Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
box compass | 方盒罗经
| See DECLINATOIRE. | 参见declinatoire(方框罗经)。 |
box gauge | 箱形水位计 | See GAUGE: FLOAT. | 参见float gauge(浮子验潮仪)。 |
box sextant | 袖珍六分仪
| A small portable instrument used for approximate measurement of angles. | 用于概略测角的一种袖珍仪器。 |
brackish water | 微咸水,半咸水
| Water in which salinity values range from approximately 0.50 to 17.00 parts per thousand. | 含盐量大约在千分之0.5至千分之17之间的水。 |
brash ice | 碎冰群
| Accumulation of FLOATING ICE made up of small fragments not more than 2 metres across; the wreckage of other forms of ICE. | 由直径小于2米的碎冰聚集成的浮冰群;其他形式的冰碎片。 |
breaker | 碎浪,破波,破碎浪,破碎波
| A WAVE breaking on the SHORE, over a REEF, etc. Breakers may be roughly classified into three kinds, although the categories may overlap: sp... more | 一种在沿岸、暗礁等处破碎的波浪。碎浪大体可分为三种(这三种分类可能相互交错):崩顶浪花传播很长的距离而破碎;卷涌碎浪趋向于卷曲并且有破裂声;激散碎波波峰在滩前向上耸起而不崩碎或卷曲。法语“brisant”也用来指障碍物引起的碎浪。 |
breaking of waves | 波浪破碎
| Disintegration of a WAVE which breaks with foam in SHALLOWS whose gradient is more or less regular. An incomplete breaking can likewise resu... more | 指波浪在坡度大体规则的浅滩碎裂,碎裂时一般带有泡沫。深度突然变浅可能导致不完全破碎。 |
breakwater | 防波堤
| A structure protecting a shore area, HARBOUR, ANCHORAGE, or BASIN from WAVES. See also FLOATING BREAKWATER. | 保护海岸、港口、锚地或港池免受波浪侵袭的结构物。见floating breakwater(浮式防波堤)。 |
breeze | 微风
,和风 | A WIND of moderate strength. See LAND and SEA (or LAKE) BREEZE. | 一种强度缓和的风。见land breeze(陆风)和sea breeze(海(湖泊)微风)。 |
bridge | 船桥
;桥梁 | 1. An elevated structure extending across or over the weather deck of a vessel, or part of such a structure. The term is sometimes modified ... more | 1. 跨越或高悬在舰船露天甲板上的一种高架建筑结构,或结构的一部分。本词有时特指船舶驾驶台或信号台。
2.建在低洼处或障碍物(如水体、铁路等)上的建筑物,便于车辆或行人通行。 |
bridge: bascule | 开启桥;开合桥
| A counterpoise bridge rotated in a vertical plane about an axis at one or both ends. Also called balance bridge. | 一种在垂直面内绕一端或两端的轴旋转的平衡桥。也称作平衡桥(balance bridge)。 |
bridge: draw | 吊桥,开合桥
| A general name for bridges of which part or the entire span of the bridge may be raised or drawn aside to allow ships to pass through. | 整个桥梁或者部分桥梁可以抬升或者牵引到一侧以方便船舶通过的桥。 |
bridge: lift | 升降吊桥
| A movable bridge which is capable of being lifted vertically to allow vessels to pass beneath. | 一种可移动的桥,它能够被垂直抬起,允许船舶在下方通过。 |
bridge: swing | 旋转桥 | A movable bridge which rotates in a horizontal plane about a vertical pivot to allow the passage of vessels. | 在水平面上围绕垂直轴心可旋转的移动桥梁,以允许船只通过。 |
bridge clearance | 桥梁净空
| See CLEARANCE. | 桥梁下可通过的最小垂直或水平空间。 |
bridging | 加密(控制点),连续像片衔接 | See STEREOTRIANGULATION. | 参见stereotriangulation(空中三角测量)。 |
broad on the beam | 左右舷角90°
| Bearing 090° relative (broad on the starboard beam) or 270° relative (broad on the port beam). If the bearings are approximate, the expressi... more | 相对方位90°(右舷)或相对方位270°(左舷)。如果这两个方位时概略的,则应用On the beam,abeam。亦可参见on the beam(正横)。 |
broad on the bow | 左右舷角45°
,前八字方向 | Bearing 045° relative (broad on the starboard bow) or 315° relative (broad on the port bow). If the bearings are approximate, the expression... more | 相对方位45°(右舷)或相对方位315°(左舷)。假如方位是概略的,则应用On the bow。亦可参见on the bow(在首方向,船首向方向)。 |
broad on the quarter | 左右舷角135°,后八字方向 | Bearing 135° relative (broad on the starboard quarter) or 225° relative (broad on the port quarter). If the bearings are approximate, the ex... more | 相对方位135°(右舷)或相对方位225°(左舷)。假如方位是概略的,则应用On the quarter。亦可参见On the quarter(在船尾部)。 |
broadcast | 广播
| Communication by RADIO intended for reception at any point within a specified area. | 在特定区域任何点可接收的无线电通信。
以无线电传输信号,使特定区域的任何地点均可接收。 |