Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
height of cloud base | 云底高度
| HEIGHT above the EARTH's surface, at a given point, of the base of the lowest CLOUD whose CLOUD AMOUNT exceeds a given value. Called ceiling... more | 在某一给定地点,云量超过一定量的最低云团底部至地球表面的高度。在美国术语中称之为ceiling。 |
height of eye correction | 眼高改正,俯角改正
| See DIP CORRECTION. | 参见dip correction(倾角改正)。 |
height of tide | 潮高
| The vertical distance from the CHART DATUM to the level of the water at any TIME. | 在任一时间,海面到海图基准面的垂直距离。 |
heliocentric parallax | 日心视差
| See PARALLAX: ANNUAL. | 参见annual parallax(周年视差)。 |
heliograph | 日照仪,回光信号器
| A device for reflecting the SUN's RAYS from one point to another for sending messages. In METEOROLOGY, instrument which records the time int... more | 将太阳光从一点反射到另一点以传递信息的仪器。在气象学中,记录太阳光照射强度足够投射出清晰阴影的时间间隔的设备。也称为sunshine recorder。 |
heliostat | 日光反射装置
| An instrument composed of one or more plane MIRRORS, so mounted and arranged that a BEAM of sunlight may be reflected by it in any desired d... more | 由一块或者更多的平面反光镜构成的仪器,装配成使一束太阳光可以按任意要求的方向反射,并可通过连续的调整保持位置不变。它用于大地测量中使一束太阳光从一个测站反射到另一个远距离测站,以便那里能用经纬仪进行观测。也称为heliotrope或Galton's sun signal。 |
heliotrope | 回光仪
| See HELIOSTAT. | 参见heliostat(日光反射装置)。 |
heli pad | NULL | A site on which helicopters may land and take off. | NULL |
helium magnetometer | 氦磁力仪,氦磁强计
| See MAGNETOMETER. | 使用氦吸收元件的光泵磁力仪。 |
Helmert spheroid | 赫尔默特椭球体
| See REFERENCE SPHEROID. | 见reference spheroid(参考椭球体)。 |
hemispherical map | 半球图
| See MAP. | 以赤道或者子午圈为界的包含地球表面面积的地图。 |
henry | 亨利
| The unit of electrical inductance in the SI SYSTEM. | 在国际单位制中电感应的单位。 |
hertz | 赫兹
| A unit of FREQUENCY in the SI SYSTEM. See also CYCLE PER SECOND. | 国际单位制中频率单位。亦可参见cycle per second(周/秒)。 |
hertzian waves | 赫兹波,无线电波、电磁波
| See WAVE(S): RADIO. | 参见radio wave(无线电波)。 |
high | 高气压,高压地带
| See ANTICYCLONE. | 参见anticyclone(反气旋)。 |
higher high water (H.H.W) | 高高潮 | The higher of two HIGH WATERS occurring during a TIDAL DAY if the DIURNAL INEQUALITY prevails. | 如果(在某一地区)日潮不等盛行,指在一个潮汐日内两个高潮中潮高较高的高潮。 |
higher high water interval | 高高潮间隔
| See LUNITIDAL INTERVAL. | 参见lunitidal interval(月潮间隙)。 |
higher low water (H.L.W) | 高低潮 | The higher of two LOW WATERS occurring during a TIDAL DAY if DIURNAL INEQUALITY prevails. | 如果在(某一地区)日潮不等盛行,在一个潮汐日内两个低潮中潮高较高的低潮。 |
higher low water interval | 高低潮间隔
| See LUNITIDAL INTERVAL. | 参见lunitidal interval(月潮间隙)。 |
highest astronomical tide | 最高天文潮位
| The highest tidal level which can be predicted to occur under average meteorological conditions and under any combination of astronomical ... more | 在平均气象条件和任何天文条件下,可以预报的最高潮位。 |