Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
deviation: magnetic | 罗经自差,磁差 | The angle between the COMPASS NEEDLE and the MAGNETIC MERIDIAN, expressed in degrees east or west of MAGNETIC MERIDIAN. Also called deviatio... more | 罗盘针与磁子午线间的夹角,用磁子午线偏东或偏西度数表示。亦称deviation(自差)。 |
deviation: quadrantal | 象限自差
| DEVIATION which changes its sign (E or W) approximately each 90° change of HEADING. It is caused by INDUCED MAGNETISM in horizontal SOFT IRO... more | 船首方向每改变大约90°,其符号也随之改变(东或西)的自差称为象限自差。这是由水平放置的软铁的感应磁性所引起的。 |
deviation: residual | 剩余偏差 | DEVIATION of a MAGNETIC COMPASS after COMPENSATION. | 磁罗经经过校正后存在的自差。 |
deviation: semicircular | 半圆自差 | DEVIATION which changes sign (E or W) approximately each 180° change of HEADING. | 船艏向每改变大约180°,其符号也随之改变(东或西)的自差。 |
deviation: standard | 标准差,均方根差,中误差 | See ERROR: STANDARD. | 偏差平方的算术平均值的平方根。当偏差不代表错误时,亦称standard deviation或root mean square error。 |
deviation of the vertical | 垂直偏差
| See DEFLECTION OF THE VERTICAL. | 参见deflection of the vertical(垂直偏差)。 |
deviation table | 自差表
| A TABLE of the DEVIATION of a MAGNETIC COMPASS on various HEADINGS, magnetic or compass. | 磁罗经自差表,表格按照一定的间隔列出各个罗航向上磁罗经的自差值。 |
dew | 露水
| Deposit of water drops on objects at or near the GROUND, produced by the condensation of water vapour from the surrounding clear air. | 落在地面或者接近地面物体上水珠,由周围空气中的水蒸气凝结而生成。 |
dew-point | 露点
| The temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure and constant water vapour content to reach saturation. | 空气在大气压和水气含量不变的条件下冷却达到饱和时的温度。 |
diagenesis | 成岩作用
| The chemical and physical changes that SEDIMENTS undergo after their deposition, by LITHIFICATION. | 沉积物在沉积后转变为岩石过程中所发生的化学和物理变化。 |
diagram | 图表
| A graphic representation of certain DATA. | 表示特定数据的图形。 |
dial | 刻度盘 | The face of a WATCH or CLOCK. The clockwise face of an instrument for indicating, as by a moving pointer, the amount of something; face of a... more | 表或者时钟的表面。某种仪器的顺时针表面,通过指针移动来指示某些物体的数量;指南针、测量仪器或者测量仪表的表面。日晷。 |
diaphone | 雾号
| A device operated by compressed air for producing a distinctive FOG SIGNAL. | 通过压缩空气而产生特定雾信号的设备。 |
diaphragm | 光圈
| In a TELESCOPE, a thin glass disk on which etched lines forming a RETICLE are placed. See also RETICLE, and APERTURE STOP. | 在望远镜中,十字线所在位置的薄玻璃盘。亦可参见reticle(十字线)和aperture stop(孔径光阑)。 |
diapositive | 透明正片
| A positive PHOTOGRAPH on a transparent medium. One which has a right reading image when viewed through the base support. | 在透明介质上的照片正片,当透过片基支持观看时,可以看到正像。 |
difference: tidal | 潮(高,时)差,潮汐改正数 | See TIDAL DIFFERENCE. | 附属站与潮汐表给出预报的标准站之间的高潮或低潮的时差或高差。根据从标准站预报得到的差值,可给出附属站相应的潮时差或潮高差。 |
difference of latitude | 纬差
| The ANGULAR DISTANCE between the PARALLELS of two places measured on a MERIDIAN. | 同一子午线上过两个位置纬度圈之间的角距。 |
difference of longitude | 经差
| The angle at the POLE or intercepted arc of EQUATOR between the MERIDIANS of two places. | 两个位置所在子午圈间在极点的夹角或截取圆弧的角度。 |
differential GPS | 差分GPS
| Differential GPS is implemented by placing a GPS monitor receiver at a precisely known location. Instead of computing a navigation fix, the ... more | 差分GPS是通过在坐标已经精确测定的基准点上设置GPS监测接收机来实现的。GPS监测接收机确定其跟踪的每一颗GPS卫星的距离改正数,而不是去计算导航位置。这些距离改正数传输给本地用户,本地用户使用距离改正数计算最终的导航结果。 |