Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
firth | 河口湾
| A Scottish word: an ARM OF THE SEA; an ESTUARY of a RIVER. | 苏格兰词汇:海湾;河口湾。 |
fish aggregating device (FAD) | 集鱼装置
| See FISH HAVEN. | (FAD)。参见fish haven(鱼堰)。 |
fishery conservation zone | 渔业资源保护区
| See FISHING ZONE. | 参见 fishing zone(渔业区)。 |
fish farm | 养鱼场
| An assemblage of cages, nets, rafts and floats or posts where fish, including shellfish, are artificially cultivated. | 人工养殖贝类动物、鱼的场所,装备有鱼笼、渔网、木筏等装置。 |
fish haven | 鱼堰
| Areas established by private interests, usually sport fishermen, to simulate natural reefs and wrecks that attract fish. The reefs are cons... more | 通常由渔民建立的用来模拟自然礁石或者沉船的区域,可吸引周围的鱼群。鱼堰是通过在水中倾倒五颜六色的废旧物品来构建,并可能沿等深线延伸很长一段距离。海图上会表示鱼堰范围和标注。也称为fishery reefs(渔礁)。 |
fishing area | 渔区
| See FISHING GROUND. | 参见fishing ground(渔场)。 |
fishing ground | 渔场
| A water area in which fishing is frequently carried on. Also called fishing area or fishing zone. | 经常进行捕鱼水域。也称为fishing area (渔区)或者fishing zone(渔业区)。 |
fishing reef | 渔礁
| See FISH HAVEN. | 参见fish haven(鱼堰)。 |
fishing zone | 渔业区
| The offshore zone in which exclusive fishing rights and management are held by the coastal nation. | 沿岸国拥有专属捕鱼权和管理权的近海水域。 |
fish lead | 鱼形水砣,鱼形测锤
| See LEAD. | 一种鱼形测深锤,它可最大限度的减小测绳的倾斜,并且在测深过程中不需要从水中将其提出水面。 |
fish (or fishing) stakes | 渔栅
| Poles or stakes placed in SHALLOW WATER to outline FISHING GROUNDS or to catch fish. | 浅水中用来标示渔场或者捕鱼的木桩。 |
fish trap (or weir) | 渔阱
| A structure for catching fish. See also TUNNY NET. | 用来捕鱼的装置。可参见tunny net(金枪鱼网)。 |
fish trap buoy | 捕鱼浮标
| A BUOY marking the limits of a fish trap area. | 标识捕鱼区域界限的浮标。 |
fish weir | NULL | See FISH TRAP. | NULL |
fix | 定点
| In NAVIGATION, a relatively accurate POSITION determined without reference to any former POSITION. It may be classed as visual, celestial, e... more | 在航海中,指未参考其他任何位置而确定的相对精确的位置点。它可以分类为可视定点、天空定点、电子定点等,这取决于建立它的方式。 |
fix | 定位 | (v.t.). In hydrographic SURVEYING, to determine, at regular intervals, the POSITION of ships or boats, while sailing along a LINE OF SOUNDIN... more | 指在海道测量作业中当测量船沿测深线移动时按照一定的间隔确定船舶的位置。在陆地视线范围内海道测量常用的定位方法是三点定位。 |
fix: circular | 无效定位
| A useless FIX resulting from the OBSERVATIONS of two angles establishing as LOCI three coinciding CIRCLES OF POSITION. Also called revolv... more | 当观测两角而得到的三个位置圆重合时,则为无效位置。也称之为revolver或swinger(回转定位)。 |
fix: running | 移动定位,航行定位 | A POSITION determined by crossing LINES OF POSITION obtained at different TIMES and advanced or retired to a common TIME, the expression bei... more | 把不同时刻观测的位置线平移到同一时刻相交,得出定位点。这种定位法需要有较长的时间将一些位置线提前或推后观测。 |
fix: split | 四标两角定位 | A FIX obtained by measuring two angles to four objects whose POSITIONS are known, i.e. with no common centre object. | 在没有适当的中间物标,不能观测三标两角的情况下,通过观测已知位置的四标两角来确定船位。 |
fix: three-point | 三点定位 | A FIX obtained by simultaneously observing, with SEXTANTS, the two adjacent angles between three suitably disposed objects whose POSITIONS ... more | 用六分仪观测三个适当物标之间的两角,再用三臂分度规在海图上画出船位。 |