Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
distortion: lens | 透镜畸变
| See DISTORTION. | 参见distortion(失真)。 |
distortion: radial | 径向畸变,辐射畸变
| A lens aberration that is corrected on the PHOTOGRAPH by displacing the IMAGE along a radial line from the PRINCIPAL POINT. | 通过沿像主点辐射线方向移动图像的方式在像片上改正的透镜像差。 |
distortion of medium | 介质畸变
| Changes in the dimensions of SURVEYS or CHARTS due to expansion or contraction of the paper on which the SURVEY or CHART is drawn or printed... more | 由于绘制或者印刷测量图或者海图所使用的纸张扩张或者收缩引起测量图或者海图形状的变化。亦可参见differential shrinkage(不均匀收缩)。 |
distributary | 支流,分流
| A river branch which flows away from the main STREAM without returning to it, as in a DELTA. | 河流的分支,从主流分出并且未返回主流,如在三角洲地区。 |
diurnal aberration | 周日光行差
| See ABERRATION OF LIGHT. | 参见aberration of light(光行差)。 |
diurnal arc | 周日弧
| See ARC: ASTRONOMICAL. | 参见astronomical arc(天文弧)。 |
diurnal current | 全日潮
| See CURRENT. | 潮汐的一种类型,一个潮汐日内只有一次涨潮和一次落潮。 |
diurnal inequality | 日潮不等
| The difference between the HEIGHTS of the two HIGH TIDES (high water inequality) or the two LOW TIDES (low water inequality) during a TIDAL ... more | 在一个潮汐日内,两个相邻高潮或者两个相邻低潮高度不等或者两次涨潮或者落潮速度不等的现象。当分别涉及回归潮的高潮和低潮时,则称为回归高潮不等和回归低潮不等。平均日高潮不等是19年每一个潮汐日内两次高潮高度差值平均值的一半。平均日低潮不等是19年每一个潮汐日内两次低潮高度差值平均值的... more |
diurnal motion | 周日运动
| The apparent daily motion of a celestial body. | 天体的视日运动。 |
diurnal parallax | 周日视差
| See PARALLAX. | 从地心或者地面上一点观测到的星球视运动或者位置的差异。它随着星球的高度和与地球的距离变化而变化。亦称为geocentric parallax(地心视差)。 |
diurnal range | 日潮差
| See RANGE. | 平均高高潮和平均低低潮高度之差。也称为great diurnal range(最大平均日潮差)。 |
diurnal tide | 日潮,日周潮
| See TIDE. | 每一个潮汐日潮汐周期由一个高潮和一个低潮组成的潮汐。在英国术语中也称为single day tide(全日潮)。 |
diver | 潜水员
| A person skilled in the practice of diving. | 熟练潜水的人。 |
divergence | 辐散,散度
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, a horizontal FLOW of water, in different directions, from a common centre or zone; often associated with UPWELLING. | 在海洋学中,指海水从共同的中心或者区域向各个不同方向水平流动的现象;通常与上升流相关。 |
divider(s) | 分规,两脚规
| Measuring COMPASSES having both legs pointed, used principally for measuring distances and COORDINATES. | 一种测量圆规,有两条尖腿,主要用于测量距离和坐标。 |
dock | 船坞
| The space between two piers. Also called a SLIP. | 两个坞墩之间的空间部分。 |
dock: dry | 干船坞
| An artificial BASIN fitted with a gate or CAISSON, into which vessels can be floated and the water pumped out to expose the vessel's bottom.... more | 一种人工建筑物,具有一个门或者修船箱。船舶通过坞门进入干船坞后可以漂浮起来,然后将水排出船舶底部就会暴露出来。 |
dock: floating | 浮船坞
| A form of DRY DOCK consisting of a floating structure of one or more sections which can be partly submerged by controlled flooding to receiv... more | 干船坞的一种。它由一节或者多节漂浮结构组成。可以控制向浮船坞舱内灌水,使浮船坞部分下沉来接收船只,然后将浮船坞舱内水抽出使浮船坞上升,这样待修船舶底部就可露出。 |
dock: graving | 干船坞
| See DOCK: DRY. | 参见dry dock(干船坞)。 |
dock: wet | 湿船坞
| A DOCK in which water can be maintained at any level by closing a gate when the water is at the desired level. | 可以使坞内的水保持在任何水位的一种船坞。其方法是:在坞内水达到理想水位时,关闭闸门。 |