Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
equation: condition | 条件方程式
| An equation which expresses exactly certain relationships that must exist among related quantities, which are not independent of one another... more | 表示相关量存在的某种关系的等式,这些量不是彼此独立的,先验存在,与观测值所要求的关系不同。 |
equation: correlate | 联系数方程 | An equation derived from an OBSERVATION or CONDITION EQUATION, using undetermined multipliers, and expressing the condition that the sum of ... more | 由观测方程或条件方程导出的一种方程。其导出方法是:使用不定因子,将不定因子引入观测方程或条件方程中,然后求出由这些方程所得剩余误差的平方和为最小时的条件表达式。 |
equation: error | 误差方程
| The probability equation which expresses the laws of the occurrence of ACCIDENTAL ERRORS. The error equation is the basis of the method of L... more | 表示偶然误差事件规律的概率方程。误差方程是最小二乘法的基础。最小二乘法在测量平差中使用,用来确定观测结果的最或然值。 |
equation: Laplace | 拉普拉斯方程
| An equation which expresses the relationships between ASTRONOMIC AZIMUTH, GEODETIC AZIMUTH, and the ASTRONOMIC LONGITUDE and GEODETIC LONGIT... more | 表示天文方位角,大地方位角和天文经度、大地经度之间关系的等式。 |
equation: normal | 法方程
| One of a set of simultaneous equations derived from OBSERVATION, CONDITION or CORRELATE EQUATIONS. In a least-squares adjustment, values ob... more | 由观测方程、条件方程或相关方程导出的一组联立方程中的某一方程。在最小二乘法平差中,用法方程解得的值(直接求解或通过相关方程求解)代入观测方程或条件方程中以求得所需的改正值。 |
equation: observation | 观测方程
| A CONDITION EQUATION which connects interrelated unknowns by means of an observed function. | 通过观测函数把相关未知数连接起来的一种条件方程。 |
equation: personal | 个人观测误差
| See PERSONAL EQUATION. | 感知某一现象与对其作出反应之间的时间间隔。个人观测误差有正有负,因为观测者既可能预知事件的发生,又可能在实际看到事件发生后做记录。此误差被视为恒定系统误差。此术语因其为一种人为误差而被保留。它对时间观测格外重要,用于确定精确时计改正。 |
equation method | 方程法
| In tidal terminology, an elaborate non-harmonic method for the prediction of TIDES. | 在潮汐领域指预报潮汐的一种非调和方法。 |
equation of time | 时差
| The CORRECTION to be applied to 12 hours plus UNIVERSAL TIME to obtain the Greenwich HOUR ANGLE of the SUN, or more generally the CORRECTION... more | 格林尼治太阳时与世界时加12小时所得时间之差,或者更普遍的本地的平均时与本地的太阳时角加12小时所得时间之差。 |
equator | 赤道
| The PRIMARY GREAT CIRCLE of a sphere or SPHEROID such as the EARTH, perpendicular to the polar AXIS. | 球体或者旋转椭球体上(例如地球)与极轴垂直的主大圆。 |
equator: astronomical | NULL | A line connecting points having 0° ASTRONOMICAL LATITUDE. | NULL |
equator: celestial | 天球赤道
| The GREAT CIRCLE on the CELESTIAL SPHERE whose plane is perpendicular to the AXIS of the EARTH. Also called equinoctial. | 垂直于地轴的平面在天球上截得的大圆。亦称equinoctial(天体赤道)。 |
equator: geodetic | 大地赤道
| The line on the SPHEROID connecting points of 0° GEODETIC LATITUDE. | 参考椭球体上大地纬度为零的各点的连线。 |
equator: heat | 热赤道
| See EQUATOR: THERMAL. | 参见thermal equator(热赤道)。 |
equator: magnetic | 磁赤道线 | That line on the surface of the EARTH connecting all points at which the magnetic DIP is zero. Also called aclinic line. | 地球表面磁倾角为零的各点的连线。亦称aclinic line(无倾线)。 |
equator: terrestrial | 地球赤道 | A GREAT CIRCLE of the EARTH in the plane of the CELESTIAL EQUATOR, and equidistant from the two POLES. | 天赤道平面在地球上截得的大圆,它离两极的距离相等。 |
equator: thermal | 热赤道 | Line which circumscribes the EARTH and connects all points of highest mean annual temperature on each MERIDIAN. Also called heat equator. | 地球各子午线上年平均气温最高的点的连线。亦称heat equator。 |
equatorial calms | 赤道无风带
| Zone of calm or light variable WINDS encountered, in certain regions, between the TRADE WINDS of the two hemispheres. | 位于南北两半球信风带之间的无风或者风向多变的微风区域。 |
equatorial horizontal parallax | 赤道地平视差
| See PARALLAX. | 在赤道观测到的地平视差最大值。 |
equatorial tide(s) | 赤道潮
| See TIDE. | 当月球位于赤道上方时出现的潮汐,大约每两个星期发生一次。发生赤道潮时,月球产生最小的日潮不等。 |