Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
enhanced group call (EGC) | 强化群呼
| The system for broadcasting messages via the mobile satellite communications system operated by Inmarsat. EGC is a part of the INMARSAT-C s... more | 通过由INMARSAT运营的移动卫星通信系统播发消息的系统。EGC是INMARSAT-C系统的一部分。 |
entrance | 入口
| The SEAWARD end of a CHANNEL, HARBOUR, DOCK, etc. | 海峡、港口、船坞等向海一侧的终端部分。 |
entrance pupil | 入射光瞳
| The IMAGE of the APERTURE STOP formed by all the LENS ELEMENTS on the object side of the APERTURE STOP. | 孔径光阑被它前面(物方)的光学系统所成的像。 |
entrance window | 入射窗
| The IMAGE of the FIELD STOP formed by all the LENS ELEMENTS on the object side of the FIELD STOP. | 视场光阑被它前面(物方)的光学系统所成的像。 |
envelope | 包络线,包络面
| In electronics, a graph defining the variations in AMPLITUDE of successive OSCILLATIONS in an amplitude-modulated wave. | 在电子学领域,定义调幅波振幅连续波动变化的图形。 |
envelope edge | 包络边界
| The fore part of an ENVELOPE. | 包络线的前面部分。 |
environment | 环境
| The sum total of all external conditions which may affect an organism, community, material, or energy if brought under the influence of thes... more | 所有的外部条件的总和,如果生物、群落或者能量置于这些外部条件中,会对它们产生影响。 |
Environmentally Sensitive Sea Area (ESSA) | 环境敏感海域
| A generic term which is used to describe a wide range of areas, considered sensitive for a variety of environmental reasons. | 用来描述对各种环境因素敏感的广阔海域的通用术语。 |
Eotvos balance | 厄特沃什扭秤
| See TORSION BALANCE. | 见torsion balance(扭秤)。 |
Eotvos correction | 厄特沃什改正
| A correction applied to gravity measurements to balance the effect of the vertical force experienced by a body moving in an east-west direct... more | 一种用于重力测量的改正,用于补偿物体在旋转的地球上沿东西方向运动所受的垂直力的影响。 |
Eotvos effect | 厄特沃什效应
| The east-west component of the movement of a ship, including the effect of marine currents, modifies the centrifugal force of the earth's ro... more | 船只运动的东西分量(包括海流影响)使地球自转的离心力发生变化。亦即物体在旋转的地球上按东西方向运动时将受到垂直力的影响,此种影响称之为厄特沃什效应。 |
epact (of the year) | 岁首月龄;闰余
| The AGE OF THE MOON at 00 HOUR on January 1. | 一月一日零时的月龄。 |
ephemeris | 星历表,天文历书
| A statement presenting POSITIONS and related DATA for a CELESTIAL BODY for given EPOCHS (dates) at uniform intervals of time. Also a publica... more | 在一定时期内按照一致的时间间隔记载天体位置和相关参数的表册。也指包含天体位置和参数的出版物。亦可参见air almanac (航空天文历)和nautical almanac(航海天文历)。 |
epicentre (or epicenter, epicentrum) | 震中
| The point of the EARTH's surface directly above the FOCUS of an EARTHQUAKE. | 位于震源正上方地球表面的点。 |
epipolar plane | 核面
| Any plane which contains the EPIPOLES; therefore any plane containing the AIR BASE. Also called basal plane. | 包含核点的任意平面;因此也就是包含摄影基线的任何平面。也称为basal plane(基线平面,基面)。 |
epipolar ray | 核线
| The line on the plane of a PHOTOGRAPH joining the EPIPOLE and the IMAGE of an object. Also expressed as the trace of an EPIPOLAR PLANE on a ... more | 在像平面上连接核点和地面任一物体像点的直线。也可表述为核面与像平面的交线。 |
epipoles | 核点
| In the perspective set-up of two PHOTOGRAPHS, (two perspective projections), the points on the planes of the PHOTOGRAPHS where they are cut ... more | 在两张照片建立的透视中(两个透视投影),摄影基线与像平面的交点。 |
epoch | 时期;时代;纪元
| A given period of time during which a series of related acts or events takes place. In ASTRONOMY, a particular instant for which certain DAT... more | 一定的时间段,在此时间段里发生了一系列的事件。
在天文学,指给定了某些数据的或者实施某一观测的特定时刻,该时刻用作参考点。 |
equal altitudes | 等高度
| Two ALTITUDES of the same CELESTIAL BODY observed east and then west of the MERIDIAN, when it has reached the same value. The expression als... more | 对于同一天体,当它处在观测子午线以东和以西时两次观测其高度均相等,这样所测得相等值的两高度称为等高度。等高度也用于通过观测太阳的等高度确定地方视正午的过程中,实际上此方法已废弃。 |
equal area projection | 等面积投影
| See PROJECTION. | 投影前后面积保持不变的投影。此投影不是等角投影,不用于船舶航行中。也称为equivalent projection(等积投影)。 |