Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
lurch | (船的)突然倾斜
| A sudden ROLL to one side. See LIST. | 船舶突然摆向一侧。参见list(横倾)。 |
lux | 勒克斯(米烛光) | Unit of ILLUMINATION in the SI SYSTEM. | 照度的国际单位。 |
L-Z graph | L-Z图
| A graph used to determine 'in situ' DEPTHS of oceanographic OBSERVATIONS by the wire depths minus THERMOMETRIC DEPTH method. | 用测深索测量获得的深度减去开端颠倒温度表所测深度的方法确定海洋观测现场深度的一种图。 |
madrepore | 石珊瑚
| A branching or stag-horn CORAL, also any perforated stone coral. | 枝状或鹿角珊瑚,亦包括多孔石珊瑚。 |
magenta | 洋红的
| adj.). A mixture of red and blue in equal parts. | (形容词)。由等量红和蓝混合而成的颜色。 |
magma | 岩浆
| The molten material in a state of fusion under the CRUST of the EARTH from which IGNEOUS ROCKS are formed. | 能够形成火成岩的一种位于地壳下处于溶化状态的熔融物质。 |
magnet | 磁铁
| A body which produces a MAGNETIC FIELD around itself. It has the property of attracting certain materials capable of being magnetized. See ... more | 能在自身周围产生磁场的物体。具有能够吸引某些可被磁化物质的特性。参见heeling magnet(倾斜改正磁铁)。 |
magnetic annual change | 地磁年变量
| The amount of SECULAR CHANGE in the EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD which occurs in one YEAR. Also referred to as annual change. | 一年中地球磁场发生的长期变化的总量。亦称annual change(周年磁变)。 |
magnetic annual variation | 磁周年差
| The small systematic TEMPORAL VARIATION in the EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD which occurs after the trend for SECULAR CHANGE has been removed from... more | 地球磁场月均值去除长期变化趋势后较小系统时变。亦称annual variation(年变化)。 |
magnetic anomaly | 磁力异常
| See LOCAL MAGNETIC DISTURBANCE. | 参见local magnetic disturbance(局部磁干扰)。 |
magnetic azimuth | 磁方位角
| See AZIMUTH. | 在观测点,过观测目标的铅垂面与无瞬变人工磁扰影响下自由悬挂且均匀磁化的针逐渐静止时所处的铅垂面之间的夹角。 |
magnetic bearing | 磁方位
| See BEARING. | 以磁北为基准的方位。经过磁差改正的罗经方位。 |
magnetic chart | 地磁图
| See CHART. | 显示某既定时期内磁偏角、磁倾角、水平分量和垂直分量及磁场总强度等地磁要素数值的图表。 |
magnetic compass | 磁罗经
| See COMPASS. | 利用可在水平方向自由转动的磁铁受地磁吸引而定向的一种罗经。 |
magnetic compensation | 磁罗经校正
| See COMPENSATION OF MAGNETIC COMPASS. | 参见compensation of magnetic compass(磁罗经校正)。 |
magnetic compensator | 磁差校正器
| See COMPENSATOR. | 置于罗经框内或磁罗经附近以最小化罗经自差的一种磁铁(软铁,常见球形或棒状)。亦称compass corrector(罗经磁差校正器)或corrector magnet(磁差校正器)。参见flinders bar(夫林德斯铁)、heeling magnet(倾斜改正磁铁)、quad... more |
magnetic course | 磁航向
| See COURSE. | 参见course(航向)。 |
magnetic daily (or diurnal) variation | 磁日变
| OSCILLATIONS of the EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD which have a periodicity of about a day and that depend to a close approximation only on LOCAL TI... more | 几乎完全取决于当地时间和地理纬度、周期约为一天的地球磁场振荡。 |
magnetic declination | 磁偏角,磁差
| See VARIATION. | 参见variation(磁差)。 |
magnetic deviation | 罗经自差,磁差 | See DEVIATION. | 罗盘针与磁子午线间的夹角,用磁子午线偏东或偏西度数表示。亦称deviation(自差)。 |