Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
datum level | 基准面
| See DATUM: VERTICAL CONTROL and DATUM: CHART. | 参见reference line(控制线,参考线)。 |
datum line | 基准线
| See REFERENCE LINE. | 参见reference line(控制线,参考线)。 |
datum of tide predictions | 潮汐预报基准
面 | The LEVEL from which the HEIGHTS OF TIDE are referenced in the TIDE TABLES. See also DATUM: CHART. | 潮汐表中的潮高参照的基准。亦可参见chart datum(海图基准)。 |
datum plane | 基准面,水准面
| A VERTICAL CONTROL DATUM. Although a LEVEL SURFACE is not a plane, the VERTICAL CONTROL DATUM is frequently referred to as the datum plane. | 一种垂直控制基准。虽然基准面不是一个平面,但垂直控制基准经常被称为基准面。 |
datum point | 基准点
| See REFERENCE POINT. | 参见reference point(参考点)。 |
day | 白天,昼
| The duration of one ROTATION of the EARTH, or occasionally another CELESTIAL BODY, on its AXIS. It is measured by successive TRANSITS of a r... more | 地球(偶尔指其它天体)绕其轴旋转一周持续的时间。利用天球上某一参考点连续两次经过观测子午圈进行度量。根据所使用的各基准点分别命以不同的名称。
白天,以区别于夜晚。 |
day: apparent solar | NULL | See DAY: SOLAR. | NULL |
day: astronomical | NULL | A MEAN SOLAR DAY beginning at NOON. | NULL |
day: civil | 民用日
| A MEAN SOLAR DAY beginning at MIDNIGHT. | 从午夜时分开始的平太阳日。 |
day: constituent | 分潮日
| The duration of one ROTATION of the EARTH on its AXIS, with respect to a fictitious STAR representing one of the periodic elements in the ti... more | 以在潮汐力中代表周期要素的一个假想恒星为基点,观测地球自转一周所经历的时间称为分潮日。其长短约等于一个太阴日或太阳日。这个术语不适用于一个长周期调和分潮。 |
day: lunar | 太阴日
| The duration of one ROTATION of the EARTH on its AXIS, with respect to the MOON. Its average length is about 24h50m of MEAN SOLAR TIME. Also... more | 以月球为基点观测地球自转一周所经历的时间。其长短约为24小时50分平太阳时。也称为tidal day(潮汐日)。
以太阳为基点,观测月球自转一周所经历的时间。 |
day: mean solar | NULL | See DAY: SOLAR. | NULL |
day: sidereal | 恒星日 | The duration of one ROTATION of the EARTH on its AXIS, with respect to the VERNAL EQUINOX over the UPPER BRANCH of a MERIDIAN. Because of th... more | 以春分点为基点,地球自转一周所经历的时间,通过春分点连续上中天加以量度。由于分点岁差,这样确定的恒星日比以恒星为基点地球自转一周所经历时间稍微要短一点,但其差不超过0.01秒。一个恒星日等于24小时恒星时,或者等于23小时56分04.091秒平太阳时。 |
day: solar | 太阳日 | The duration of one ROTATION of the EARTH on its AXIS, with respect to the SUN. This may be either a mean solar day, or an apparent solar da... more | 以太阳为基点地球自转所转一周所经历的时间,这可能是平太阳日,或视太阳日,它们分别以平均太阳或视太阳为量测基点。 |
day: tidal | 潮汐日,太阴日 | See DAY: LUNAR and TIDAL DAY. | 太阴日。潮汐的每日周期。由于潮时提前和潮时延后,它与太阴日略有差异。 |
daybeacon | 昼标
,日标 | An unlighted BEACON. A daybeacon is identified by its colour, shape, and number of its daymark. The simplest form of daybeacon consists of a... more | 一种不发光的信标。昼标通过其颜色、形状、标志个数加以识别。最简单的昼标包括一个单桩柱,在其顶部或顶部附近设有一个白昼标志。 |
daylight saving time | 夏令时 | See TIME. | 时区时间的调整,通常比时区时间提前一个小时。有些时候称作夏令时。 |
daymark | 昼标;日标
| 1. The identifying characteristics of an aid to navigation which serve to facilitate its recognition against a daylight viewing background. ... more | 1.易于在白天可视背景下识别的航标。这些航标本身不具备远距离可视区域,而是通过附加白昼标志进行识别。根据航标的用途,日标采用不同的鲜明颜色和形状。
2.一种不发光航标。 |
day number | 日数
| The sequentially numbered day of the year, usually starting with day number 1 on 1st January. | 一年中日期的顺序编号,通常1月1日为1。 |
dead ahead | 正前方
| Bearing 000° relative. If the bearing is approximate, the term ahead should be used. | 相对方位000°。如果方位是近似的,则应该使用术语“ahead”。 |