Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
light: continuous very quick | 连续甚快闪灯
| A light showing 80 to 159, usually either 100 or 120, flashes per minute. | 每分钟闪光80-159次的灯,通常100次或120次。 |
light: dioptric | 折射光
| A LIGHT concentrated into a parallel BEAM by means of refracting LENSES and prisms (as opposed to CATOPTRIC). | 利用透镜或者棱镜将一束光聚集而成的平行光束(同反射相对应)。 |
light: direction (or directional) | 定向灯标
| A LIGHT illuminating a sector of very narrow angle and intended to mark a DIRECTION to be followed. | 指发射一束极窄角度扇面光的灯标,用于指示航向。 |
light: equal-interval | 等间隔光,等明暗光
| A LIGHT with all durations of light and darkness equal. The term 'equal-interval light' has been replaced byisophase light in many countries... more | 明暗时间相等的灯光。在很多国家已使用等相光替代术语“等间隔光”。 |
light: fixed | 定光
| A signal light that shows continuously, in any given direction, with constant luminous intensity and colour. | 颜色和亮度不变,并且在任一指定方向长明不灭的信号灯。 |
light: fixed and flashing | 定闪光
| A rhythmic light in which a fixed light is combined with a flashing light of higher luminous intensity. | 由一个定光和亮度较高的闪光组合而成的节奏断续的灯光。 |
light: fixed and group-flashing | 定联闪光
| A FIXED LIGHT varied at regular intervals by a GROUP of two or more flashes of greater brilliance. This CHARACTER is being gradually suppre... more | 灯标发光形式之一,定光和一组两个或者更多的亮度更高的联闪光同时发出。 |
light: flashing | 闪光
| A rhythmic LIGHT in which the total duration of light in a PERIOD is clearly shorter than the total duration of darkness and all the appeara... more | 在一个周期内闪光总时间明显短于暗光总时间且所有闪光时间均相等的有节奏断续的灯光。 |
light: front | 前灯
| See LIGHT(S): RANGE. | 参见range light(叠标灯)。 |
light: group-flashing | 联闪光
| A flashing LIGHT in which a group of two or more flashes, which are specified in number, is regularly repeated. | 一种闪光,两次或者两次以上的闪光有规律地重复出现。 |
light: group-occulting | 联明暗光
| An occulting LIGHT in which a group of two or more eclipses, which are specified in number, is regularly repeated. | 一种明暗灯光,两次或两次以上连续熄灭,有规律地重复出现。 |
light: group quick | 联快闪光
| A light in which flashes are combined in groups including the same number of quick flashes (repetition rate : 50-79 per minute) and in whic... more | 一种灯光,以多个快闪光组成一组,每组包含快闪次数相同,(重复率每分钟快闪次数50-79次),并按照规定的间隔重复。 |
light: group very quick | 联甚快闪光
| A light in which very quick flashes are combined in groups including the same number of flashes (repetition rate : 80-159 per minute) and i... more | 一种灯光,以多个快闪光组成一组,每组包含快闪次数相同,(重复率:每分钟快闪次数80-159次次),并按照规定的间隔重复。 |
light: intermittent | 间歇光
| See LIGHT: RHYTHMIC. | 参见rhythmic light(节奏光)。 |
light: interrupted quick-flashing | 间断快闪光
| A quick LIGHT in which the sequence of flashes is interrupted by regularly repeated ECLIPSES of constant and long duration. | 一种快闪光,连续快闪数次后有规律的被固定历时或长历时的晦暗重复中断。 |
light: interrupted ultra quick | 间断超快闪光
| A light in which the ultra quick flashes (160 or more per minute) are interrupted at regular intervals by eclipses of long duration. | 一种灯光,超快闪光(每分钟160次或者更多)有规律的被长历时的晦暗中断。 |
light: interrupted very quick | 间断甚快闪光
| A light in which the very rapid alterations of light and darkness are interrupted at regular intervals by eclipses of long duration. | 一种灯光,明和暗非常快地切换并有规律的被长历时的晦暗中断。 |
light: isophase | 等明暗光 | See LIGHT: EQUAL-INTERVAL. | 参见EQUAL-INTERVAL LIGHT(等间隔光)。 |
light(s): leading | NULL | Two or more LIGHTS associated so as to form a LEADING LINE to be followed. | NULL |
light: linear | 线光
| A luminous SIGNAL having perceptible length, as contrasted with a POINT LIGHT. | 具有可察觉长度的发光信号,与点光相对。 |