Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
cyclone | 气旋,低气压
| See DEPRESSION. | 参见depression(低气压)。 |
cylindrical buoy | 罐形浮标;圆筒形浮标
| See CAN BUOY. | 参见can buoy(罐形浮标 )。 |
cylindrical projection | 柱面圆柱投影,圆柱投影
| See PROJECTION. | 将地理经纬线投影到与椭球相切或相割的圆柱上,然后将圆柱展成一个平面得到的投影。 |
daily rate | 天文钟日差率
| See CHRONOMETER RATE. | 参见chronometer rate(天文钟日差率)。 |
daily retardation | 潮汐延时
,潮汐滞后 | The amount of time by which corresponding tidal PHASES grow later day by day (averages approximately 50 MINUTES). | 相应的潮汐相位每日延迟的时间量(平均大概是50分钟)。 |
dam | 闸,水闸,大坝 | A barrier to check or confine anything in motion; particularly one constructed to hold back water and raise its level to form a RESERVOIR, o... more | 一种阻挡或限制任何运动物体的关卡。特别是一种用来阻挡洪水,并提高水位而形成水库或者防洪的一种建筑。 |
damped wave(s) | 衰减波,减幅波
| See WAVE. | 振幅逐步减小的波。 |
damping | 衰减,阻尼,减幅
| The dissipation of energy with TIME or distance. The progressive reduction of AMPLITUDE of OSCILLATIONS, WAVES, etc. | 指能量随着时间或距离而消减。
振荡、波等的振幅逐步减弱。 |
dan buoy | 临时浮标,小浮标 | A BUOY consisting of a ballasted FLOAT carrying a staff which supports a flag or LIGHT. | 在平衡浮子上装一标杆,并在标杆上挂旗或悬灯的一种浮标。 |
danger angle | 危险角
| The maximum (or minimum) angle between two points, as observed from a craft, indicating the limit of safe approach to an offlying danger. | 从船上观测的两个点之间的最大(最小)角度,它致命接近危险物外围的安全界限。 |
danger area | 危险区
| An area designated by a proper authority, in which a danger to craft exists. Also called danger zone. | 由有关管理部门划定的区域,在该区域航行有危险,亦称作危险区域。 |
danger bearing | 危险方位
| See BEARING. | 能避开危险物,保证航行安全的点的最大方位或最小方位。 |
danger buoy | 碍航物浮标,碍航物浮标 | See ISOLATED DANGER MARK. | 参见isolated danger mark(孤立碍航物标志)。 |
danger line | 危险线
| A line drawn on a CHART, to indicate the limits of safe NAVIGATION for a vessel of specific DRAFT. A dotted line on a CHART to emphasize the... more | 1.海图上绘制的一条标志线,为吃水船舶指示安全航行的界线。
2.海图上的点虚线,强调障碍物的存在。 |
dangerous rock | 危险礁石
| A SUNKEN ROCK of a small area (PINNACLE), at such a DEPTH as to be considered dangerous to SURFACE NAVIGATION. | 一种小面积(顶峰)的暗礁,其深度被认为对水面航行构成危胁。 |
dangerous semicircle | 危险半圆
| Region of a TROPICAL CYCLONE, situated to the right of its PATH in the northern hemisphere and to the left of its PATH in the southern hemis... more | 一个热带气旋区域,在北半球它处于气旋轨迹的右边,在南半球它处于气旋轨迹的左边。在该区域,海浪很高、风异常猛烈,同时有使航行偏向于气旋轨迹的趋势。气旋的另一半被称为可航半圆(navigable semicircle)。 |
dangerous wreck | 危险沉船
| A WRECK submerged at such a DEPTH as to be considered dangerous to SURFACE NAVIGATION. | 其深度对水面航行构成危胁的沉船。 |
danger sounding | 危险水深
| See SOUNDING. | 在给定区域内为特定的船舶选取的最小水深值,以指示船舶安全航行的水深。 |
danger to navigation | 航行危险物
| Any feature or condition that might hinder, obstruct, endanger or otherwise constitute danger to safe navigation. | 对航行安全构成妨碍、阻碍、危险、危害的要素或物标。 |
danger zone | 危险区
| See DANGER AREA. | 参见danger area(危险区域)。 |