Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
circle of declination | 赤纬圈
| See HOUR CIRCLE. | 参见hour circle(时圈)。 |
circle of equal altitude | 等高度圈
| A SMALL CIRCLE on the surface of the EARTH at every point of which, at the instant of OBSERVATION, the observed CELESTIAL BODY (SUN, STAR, o... more | 地面上的一种小圆上,在同一时刻在其上任何一点观测某一天体(太阳、恒星或行星)所测得的高度相等,故其天顶距也相等。 |
circle of latitude | 黄纬圈
| A GREAT CIRCLE of the CELESTIAL SPHERE through the ecliptic poles, and hence perpendicular to the plane of the ECLIPTIC. | 天球上过黄极的大圆,其垂直于黄道面。 |
circle of position | 船位圈
,等位圈 | The SMALL CIRCLE on the surface of the EARTH on which an OBSERVATION shows the observer to be. The expression is most frequently used to ind... more | 地球表面的小圆,在该小圆上观测者所测得的观测值均相同。该术语经常用于指等高度圈(circle of equal altitude)。亦称为position circle(位置圈)。 |
circle of right ascension | 赤经圈
| See HOUR CIRCLE. | 参见hour circle(时圈)。 |
circle of uncertainty | (船位)误差圆
| A circle having as its centre a POSITION, however determined, and as its radius the maximum PROBABLE ERROR of the POSITION; a circle within ... more | 以测定的某一位置点为圆心,以位置的最大概差为半径的圆,船舶位置可以认为位于该圆范围内。 |
circle of visibility | 视程圈,视界
| That circle surrounding an AID TO NAVIGATION and in which the aid is visible. See RANGE OF VISIBILITY. | 环绕航标的圆弧,在该圆弧内航标是可见的。参见range of visibility(可视范围)。 |
circle sheet | 圆弧格网图板
| (U.S. terminology). A BOAT SHEET or a SMOOTH SHEET on which intersecting systems of curves are drawn, each curve corresponding to the LOCUS... more | 绘有多组相交曲线的一种测量图板。图板上的每条曲线相当于两站间某一角度的轨迹。在海洋测量中使用这种图板不用分度规就可标出定位点。其方法是先用内插法在曲线之间求出每一测角所对应的轨迹,然后在两轨迹的交点处标出船位。也称作标准圆弧格网图版。最早称作六分仪定位图板。 |
circular fix | 无效定位
| See FIX. | 当观测两角而得到的三个位置圆重合时,则为无效位置。也称之为revolver或swinger(回转定位)。 |
circular level | 圆水准器
| See LEVEL: SPIRIT. | 参见spirit level(气泡水准器)。 |
circular radiobeacon station | 全向无线电指向标站
| A RADIO STATION which needs not necessarily be manned, the emissions of which, radiated around the HORIZON, enable its BEARING to be determi... more | 一种无需人工操作即可发射无线电波的无线电台站,它沿水下周围方向发射电波,可在船上用无线电测向仪测出其方位。 |
circum-meridian altitude | 近中天高度
| See ALTITUDE: EX-MERIDIAN. | 参见ex-meridian altitude(近中天高度)。 |
circumpolar | 围绕天极的,拱极的
| (adj.). Revolving about the ELEVATED POLE without setting. A CELESTIAL BODY is circumpolar when its POLAR DISTANCE is approximately equal to... more | 天体不没而绕仰极运转的。天体的极距约等于或小于观测者所处的纬度时,则为拱极天体。拱极的实际范围根据折射、半径、视差以及观测者在地面上眼高的复合效应稍有扩大。 |
cirrocumulus | 卷积云
| See CLOUD GENERA. | 参见cloud genera(云属)。 |
cirrostratus | 卷层云
| See CLOUD GENERA. | 参见cloud genera(云属)。 |
cirrus | 卷云
| See CLOUD GENERA. | 参见cloud genera(云属)。 |
civil day | 民用日
| See DAY. | 从午夜时分开始的平太阳日。 |
civil time | 民用时
| See TIME. | 从午夜时分开始的某天(民用日)中的太阳时。 |
civil twilight | 民用晨昏蒙影 | See TWILIGHT. | 参见twilight(晨昏朦影)。 |
civil year | 民用年 | See YEAR. | 阴历平年365天,或闰年366天为一年。 |