Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
jetsam | 抛弃货物,沉货
| See JETTISON. | 参见jettison(抛弃货物)。 |
jettison | 抛弃货物,掷荷,弃货
| The throwing overboard of objects, especially to lighten a craft in distress. Jettisoned objects that float are termed flotsam; those that s... more | 将货物抛出船外,主要是减轻遇难船只的载荷。抛弃的货物如果漂浮在水面上称之为浮货;下沉的则称之为沉货;系有浮标以备以后回收的重货称为系浮标投海货物。参见derelict(遗弃物,遗弃船)。 |
jetty | 码头,防波堤
| In U.S. terminology, a structure, such as a WHARF or PIER, so located as to influence CURRENT or protect the ENTRANCE to a HARBOUR or RIVER.... more | 在美国专用术语中,用来影响洋流,或保护港口或河流的入口一种建筑物,例如突堤或防波堤。在英国术语中,指码头,通常是坚固的结构,用于船只停泊。参见dock(船坞),landing(登陆处),wharf(码头)。 |
joule | 焦耳
| The unit of work or energy in the SI SYSTEM. | 在国际单位制中功或者能量的单位。 |
joystick | 操纵杆,控制手柄
| In computer systems, a pointing device operated by pressing a stick in a desired direction. | 在计算机系统中,根据所需方向按动操作杆进行工作的一种定点设备。 |
Julian day | 儒略日
| The number of each day, as reckoned consecutively since the beginning of the present Julian period on January 1, 4713 BC. The Julian day be... more | 每天的编号,从儒略周期的起点公元前4713年1月1日开始连续推算,儒略日起始于中午,比相应的民用日晚12小时。 |
junction | 河流交叉点;水准联结点;图板拼接,重叠
| Place of meeting or joining, as that of a TRIBUTARY with a main RIVER, or of two CHANNELS in a WATERWAY. In LEVELLING, the place where two o... more | 主流与支流相交或汇合处,或处于同一水路的两航道的汇合处。在水准测量中,两条以上水准线彼此相连处。在海道测量中,两相邻测量原图连接处。参见overlap(重叠)。 |
junction buoy | 航道汇合浮标
| A BUOY marking the inner end of a MIDDLE GROUND. Usually called a MIDDLE GROUND BUOY in British terminology, without regard to direction of... more | 标志浅水带内端的浮标。在英国术语中通常称为浅水带浮标,不表示航行方向。 |
Kalman filter | 卡尔曼滤波
| In electronics, a mathematical-statistical method for predicting a time-variable signal in the presence of disturbances. The method exploi... more | 在电子学中,指在出现干扰时用于预测时变信号的数理统计方法。该方法认为,过程的某些特征参数是随时间缓慢变化的,从而可以采用基于时间的函数获得信号的最佳估计。 |
katabatic wind | 下吹风,下降风,重力风
| An offshore wind produced by cold air draining from high ground by convection. The cold air replaces the lighter warm air which is rising ov... more | 由高处冷空气对流所产生的离岸风。冷空气取代上升至海面上方的较轻的暖空气。 |
kay | 小礁,沙洲,珊瑚礁
| See CAY. | 参见cay(沙洲,珊瑚礁)。 |
kedging | 抛小锚移船
| Moving a vessel by laying out an anchor and then hauling the vessel up to the anchor. | 抛锚移动船只从而拖行船舶到达锚位。 |
keg buoy | 捕鱼用木桶浮标
| A BUOY consisting of a keg to which is attached a small pole with a flag, used by fishermen to mark the position of a trawl line. See DAN BU... more | 在木桶上插一个带旗的杆制成的浮标,渔民用于标志拖网线的位置。参见dan buoy(临时浮标)。 |
kelp | 巨藻,海带,海草
| One of an order of usually large blade-shaped or vinelike brown ALGAE. | 通常指大叶状或藤状褐色海藻中的一种(昆布目)。 |
Kelvin temperature scale | 开尔文温标
| Thermodynamic scale of temperature (T°K) defined by assigning to the triple point of pure water, considered as a fundamental fixed point, th... more | 即热力学温标(T°K),由纯水三相点作为一个基本固定点来定义,其温度为273.16°K,也称绝对温标。 |
Kelvin wave | 开尔文波
| A long ocean wave whose amplitude decreases from right to left along the wave crest when viewed in the direction of travel in the northern ... more | 一种海洋长波,其振幅在北半球根据传播方向由右至左沿波峰递减,在南半球则由左至右递减。重力分量沿坡度衰减(?)正好与地球自转偏向力(科里奥利力)平衡。 |
key | 关键词,珊瑚礁
| See CAY. | 1、在ECDIS中,建立连接关系的标识符,如在不同的层或不同的特征与属性之间的连接。
2、参见cay(沙洲,珊瑚礁)。 |
kilogram(me) | NULL | The unit of mass in the SI system. | NULL |
kite | 浮锚,定深报警器
| A mechanical contrivance towed beneath the surface to warn of arrival in water of a certain DEPTH. See SUBMARINE SENTRY. A contrivance for ... more | 一种在海面下拖带的机械装置,在达到水下一定深度报警。参见submarine sentry(水下探礁器)。
固定在拖索内端,对要求深度扫海用的装置。 |
kite otter | 浮锚扫海器,定深器,多翼装置
| A multi-plane device which can be used either as a KITE or as an OTTER depending on the way it is slung. See OROPESA SWEEP. | 一种多面设备,根据吊挂的方式不同可作为定深报警器或扫海器。参见oropesa sweep(扫海拖索)。 |