Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
preferred channel mark | 推荐航道标志
| A distinctive lateral mark used to indicate both the point at which a channel divides and the channel that has been designated as preferred ... more | 用于指示航道分叉点以及指定的推荐航道的为首选航道的显著侧面标志。 |
preferred datum | 推荐基准
| A geodetic datum selected as a base for consolidation of local independent datums within a geographical area. Also called major datum. | 被选择作为某一地理区域内整合本地独立基准的基础的大地基准。亦称major datum(主基准面)。 |
preliminary survey | 初测
| See SURVEY: RECONNAISSANCE. | 参见reconnaissance survey(踏勘测量)。 |
press proof | 清样,机样
| A lithographed impression taken from among the first copies run on the press and used for checking purposes. Also called press pull. | 从印刷机首批复制中取出、用于校对目的的平版印刷品。亦称press pull(样张)。 |
pressure: atmospheric | 大气压力
| Pressure (force per unit area) exerted by the ATMOSPHERE, on any surface, by virtue of its WEIGHT: it is numerically equal to the WEIGHT of... more | 由大气重力产生的作用于任何表面的压力(每单位面积压力),其值等于单位表面积上的垂直空气柱(一直延伸到大气层最上端)的重量。 |
pressure: barometric | 大气压
| ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE as indicated by a BAROMETER. | 气压计指示的大气压力。 |
pressure: hydrostatic | 流体静压
| The pressure at a given DEPTH due to the WEIGHT of the water column above that DEPTH. | 在给定深度,水柱重力施加在该深度的压力。 |
pressure: sound | 声压 | The instantaneous pressure at a point in a medium in the presence of a SOUND WAVE, minus the static pressure at that point. | 在声波媒介中某一点的瞬时压力减去该点的静压力。 |
pressure-altitude | 压力高度
| An ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE expressed in terms of ALTITUDE which corresponds to that pressure in the STANDARD ATMOSPHERE. | 以高程表示的大气压,对应于标准大气压。 |
pressure gauge | 压力计,验潮仪
| See GAUGE. | 测量压力的仪器。
通过测定海水对验潮仪底部随涨落潮的压力变化,确定潮高的验潮仪。 |
pressure gradient | 压力梯度
| Vector, perpendicular to the isobaric line or surface, directed towards low pressure and of intensity equal to the rate of variation of the... more | 垂直于等压线或等压面、指向低压并且其大小等于随距离而变的压力变化率的一个矢量。亦称barometric gradient(气压梯度)。 |
pressure hydrophone | 声压式水听器
| A HYDROPHONE in which the electric OUTPUT substantially corresponds to the instantaneous SOUND PRESSURE of the impressed SOUND WAVE. | 一种水听器,其电子输出大体上与受压声波的瞬时声压相当。 |
pressure ice | 起伏冰,挤压冰
| A general term for FLOATING ICE which has been squeezed together and in places forced upwards, when it can also be described as RAFTED ICE,... more | 浮冰的一般术语,这些冰挤压在一起,在浮冰因受压而隆起的地方,也被称之为rafted ice(筏冰)、hummocked ice(冰丘冰)、pressure ridge(浮冰脊)、tented ice(拱形冰堆)。 |
pressure plate | 压板,压面平板
| In PHOTOGRAPHY, a flat plate (usually of metal but frequently of glass or other substance) which, by means of mechanical force, presses fil... more | 在摄影测量中,指通过机械力使胶片与照相机焦平面相接触的一种平板(通常是金属的,也有玻璃或其他材料的)。 |
pressure ridge | 浮冰脊
| A ridge or wall of HUMMOCKED ICE where one FLOE has been pressed against another. | 一块块浮冰互相挤压形成的冰丘冰的冰脊或冰墙。 |
pressure wave | 压力波
| A short-period oscillation of pressure such as that associated with the propagation of SOUND through the ATMOSPHERE; a type of LONGITUDINAL... more | 随声音在大气中传播而产生的短期压力振荡;纵向波的一种。 |
Price-Gurley current meter | 普莱斯-格利流速计
| A battery powered electromechanical CURRENT METER which measures current speed only. | 一种电池供电的电动流速仪,仅用于测量水流的速度。 |
pricker | 刺针
| A pointed tool used instead of a pencil for laying off finer and more accurate lines on a PLOTTING SHEET. | 代替铅笔在空白海图上画出更细、更精确线条的尖头工具。 |
primary circle | 基本圆
| See PRIMARY GREAT CIRCLE. | 参见primary great circle(基准大圆)。 |
primary great circle | 基准大圆
| A GREAT CIRCLE used as the origin of measurement of a COORDINATE; particularly such a circle 90° from the POLES of a system of SPHERICAL CO... more | 用作坐标测量原点的大圆;特别是指从球面坐标系统极点到90°的圆,如赤道。亦称primary circle(基本圆),fundamental circle(基本大圆)。 |