Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
cartographer | 绘图员,制图者
| Person employed in drawing and constructing CHARTS or MAPS. | 从事海图或地图绘制作业的人。 |
cartography | 制图学
| The art and science of expressing graphically, by MAPS and CHARTS, the known physical features of the EARTH, or of another CELESTIAL BODY. O... more | 用地图和海图表示地球或其他天体上已知自然特征的技术和科学。通常包含人的工作和各种活动。 |
cartouche | 镶嵌图,附图
| A panel on a MAP, often with decoration, enclosing the TITLE or other LEGENDS, the SCALE, etc. | 地图上的嵌图,通常加以一定的整饰,嵌图内载有图名或其它图例和比例尺等。 |
Cassini projection | 卡西尼投影
| See PROJECTION. | 一种常用投影,即沿着选定地理经线并沿垂直于该经线的大圆计算弧长,并将其作为直角坐标绘制到平面直角坐标系中。 |
cast | 投放,抛
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, a single lowering of a series of WATER BOTTLES or other oceanographic instruments at an OCEANOGRAPHIC STATION. Also referre... more | 在海洋学中,指在海洋观测站上将水瓶或其它海洋设备沉入水中。亦可参见oceanographic cast(海洋锤测,采水测温)。 |
catenary | 悬链线;垂曲线
| The curve formed by a uniform CABLE, CHAIN, or TAPE supported only at its ends. | 仅在其两端支撑的均匀缆线、链条或带尺所形成的曲线。 |
catenary correction (tape) | 垂曲改正
,悬链线改正 | See TAPE: SAG CORRECTION. | 参见sag correction tape(卷尺垂曲改正)。 |
cathode-ray tube | 阴极射线管
| A vaccum tube in which electrons emitted by a hot cathode are formed into a narrow BEAM, accelerated at high VELOCITY and directed towards a... more | 用热阴极发射电子的真空管,这些电子形成一个狭窄光束,经过高速加速后发射到特制屏幕上,当电子撞击该屏幕后会产生荧光点。 |
catoptric light | 反射灯 | See LIGHT. | 利用一个或多个反射器将光汇聚成一狭窄光束(与屈光灯相反)。 |
causeway | 堤道,海堤
| A raised way across low or wet GROUND or water. | 一种越过低洼地或水域而加高的道路。 |
caution area | 警戒区
| An area to which a CAUTIONARY NOTE applies where the mariner needs to be aware of special circumstances influencing the safety of NAVIGATION... more | 航海者应对航行安全有影响的某些情况保持关注的警戒区域。 |
cautionary (or caution) note | 注意事项
| Information calling special attention to some fact, usually a DANGER AREA shown on a CHART, or other publication. | 对某些情况提请特别注意的说明。通常海图及其他出版物上所表示的危险区都要加注这种说明。 |
cavitation | 空泡
| The turbulent formation, generally mechanically induced, including growth and collapse of bubbles in a fluid, and occurring when the static ... more | 当流体上任何点的静压力小于液体蒸汽压时所发生的一种湍流现象,包括气泡的生成和消失。这种现象由机械作用产生。 |
cay (also kay, key) | 沙洲,珊瑚礁
| A low, flat ISLAND of SAND, CORAL, etc. awash or drying at LOW WATER; a term originally applied to the coral islets around the COAST and ISL... more | 低潮时适淹或干出的由沙、珊瑚等形成的低而平的岛屿。该术语最初仅用于表示沿海岸附近的小珊瑚岛和加勒比海群岛的珊瑚岛。 |
ceiling | 云层高度
| See HEIGHT OF CLOUD BASE. | 参见height of cloud base(云层高度)。 |
celestial body | 天体
| Any body pertaining to the heavens, constituting a unit for astronomical study, such as the SUN, the MOON, the PLANETS, FIXED STARS, COMETS,... more | 天空可供天文研究的任一单元。如太阳、月亮、行星、恒星、彗星等。 |
celestial concave | 天穹
| See CELESTIAL SPHERE. | 参见celestial sphere(天球)。 |
celestial coordinates | 天球坐标
| See COORDINATES. | 用于定义天球上点位置的任意一种坐标。天球坐标的地平、赤道、黄道坐标分别以真地平、天球赤道和黄道为基本圈。 |
celestial equator | 天球赤道
| See EQUATOR. | 垂直于地轴的平面在天球上截得的大圆。亦称equinoctial(天体赤道)。 |
celestial equator system of coordinates | 天赤道坐标系
| A set of CELESTIAL COORDINATES based on the CELESTIAL EQUATOR as the PRIMARY GREAT CIRCLE. Usually DECLINATION, RIGHT ASCENSION and HOUR ANG... more | 以天球赤道为基本圈的天球坐标系,其坐标通常用赤纬、赤经和时角或恒星时角表示。亦称作equinoctial system of coordinates(赤道坐标系)。 |