Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
overfalls | 逆流碎波,急流浪花
| Short, breaking WAVES occurring when a strong CURRENT passes over a SHOAL or other submarine OBSTRUCTION or meets a contrary CURRENT or WIN... more | 当强流穿过浅滩或其他海底障碍物,或遇逆流或逆风时,出现的短而破碎的波。参见rips(破浪)。 |
overlap | 重叠,重叠度
| In CARTOGRAPHY and SURVEYING, the amount by which one CHART or SURVEY SHEET extends also over an adjoining CHART or sheet. The amount by whi... more | 在制图学及测量学中,指海图或测量原图扩展至邻接海图或原图的程度。
由相同方法得到的不同组观测数据所覆盖的相同区域的程度,常用百分比表示。 |
overlapping pair | 重叠像对
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, two PHOTOGRAPHS taken at different exposure stations in such a manner that a portion of one PHOTOGRAPH shows the same te... more | 在摄影测量学中,指在不同摄站拍摄的两张像片,其中一张像片部分区域表示的地形和另一张像片部分区域表示的地形相同。此术语指一般情况,并不意味着拍摄像片的目的是进行立体观测。亦见stereoscopic pair(立体像对)。 |
overlay | 透写
| In mapping, a record on a transparent medium to be superimposed on another record. | 在制图中,指将透明介质上的地形图叠加至另一张图上。 |
overlay tracing | 透写图,接边图
| A plotting on TRACING CLOTH at the SCALE of the smooth sheet used in conjunction with the smooth sheet. See FAIR CHART. | 在透写布上以海图原图比例尺绘出海图原图的拼接部分。参见fair chart(测深成果图)。 |
overprint | 加印
| In CARTOGRAPHY, an additional PLATE, generally in a distinctive colour, printed down on a MAP or CHART which is already complete in itself... more | 在制图学中,指一种附加的印刷板,通常可在现成的地图或海图上加印另一种颜色。加印可用来表示专门信息(如在地形图上增印航行情报),或在不修改原有印刷板的情况下加入修订数据。 |
overtide | 倍潮
| A shallow water harmonic tide constituent with a SPEED that is a multiple of the SPEED of one of the basic constituents of the TIDE-PRODUCIN... more | 一种浅海调和分潮,其速度是引潮力某一基本分潮速度的倍数。参见harmonic constituent(调和分潮)和shallow water constituent(浅水分潮)。 |
ozalid print | 重氨晒图
| See PRINT: OZALID. | 由干式重氨法形成的接触晒印像片。此方法可从正影像生产出正像或从负影像生产出负影像。 |
pack ice | 大块浮冰,积冰,流冰群
| Term used in a wide sense to include any area of SEA ICE, other than FAST ICE, no matter what form it takes or how it is disposed. Pack ice ... more | 泛指除固定冰外,任何地点的不同形式和结构的海冰。亦称甚稀疏流冰群(流冰覆盖面积1/10~3/10),稀疏流冰群(流冰覆盖面积4/10~6/10),密集流冰群(流冰覆盖面积7/10~9/10),甚密集流冰群(流冰覆盖面积接近于10/10,几乎看不见水面)。 |
pair of compasses | 圆规
| See COMPASS. | 参见compass(圆规)。 |
paleomagnetism | 古地磁学,古磁(性)
| Remanent MAGNETISM produced by the EARTH's field when a material was initially formed. | 某物质最初形成时,地球磁场产生的剩磁。 |
Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) | NULL | Develops, coordinates, and disseminates geographical, cartographic, historical, geophysical and related scientific studies. | NULL |
pancake ice | 饼状冰,莲叶冰,荷叶冰
| Pieces of NEW ICE, usually approximately circular, about 30 cm to 3 m across, and with raised rims, due to the pieces striking against each ... more | 初生冰,通常近似圆形,直径约30厘米至3米,在风及涌浪作用下互相碰撞产生上升形边缘。 |
panchromatic | 全色的,泛色的
| (adj.). Sensitive to light of all colours, as a film or plate emulsion. | (形容词)。胶片或底片乳剂对所有颜色进行感光的。 |
panel | 图板,镶嵌图板
| In cartography, the completed assembly of pieces of film positives onto a grid or projection which is used as a base for compilation. In pho... more | 在制图学中,指完整的加网或投影胶片阳片集,是地图编绘的基础。
在摄影测量学中,指航空摄影时进行控制点识别的觇板。 |
pantograph | 缩放仪,比例绘图仪
| An instrument for copying a CHART, drawing, etc., to any desired SCALE within the limits of the instrument. | 在仪器限度内,按照所需比例进行海图复制、绘制等工作的仪器。 |
paper | 纸
| For printing hydrographic charts, heavyweight, single layer paper is used. Such paper is generally made wholly or partly from rags and simul... more | 指印刷航海图时使用的厚重单层纸。这类纸通常全部或部分由碎布制造并且仿制成手工纸的样子,具有强韧、防潮及耐磨的特点。 |
parabola | 抛物线
| An open curve all points of which are equidistant from a fixed point, called the focus, and a straight line. | 其上所有点至一条直线和一个被称为焦点的定点的距离相等的开曲线。 |
parachute drogue | 伞降浮标
| See DROGUE. | 参见drogue(测流浮标)。 |
parallactic angle | 星位角,视差角
| That angle of the ASTRONOMICAL TRIANGLE at the CELESTIAL BODY; the angle between a body's HOUR CIRCLE and its VERTICAL CIRCLE. Also called p... more | 天文三角形中以天体为顶点的角,即天体时圈与其地平经圈的夹角。亦称position angle(方位角)。
在摄影测量学中,指由观测者在观测目标时双眼视线所对的角。亦称angle of convergence(收敛角)或angular parallax(角视差)。 |