Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
valley line | 谷底线,深泓线
| See TALWEG. | 沿着河谷纵向方向连接其最低点的线。有时亦称valley line(山谷线)。 |
vane | 风向标;照准器;流向仪
| A device to indicate the direction from which the WIND blows. Also called weather vane, wind vane. See ANEMOMETER. A SIGHT on an instrument ... more | 指示风向的仪器。亦称风向标。用于观测目标方位的瞄准器,与哑罗经、测向罗经的瞄准器类似。亦称砧板。一种指示水流流向的装置。 |
vanishing line | 合线,灭线
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the straight line on a PHOTOGRAPH upon which lie all the VANISHING POINTS of all systems of parallel lines parallel to o... more | 摄影测量学中,像片上的一条直线,该直线包含了平行于某一平面的平行线族的所有合点。 |
vanishing point | 合点,灭点
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the IMAGE in the plane of a PHOTOGRAPH, of the point toward which a system of parallel lines in the object space conver... more | 摄影测量学中,在物方空间内平行线簇间的会聚点于像平面的影像。 |
vanishing tide | 失潮,缺潮
| See TIDE. | 当高潮和低潮在若干小时的周期内混合在一起,并保持在某一接近稳定的水位上时所发生的现象。该种潮汐虽属于全日潮范畴,但通称缺潮。 |
variate | 无规变量,随机变量
| A variate is a quantity that may take on any of the values of a specified set with a specified relative frequency or probability often known... more | 具有特定的相对频率或通常称作随机变量的概率的任一组值的可取量。它不仅由一组许可值定义,而且可由表示给定场合下出现那些值次数的伴随频率(概率)函数来定义。 |
variation | 磁差
| The angle between the MAGNETIC and GEOGRAPHICAL MERIDIANS at any place, expressed in DEGREES east or west to indicate the direction of MAG... more | 任意点处磁子午线与地理子午线间的夹角,用偏东或偏西的度数表示,由真北至磁北的方向量取。亦称magnetic variation(磁变)或magnetic declination(磁偏角)。 |
variation: grid | 格网磁偏角
| Angular difference in direction between GRID NORTH and MAGNETIC NORTH. It is measured east or west from GRID NORTH. Also called grivation, ... more | 格网北、磁北间方向角差。它从格网北起始向东或者向西量取。也称为grivation或者 grid magnetic angle。 |
variation of the pole | 极移
| A wandering of the POLES of the FIGURE OF THE EARTH with respect to its POLES of ROTATION. | 地球形体极相对于地球自转极的摆动。 |
variometer | 磁性比较器;磁力偏差计
| An instrument for comparing magnetic forces, especially of the EARTH's MAGNETIC FIELD. | 一种用于比较磁力的仪器,特别是比较地球磁场磁力的仪器。 |
varsol | 瓦索尔
| An oil used as the liquid in some modern MAGNETIC COMPASSES. | 现代磁罗经中用的一种液体油。 |
varve | 季候泥
| A sedimentary DEPOSIT, bed, or lamination deposited in one season. It is usually distinguished by colour or composition and used as an inde... more | 一种沉积性的淤泥,一层泥或者是某一季节沉积的层压结构淤泥。常根据颜色或成分辨认,颜色和成分也常作为沉淤环境变化的标志。 |
vectograph | 立体照相,偏振像片
| A stereoscopic PHOTOGRAPH composed of two superimposed IMAGES which polarize light in planes 90° apart. When these IMAGES are viewed through... more | 由两重叠影像组成的立体像片,影像在成90°角的两偏振平面内,分成相互垂直的两组偏振光。当用偏振轴成90°角的偏光镜观察这些影像时,即可得到立体感的图像。 |
vector | 矢量
| Direct connection between two points, either given as two sets of coordinates (points), or by direction and distance from one given set of ... more | 两点之间的直接连线,或是由两个坐标点来定义,或由一个给定坐标的方向和距离来定义,或是相对于坐标系统原点的一组坐标所定义的矢量空间内的一个点。 |
vector airborne magnetometer | 航空磁力仪
| See MAGNETOMETER. | 测量地球磁场强度和方向的一种仪器。 |
vector data presentation | 矢量数据表示方法
| Method of representing image features digitally by points, lines and polygons given through their coordinates and appropriate code(s). | 通过坐标和相应代码定义点、线和多边形等数字形式表示图像要素的方法。 |
vectorial angle | 矢量角,极角
| See COORDINATES: PLANE POLAR. | 自中心基准点至要确定位置点的距离和方向。这个基准点称为“极”或“原点”;原点与要确定位置点的连线(距离)称为“矢径”;一条作为方向基准的固定线称为“极轴”;极轴与矢径的夹角称为“极角”。 |
veering wind | 顺转风
| Clock-wise change of WIND direction, in either hemisphere. | 在任一半球,风向沿顺时针方向变化的风。 |
vein | 矿脉,地壳岩石的裂缝
| A narrow LEAD or lane in PACK ICE. In mineralogy, a crack or fissure in the ROCKS of the EARTH's CRUST in which highly heated waters from be... more | 矿物学中,它是地壳岩石中的一种裂缝或裂隙,其中自下向上流的高温水中含有溶解水晶矿物质(特指岩脉石英)中的沉积物,在某种情况下,金属矿物质有重要的经济价值。 |
velocimeter | 声速计
| An instrument used for the 'in situ' measurement of the SPEED of SOUND in the SEA and other natural waters. | 在海上及其它自然水域,一种用于“实地”测量声速的仪器。 |