Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
water specimen cup | 采水器,水样杯
| See WATER BOTTLE. | 从不同深度采集水样的装置。当它们放入所需深度时,使用信号发生器,将其置于“敞开”状态。提起前可以将其关闭。也可用一组采水器采样,此时,将几个采水器捆在一条索上,可以在一次投水中获取不同深度的采样。亦称水样杯。 |
water turbulence | 水紊流
| The disturbance of water caused by the interaction of any combination of WAVES, CURRENTS, TIDAL STREAMS, WIND, SHOAL patches and OBSTRUCTION... more | 波浪、水流、潮汐流、风、浅滩和障碍物的任意组合之间的相互作用所引起的水扰动。 |
water vapor | 水汽;水蒸气
| Water in the gaseous phase. | 以气态形式存在的水。 |
waterway | 水道,河道
| A line of water (RIVER, CHANNEL, etc.) which can be utilized for communication or transport. | 可用于交通或运输的水上通道(河、运河等)。 |
watt | 瓦特
| The unit of power in the SI system. | 国际单位制中的功率单位。 |
wave | 波,波状
| A disturbance which moves through or over the surface of the medium with SPEED dependent upon the properties of the medium. A ridge deformat... more | 一种以一定速度穿过或穿越介质表面的扰动,其速度取决于介质的特性。 |
wave: capillary | 表面张力波,界面波
| A WAVE whose VELOCITY of propagation is controlled primarily by the surface tension of the liquid in which the WAVE is travelling. Water wa... more | 传播速度主要受传播波的液体的表面张力控制的波。波长小于1英寸的水波可称为表面张力波。 |
wave: carrier | 载波
| A RADIO WAVE used as a vehicle for conveying intelligence, generally by MODULATION. Also called carrier. | 一般通过调制用于传输信息的无线电波。 |
wave: cellular | 局部表面波
,微波,泡状波 | System of SURFACE WAVES in which the OSCILLATION of water is limited as by solid BOUNDARIES. The PERIOD is the same in adjacent cells. | 水的振荡受固体边界约束的表面波系统,其周期与相邻波相同。 |
wave: compressional | 压缩波
| A WAVE in an elastic medium which causes an element of the medium to change its volume without undergoing rotation. | 在弹性介质中,使介质某一部分体积发生变化但不会产生旋转的波。 |
wave: continuous | 连续波;等幅波
| A series of WAVES of like AMPLITUDE and FREQUENCY. See WAVE: MODULATED, PULSE. | 一系列振幅和频率相同的波。参见modulated wave(调制波)、pulse(脉冲)。 |
wave: cycloidal | 摆线波
| A very steep, symmetrical WAVE whose CREST forms an angle of 120 DEGREES. The wave form is that of a cycloid. A TROCHOIDAL WAVE of maximum s... more | 一种起伏很陡的对称波,其波峰成120度角,波的形式是一摆线形。即陡度最大的余摆线波。 |
wave(s): damped | 衰减波,减幅波
| WAVE(S) the AMPLITUDE of which becomes progressively smaller. | 振幅逐步减小的波。 |
wave: direct | 直接波,直达波
| A subdivision of the space wave component of the electromagnetic GROUND WAVE. This WAVE is propagated directly through space, i.e., it foll... more | 地面电磁波的空间分量。这种波在空间直线传播,例如在发射机和接收机之间沿最短路径传播。 |
wave: edge | 边界波
| An ocean wave travelling parallel to a COAST, with CRESTS normal to the COASTLINE. Such a WAVE has a HEIGHT that diminishes rapidly seaward ... more | 一种沿海岸传播的海洋波,其波峰垂直于海岸线。边界波高度沿向海一侧迅速减小,于距离一个波长处其高度可以忽略不计。 |
wave: electromagnetic | 电磁波
| WAVE(S) of associated electric and magnetic fields characterized by variations of the fields. The electric and magnetic fields are at right ... more | 相关联的变化的电场和磁场以波的形式向前传播。电场和磁场相互垂直,电磁波传播方向垂直于电场和磁场构成的平面。如果在整个传播路径上电磁波相位-时间关系是固定的,那么该电磁波是相干的。 |
wave: forced | 强迫波
| A WAVE generated and maintained by a continuous force, in contrast to a FREE WAVE that continues to exist after the generating force has ce... more | 由连续力产生和保持的波,与停止受力仍然继续存在的波相反。 |
wave: free | 自由波
| A WAVE that continues to exist after the generating force has ceased to act, in contrast with a FORCED WAVE that is generated and maintained... more | 一种产生作用力停止作用后仍然继续存在的波,与由连续作用力产生和保持的强迫波相反。水面上的自由波是由突然的冲击推力而引发的,此后它仅受摩擦力、水域大小、水介质的扩散特性影响。大多数海洋表面波除潮汐波外均为自由波。参见oscillation(震荡波)。 |
wave: gravity | 重力波
| A WAVE whose VELOCITY of propagation is controlled primarily by GRAVITY. Water waves of length greater than 2 INCHES are considered gravity ... more | 其传播速度主要由重力控制的波。波长大于2英寸的水波即可看做重力波。 |
wave: ground | 地波、地面波、地面电波
| That portion of a RADIO WAVE in proximity to and affected by the GROUND, being somewhat refracted by the lower ATMOSPHERE, diffracted by th... more | 在地面附近且受地面影响的无线电波。它在一定程度上受低层大气的折射、地球表面的衍射和地球电阻率延迟的影响。地波的传播方向基本平行于地面。参见 sky wave(天波)。 |