Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
position doubtful | 不确定的位置
| Of uncertain POSITION. The expression is used principally on CHARTS to indicate that a WRECK, SHOAL, etc., has been reported in various PO... more | 不能确定的位置。该术语主要用于在海图上表示那些曾测得在多个位置、但没有一个是确定位置的沉船、浅滩等的位置。通常缩写为“PD”。 |
positioning | 定位
| The process of determination of a position. | 确定某一位置的过程。 |
position line | 位置线
| See LINE OF POSITION. | 参见line of position(位置线)。 |
positive | 正片
| In PHOTOGRAPHY, an IMAGE of the original object which corresponds to the same in the scheme of light and shade. | 摄影测量学中,表示在图中与原目标明暗相同的影像。 |
positive altitude | 正高度角
| See ANGLE OF ELEVATION. | 参见angle of elevation(仰角)。 |
positive gradient | 正梯度
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, a positive rate of change with DEPTH. | 海洋学中,指随深度而变的正变化率。 |
post | 标桩
| A small BEACON, more substantial than a PERCH, used for marking CHANNELS. See also PILE. | 一种小型立标,比浮筒顶标坚固,用于指示航道。亦参见pile(桩,柱)。 |
potable water intake (PWI) | 饮用水进水口
| A structure designed for the intake of drinking water. The intake is usually elevated above the bottom, supported and protected by a debris‑... more | (PWI)。一种用来引进饮用水的装置。该进水口通常高于底部,由砂砾过滤装置(水槽)提供支撑和保护,是海图上的一种独立要素。 |
potential density | 势密度
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, the DENSITY that a parcel of water would have if raised adiabatically to the surface, that is, if determined from the parce... more | 在海洋学中,指一个水块以绝热方式上升到水面时所具有的密度,也就是说由该水块在原位置上的盐度和位温确定。 |
potential temperature | 位温,位势温度
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, the temperature that a WATER SAMPLE would attain if raised adiabatically to the sea surface. For the deepest points of t... more | 在海洋学中,指将水样以绝热方式上升到海面时该水样的温度。在超过10000米的海洋最深点,该绝热冷却温度将小于1.5℃。 |
pound | 磅
| A unit of mass, equal to 0.45359237 KILOGRAMS. | 重量单位,相当于0.45359237千克。 |
power | 放大率
| See MAGNIFYING POWER. | 参见magnifying power(放大率)。 |
precautionary area | 警戒区
| A routeing measure comprising an area within defined limits where ships must navigate with particular caution and within which the direction... more | 定线制中的一种限制区域,在该区域航行的船只必须特别小心,且该区域内交通流向亦有规定。 |
precession | 旋进,进动 | Change in the direction of the AXIS of ROTATION of a spinning body, as a GYROSCOPE, when acted upon by a torque. The direction of motion of ... more | 某一旋转体,如陀螺仪,在扭矩的作用下,其旋转轴方向的变化。该旋转轴运动方向使陀螺仪的旋转方向与所施加扭矩的方向趋于吻合。 |
precession of the equinoxes | 岁差
| The conical motion of the EARTH's AXIS about the vertical to the plane of the ECLIPTIC, caused by the attractive force of the SUN, MOON, and... more | 由于太阳、月亮及其他行星对地球赤道隆起部位的引力所导致的地轴绕黄道面垂线所作的圆锥运动。 |
precipitation | 降水
| PHENOMENON made up of an aggregate of aqueous particles, liquid or solid, crystallized or amorphous, which fall from a CLOUD or group of CLO... more | 指从云或云团落到地面的呈固态或液态、晶体或非晶体的水粒子聚集体的现象。 |
precipitation intensity | 降水强度
| Amount of PRECIPITATION collected in unit time interval. See RAINFALL AMOUNT. | 单位时间内的降水量。参见rainfall amount(降水量)。 |
precision | 精密度
| The degree of refinement of a value not to be confused with ACCURACY, which is the degree of conformance with the correct value. | 指某一值的精密程度,不可与精度混淆,精度是指与准确值的一致程度。 |
precision ephemeris | 精密星历
| The ephemeris which describe the orbit of a navigational satellite precisely. They are of higher precision than the broadcast ephemeris but ... more | 精密地描述导航卫星轨道的星历。精密星历比广播星历精密度高,但不能实时获得。 |
predicted tide(s) | 预报潮汐
| See TIDE. | 在潮汐出现前(如在潮汐表中)所给出的预期潮时和潮高。 |