不受风浪和涌浪影响的海面高度,常以基准水平面起算测量。一定周期的海平面观测数据通常经过估算,得出最低、最高和平均海面。 |
sea level datum | 海水基准面 | A determination of MEAN SEA LEVEL that has been adopted as a standard DATUM of HEIGHTS although it may differ from a later determination o... more | 已被采纳为标准高程基准的平均海面,尽管它与更长周期的最新观测值有差异。 |
seamanship | 船舶驾驶术,船艺 | A general term for the art by which vessels are handled. | 船舶驾驶技艺的统称。 |
seamark | 海上航行标志,航线标志 | An AID TO NAVIGATION located with the express purpose of being visible from a distance to SEAWARD. Often erected in shoal water rather than... more | 在海上可见范围内设置的助航设备,常配布在浅海而非陆地上。 |
sea mile | 海里 | The length of one MINUTE of arc, measured along the MERIDIAN in the LATITUDE of the POSITION; its length varies both with the LATITUDE and w... more | 在某纬度处沿子午线量测1分的弧长。它的长度随纬度和所采用的地球形状有所变化。
在航行中用于测量墨卡托投影海图上的距离。不要与海里(nm)或国际海里相混淆。 |
sea moat | NULL | See MOAT. | NULL |
seamount (or peak) | 海山,海峰 | An isolated or comparatively isolated ELEVATION rising 1 000 METRES or more from the SEAFLOOR and of limited extent across the SUMMIT. | 孤立或相对孤立的海底高地,高度一般高出海底1000米以上或更高,顶峰突兀。 |
seamount chain | 海山链 | Several SEAMOUNTS in a line with bases separated by a relatively flat SEAFLOOR. | 相对平坦海底相隔的、成一线排列的数个海山。 |
seamount group | 海山群 | Several closely spaced SEAMOUNTS not in a line. | 互相靠近但不成一线排列的散列海山。 |
seamount range | 海底山脉 | Several SEAMOUNTS having connected bases and aligned along a RIDGE or RISE. | 底部相连,沿海脊或海隆成一线排列的海山。 |
seaport | 海港 | A PORT on or near the SEA and readily accessible to seagoing vessels. | 靠海或邻近海洋的港口,船舶进出便利。 |
sea reach | 河口段,通海直水道 | The straight part of a RIVER between the last bend and the SEA. | 江河最末的弯曲至海洋之间的平直部分。 |
sea scarp | 海底陡崖(坡) | See ESCARPMENT. | 参见escarpment(海崖)。 |
seashore | 海滨,海岸 | The SHORE of a SEA or OCEAN. | 海或洋的岸边。 |
seasonal current | 季节性海流流,季凤流 | See CURRENT. | 由季风引起的一种速度或方向变化很大的海流。 |
sea state | 海况 | Numerical scale of the average surface WAVE HEIGHT as defined by the WMO code. Also called state of the sea. | WMO规则中规定的海洋表面平均波高的数值描述。亦称state of the sea。 |
sea valley | 海谷 | See VALLEY. | 参见valley(谷)。 |
sea wall | 海堤,防波堤 | An EMBANKMENT or wall for protection against WAVES or tidal action along a SHORE or WATER FRONT. | 位于岸边或海滨,防止波浪、潮水冲击的堤或墙。 |