Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
candela | 坎德拉
| The unit of LUMINOUS INTENSITY in the SI SYSTEM. | 国际单位制中发光强度的单位。 |
candlepower | 标准烛光
| LUMINOUS INTENSITY expressed in CANDELAS. Also written as two words. | 采用坎德拉表示的发光强度。有时候这两个单词也分开写。 |
cantilever extension | 支架网扩展测量
| PHOTOTRIANGULATION from a controlled area to an area of no CONTROL. Also, the connection by RELATIVE ORIENTATION and scaling of a series of... more | 指从有控制区域向无控制区域扩展的像片三角测量,即利用相对定向连接和像片量测获取航带的坐标。 |
canyon | 峡谷
| A relatively narrow, deep depression with steep sides, the bottom of which generally has a continuous slope. | 两侧坡度陡峭,相对较窄而深的凹地,底部通常有连续的斜坡。 |
canyon: submarine | 海底峡谷 | A relatively narrow, deep DEPRESSION with steep SLOPES, the BOTTOM of which grades continuously downward. | 又窄又深的海底凹地,其两侧的海底斜坡连续下降且很陡。 |
cap | 帽顶 | A feature with a rounded cap-like top. | 顶部为圆帽形的地形。 |
capacitor | 电容
| See CONDENSER. | 参见condenser(电容器)。 |
cape | 海角
| A piece of LAND projecting into a body of water. | 突出伸向水体的陆地。 |
capillary wave | 表面张力波,界面波
| See WAVE. | 传播速度主要受传播波的液体的表面张力控制的波。波长小于1英寸的水波可称为表面张力波。 |
card | 方位牌,标度板,刻度盘
| See COMPASS CARD. | 参见compass card(罗经刻度盘,罗经面)。 |
cardanic suspension | 万向悬架
| See GIMBALS. | 参见gimbals(常平架)。 |
cardinal buoy | 方位浮标
| See CARDINAL MARK | 参见Cardinal Mark(方位标志)。 |
cardinal mark | 方位标志
| In the IALA Maritime Buoyage System a NAVIGATION MARK used in conjunction with the COMPASS to indicate where the mariner may find the best N... more | IALA海上浮标系统中一种设置在标记点四个象限(东、南、西、北)的导航标志,其与指南针相结合使用,可标示出可航行水域。 |
cardinal points | 基点
| The four points of the HORIZON at the intersections of the HORIZON with the MERIDIAN and the PRIME VERTICAL; the north, south, east and west... more | 真地平与子午圈和卯酉圈的四交点;北点、南点、东点和西点。 |
cardinal system | 方位浮标系统
| A buoyage system generally used to indicate dangers where the COAST is flanked by numerous ISLANDS, ROCKS and SHOALS as well as to indicate ... more | 一般在沿岸多岛礁和浅滩的地方以及在开阔海域用来指示危险物的一种浮标系统。在这种系统中表示自危险物至标志的方位均以其最接近的基点为基准。
浮标系统的助航标志,根据最接近障碍物的相对位置规定有一定的形状、颜色和编号。根据基点可描绘出浮标位置的扇面。 |
careen | (船)倾斜,侧倾
| Causing a vessel to lie over on one side. | 使船向一侧倾斜。 |
careening grid | 格子板,船架 | A structure in the INTERTIDAL ZONE serving as a support for vessels at low stages of the TIDE to permit work on the exposed portion of the v... more | 一种在潮间带使用的木质结构,在低潮时用来支撑船舶以便于在船体暴露部分作业。亦称为gridiron(修船架)。 |
carrier | 载波
| See WAVE: CARRIER. | 参见carrier wave(载波)。 |
carrier wave | 载波
| See WAVE. | 一般通过调制用于传输信息的无线电波。 |
cartogram | 统计图
,简图 | A MAP showing geographical statistics by means of lines, dots, shaded areas, etc. | 通过线、点、阴影区等表示地理统计资料的地图。 |