Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
track made good | (航空的)航迹 | See TRACK. | 飞机飞越地面和船只航行海中的实际或图示轨迹或航线。在航空中有时写称为 track made good。 |
track plotter | 航迹(描绘)仪,航程标绘器 | A PLOTTER used to plot the track or course of a craft. | 标绘船只航迹或航向的绘图仪。 |
trade winds | 信风 | Persistent WINDS, mainly in the lower ATMOSPHERE, which blow over vast regions from a subtropical ANTICYCLONE toward the equatorial regions... more | 恒定风,主要发生于气压较低的地区,从副热带高压向赤道地区的广大区域刮过。信风的主要方向来自于北半球的东北方向和南半球的东南方向。 |
traffic lane | 交通航道 | An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic is established. Natural obstacles, including those forming separation zones, may cons... more | 单向航道所限定的区域,自然障碍物,包括对向航道分离区,可能设有界线。 |
traffic separation line | 交通分隔线 | See SEPARATION ZONE | 为分道通航目的划定的带或线,用于分隔对遇或接近对遇的船舶;或与邻接海域分道通航;或在同一方向上行进的船舶按级别分道通航。 |
traffic separation zone | 交通分隔带 | See SEPARATION ZONE | 为分道通航划定的带或线,用于分隔对遇或接近对遇的船舶;或与邻接海域分道通航;或在同一方向上行进的船舶按级别分道通航。 |
traffic separation scheme | 分道通行方案(设计) | A ROUTEING measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and by the establishment of TRAFFIC LANES. | 通过对对向或近于对向的航道进行交通分道,以减少拥挤及汇合区碰撞事故的方案。 |
training wall | 导流堤 | A wall, BANK, or JETTY, often submerged, built to direct or confine the FLOW of a RIVER or TIDAL CURRENT. | 控制河流或潮流方向的水下岸壁或导水堤。 |
trajectory | 轨迹,轨道,弹道,流轨 | The curved path of something hurtling through space. In METEOROLOGY, curve traced by the successive positions of a moving particle of air. ... more | 某物在空间中划出的弯曲轨迹线。
电子学中指从电子管阴极发射出电子所走的路径。 |
transceiver | 收发两用机 | A combination transmitter and receiver in a single housing, with some components being used by both parts. See TRANSPONDER. | 装在一起的组合收发机。其某些部件由发射机和接收机两部分共用。 |
transducer | 换能器 | Any device for converting energy from one form to another (electrical, mechanical, or acoustic). | 任何可把电能、机械能或声能从一种形式转换为另一种形式的装置。 |
transducer: magnetostriction | 磁致伸缩换能器
| A TRANSDUCER that depends for its operation on the interaction between the magnetization and the deformation of a material having magneto... more | 其工作取决于磁性与具有磁致伸缩特性物质的应变之间的相互作用的换能器。 |
transformation | 变换,转换,纠正 | In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the process of projecting a PHOTOGRAPH (mathematically, graphically, or photographically) from its plane onto another pl... more | 在摄影测量学中,通过平移旋转、变换比例尺等方式用数学、图解或摄影的方法,将某张像片从一个平面投影到另一个平面的过程。该投影可在由照相机光轴的角度关系所确定的平面上进行,而不必投影到水平面上。 |
transforming printer | 纠正仪 | A specially designed projection printer of fixed geometry used for transforming the oblique components of a coupled camera installation, a M... more | 一种专门设计的固定几何纠正仪,用于将联配照相机、多镜头照相机或全景照相机的倾斜像片转换到垂直于该箱轴的平面上。 |
transhipment or lightening area | 换船或卸货区 | An area designated for transfer of cargo from one vessel to another sometimes in order to reduce a vessel’s DRAUGHT. Also called cargo trans... more | 用于从某船把货卸到另一只船上以减小大船的吃水深度而指定的区域。亦称cargo transfer area 或 cargo transhipment area。 |
transient magnetism | 瞬变电磁 | See MAGNETISM: TEMPORARY. | 指船的磁力随着船艏方向的每次变化而改变其数值。亦称transient magnetism。 |
transient thermocline | 暂态温跃层 | See THERMOCLINE. | 温跃层上面垂直温度的微小下降。这是一种与周日增温和风混合相关的短期现象。 |
transit | 中天,通过;纵转;经纬仪;子午仪,中星仪;重叠线 | In ASTRONOMY, the apparent passage of a STAR or other CELESTIAL BODY across a defined line of the CELESTIAL SPHERE, as a MERIDIAN, PRIME VER... more | 天文学中某星体或其他天体经过天球的某一特定线,如子午圈、卯圈或地平纬圈的视通过。不指明特定线时,通常以经过子午圈为中天。某星体或其他天体经过望远镜十字丝或视准线的视通过。某较小天体经过较大天体视面的视通过。一种由带有圆形刻度的水平度盘和带有望远镜的照准部组成的测量仪器,该望远镜可... more |
transit: broken telescope | NULL | A precise astronomic TRANSIT or THEODOLITE in which the light passing through the OBJECTIVE LENS is reflected through a right angle by a pri... more | NULL |
transit: local | 地方中天
| The apparent passage of a CELESTIAL BODY across the MERIDIAN of the observer. See also MERIDIAN TRANSIT. | 天体经过观测者子午圈的视中天。亦可参见meridian transit(中天)。 |