Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
cable length | 链长
| See CABLE. | 参见cable(链)。 |
cable sign | 电缆符号 | A sign on a post marking the point from which a cable runs under water. | 用来标示海底电缆起点的标志。 |
C/A Code | C/A码,粗码
| The standard (Coarse/Acquisition, or Clear/Access) GPS code; a sequence of 1023 pseudo-random binary biphase modulations on the GPS carrier ... more | 标准的全球定位系统(GPS)码;在码元速率为1.023兆赫的GPS载波上有l023个伪随机二进制双相调制序列。C/A码的重复周期为l毫秒。 |
cadastral map | 地籍图
| See MAP. | 一种显示土地细分边界的地图。为了描述和记录土地所有权,通常标注方位、长度以及各单片土地面积。地籍图也可包含地物、水系及其他与土地利用相关的要素。亦可参见plat(土地图)。 |
cadastral survey | 地籍测量
| See SURVEY. | 一种与土地边界和划界相关的测量,用于建立适于流转的单元或确定土地权属。也称作土地测量。 |
cadastre | 地籍册
| A public record of the extent, value, and ownership of LAND for purposes of taxation. | 土地范围、价值、权属的公共记录,用于税收目的。 |
cairn | 堆石标
| A mound of STONES, usually conical or pyramidal, raised as a LANDMARK or to designate a point of importance in SURVEYING. | 堆高的石堆,通常为圆锥形或锥形,用于指示陆标或测量中重要点位。 |
caisson | 闸门,坞闸
| A steel structure used for closing the entrance of LOCKS, WET and DRY DOCKS. See also LOCK GATE. | 关闭船闸、湿船坞和干船坞入口的钢结构。亦可参见lock gate((船闸)闸门)。 |
calcareous | 钙质的,石灰质的
| (adj). Composed of or containing calcium or calcium carbonate. | 由钙或碳酸钙组成,或者含钙或碳酸钙。 |
calculator | 计算器;计算者
| A machine for performing arithmetical operations usually more complex than that done by an adding machine; a calculating machine, which may ... more | 执行算术运算的装置,执行的操作通常比加法器复杂得多。计算器可以是机械的、电动的、电子的,或者三者组合。也可指从事计算工作的人。 |
calendar line | 国际日期变更线;日界线
| See DATE LINE. | 参见date line(日界线)。 |
calibrate | 校准
| (v.t.). To fix, check or correct the GRADUATIONS of a measuring instrument. To determine the calibre of. | 调整、检查或校正测量仪器的标度,确定测量仪器的质量。 |
calibrated focal length | 校准焦距
| See FOCAL LENGTH. | 等效焦距的校正值。它是把透镜畸变效应平差到整个摄影机视场而计算出来的。 |
calibration | 校准
| The act or process of determining certain specific measurements in an instrument or device by comparison with a STANDARD, for the purpose of... more | 对仪器或设备进行某些特定的量度行为或过程,通过和相关标准进行比较,用于校正、误差补偿或记录。 |
calibration: direct base | 直接基本校准
| The calibration of a positioning system with the help of one or more baselines of known length, which is determined with an instrument havin... more | 使用一条或者多条已知长度的基线对定位系统进行的校准。基线长度由精度优于定位系统的设备测量确定。 |
calibration: direct simultaneous | 直接同时校准
| The calibration of a positioning system at the same time when the distances used for calibration are measured using another system or instru... more | 在利用基线校准定位系统的同时采用更高精度的其它系统或者工具测量用于校准的基线长度。 |
calibration: indirect position | 间接位置校正
| The calibration of a positioning system using positions of the survey vessel at different locations which were determined independently of t... more | 使用测量船在不同地点且独立于定位系统之外的位置坐标来校准定位系统。可以根据测量船的位置坐标推导得到真实距离,并同定位系统提供的数据比较,这样就可以推导出校正值。 |
calibration: indirect variation | 间接变化校正
| The calibration of a positioning system by obtaining redundant observations so that calibration values can be deduced mathematically from th... more | 通过获取冗余观测值校正定位系统的方法,校正值可以从不同地点未校正观测值之间的差异采用数学方法推导得到。 |
calibration of compass | 罗经校准
| See SWINGING SHIP. | 参见swinging ship(自差校正)。 |
calling-in point | 呼叫点
| A designated position at which vessels are required to report to a traffic control centre. Also called reporting point or radio reporting ... more | 要求船舶向交管中心报告的指定点位。也称作报告点或无线电报告点。 |