Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
orthometric correction | 正高改正
| The CORRECTION to ELEVATIONS which takes into account the spheroidal shape of the EARTH and brings the ELEVATIONS to their true HEIGHT above... more | 考虑到地球的椭球体形状后使高程达到相对于平均海平面的真高度的一种高程改正。 |
orthomorphic | 正形的,等角的
| (adj.). Preserving the correct shape; of a PROJECTION which gives no local DISTORTION. See PROJECTION: CONFORMAL. | (形容词)。对投影保持正确形状,无局部变形的形容。参见 conformal projection(等角投影)。 |
orthomorphic projection | 正形投影
| See PROJECTION: CONFORMAL. | 参见conformal projection(等角投影)。 |
orthophotograph | 正射像片
| A photographic copy, prepared from a perspective PHOTOGRAPH, in which the DISPLACEMENTS of IMAGES due to TILT and RELIEF have been removed. | 由中心投影像片制作的像片拷贝。已消除因倾斜、起伏引起的影像位移。 |
orthophotomap | 正射影像地图
| A PHOTOMAP made from an assembly of ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHS. It may incorporate special cartographic treatment, photographic edge enhancement, c... more | 由正射像片集制成的影像地图。由此,它可采用一些专门的制图处理技术,如像边缘增强技术,分色技术,以及以上各种技术的综合方法来制作。 |
orthophotomosaic | 正射像片镶嵌图
| An assembly of ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHS forming a uniform-scale mosaic. | 由一组正射像片编成的具有统一比例尺的像片镶嵌图。 |
orthophotoscope | 正射投影仪
| A photomechanical device, used in conjunction with a double-projection anaglyphic instrument, for producing ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHS. | 与双像立体测图仪联合使用以生产正射像片的光机仪器。 |
oscillation | 振荡,摆动
| The variation, usually with time, of the magnitude of a quantity with respect to a specified reference when the magnitude is alternately gre... more | 随时间推移,一个量交替地大于或小于参考值时,该量的大小相对于参考值的变化。
由某一方向波动或振动组成的半振荡周;振动(vibration)的一半。 |
oscillator | 振荡器
| A device for producing OSCILLATIONS, especially one of the non-rotating type, as the sound generator of a sonic DEPTH FINDER or a radio fre... more | 产生振荡的装置,特指非回转型振荡器,如声纳测深仪的声学发生器或无线电频率发生器。海底振荡器是一种产生可在水中传播的声波的大型电动膜片号角。 |
oscillatory wave | 振荡波
| See WAVE. | 每个质点围绕某个位置无永久性变化或变化很小的点振荡的波。该词常用于每个质点在闭合轨道中移动,仅波形向前推进的渐进振荡波,如深海中的海洋波浪。区别于平移波。 |
oscillograph | 示波器,录波器
| A device for recording or indicating OSCILLATIONS or changes in an electric current. | 记录或显示电流振荡或变化的仪器。 |
oscilloscope | 示波器
| A type of OSCILLOGRAPH that visually records an electrical WAVE on a fluorescent SCREEN, as of a CATHODE-RAY TUBE. | 一种在荧光屏上记录阴极射线管电波可视图像的示波器。 |
otter | (软式扫海,拖底扫海用)扫海器
| Plane surface towed forward of its middle length so that it will incline and dive. Used in fishing, minesweeping or SURVEYING. See KITE, KIT... more | 其绳索系在扫海平面前边缘中央以便倾斜、下潜。用于捕鱼、扫雷、找矿或测量。参见kite(定深报警器),kite otter(定深器)和oropesa sweep(扫海拖索)。 |
outcrop | 露出地面的岩层,露头
| Naturally protruding, or erosionally exposed or uncovered part of a ROCK, most of which is covered by overlying material. | 岩石自然凸出,或由于侵蚀而暴露或露出的部分,其中大多数表面有覆盖物质。 |
outer harbour | 外港
| See HARBOUR. | 船舶进入内港所必经的港口靠海部分。 |
outer limit | (领海)外界
| The extent to which a coastal State claims or may claim a specific jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of International Law. | 沿岸各国根据国际法规定声明或可以声明的特定管辖范围。 |
outfall diffuser | 河口扩散装置,排泄口
| A structure on an outfall through which liquids are discharged. The structure will usually project above the level of the outfall and can b... more | 河口上排放废液的结构,该结构通常伸出河口因而可能阻碍航行。 |
outflow | 流出;流出额;外流
| The FLOW of water from the RIVER or its ESTUARY to the SEA. Total volume for any given period of time. | 由河流或港湾流入大海的水流。
任意给定时段内流出的总体积。 |
outgoing stream | 落潮流,退潮流
| See EBB STREAM. | 参见ebb stream(落潮流)。 |
output | 输出功率
| The amount of power or energy produced by a machine. | 机器产生的功或能量的大小。 |