Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
meridional distance | 子午线距离
| The difference of LATITUDE between two points on a map PROJECTION's GRATICULE converted to suitable linear units. | 在地图投影格网上转换为适当线性单位的两点间的纬度差。 |
meridional orthographic projection | 子午面正射投影
| See PROJECTION. | 投影面与选定子午面平行的正射投影。在该投影中,地平纬圈和中央子午圈是直线,外子午圈是一个整圆,其余子午线是椭圆的弧线。 |
meridional parts | 渐长纬度
| The length of the arc of a MERIDIAN between the EQUATOR and a given PARALLEL on a MERCATOR CHART, expressed in units of 1 MINUTE of LONGITUD... more | 在墨卡托海图上赤道和选定纬度圈间子午线的弧长,以赤道上经度1分为单位表示。 |
meridional plane | 子午面
| Any plane containing the polar AXIS of the EARTH. | 包含地球极轴的任意平面。 |
meroplankton | 季节浮游生物
| Chiefly the floating development stages (eggs and larvae) of the BENTHOS and NEKTON. | 主要指处于浮游生活阶段(卵和幼虫)的底栖生物和自游生物。 |
mesa | 台地
| A high TABLELAND (S.W. and W. United States). | 指美国西部和西南部的高原。 |
messenger | 吊锤 | In oceanographic terminology, a cylindrical metal WEIGHT, usually hinged and with a latch so that it can be fastened around a wire, and sent... more | 在海洋学术语中,指一种通常装有铰链和插销从而能固定在线缆上的圆柱形金属锤。在采水器和海流计降低到所需深度后,使其落下以启动仪器。 |
metacentre (or metacenter) | 定倾中心
| That point in a floating body at which a vertical line drawn through its CENTRE OF BUOYANCY when it is upright meets the vertical line drawn... more | 浮体直立时通过其浮心的垂线与浮体倾斜时通过其浮心的垂线在浮体内的交点。浮体未淹没部分的重心;为稳定平衡,定倾中心必须在浮体重心之上。 |
meteor | 大气现象
| PHENOMENON other than a CLOUD, observed in the ATMOSPHERE or on the surface of the EARTH, which consists of a precipitation, a suspension o... more | 在大气层或地球表面观测到的除云以外的现象,包括降水现象、水汽凝结现象、尘粒现象、自然光学现象或电学现象。 |
meteoric dust | 宇宙尘
| Atmospheric dust originating from METEORS. | 陨星引起的大气尘。 |
meteorite | 陨石
| A METEOR that reaches the surface of the EARTH as a solid particle. | 流星散落到地球表面的固态粒子。 |
meteorological element | 气象要素
| Atmospheric variable or PHENOMENON which characterize the state of the WEATHER at a specific place at a given time: air temperature, ATMO... more | 在特定区域和时间,用以描述天气状况的大气变化或现象,如:气温、气压、风力、湿度、雷雨、雾、冰雹等。 |
meteorological observations | 气象观测值
| See OBSERVATION. | 参见observation(观测值)。 |
meteorological optical range table | 气象光学视程表
| A table from the International Visibility Code which gives the code number of meteorological visibility and the meteorological visibility... more | 使用国际能见度等级,列出了不同天气条件下气象能见度及其等级的表。如薄雾(等级4,气象能见度0.5~1海里);晴朗(等级7,气象能见度5.5~11海里)。 |
meteorological tide | 气象潮
| See TIDE. | 局部地区气象条件引起的水位变化,与太阳及月球引力引起的天文潮不同。 |
meteorological visibility | 气象能见度
| See VISIBILITY. | 大小合适的黑色目标物能够从天空背景中被看到和识别的最大距离,或在夜间观测中,当总体照明达到正常日光水平时,目标物能被看见和识别的最大距离。 |
meteorology | 气象学
| Science of the ATMOSPHERE. | 研究大气层的科学。 |
meter | 计量员;计量器;米
| (1) A person who measures. (2) An instrument or apparatus for measuring. (3) A device for measuring a specified thing as in THERMOMETER or... more | (1)从事计量工作的人。(2)用于量测的仪器或装置(设备)。(3)用于量测特定事物的器件,如温度计或气压计。
亦可参见metre(米)。 |
meter wheel | 轮式量距仪
| A special block used to measure payed out sampling line at OCEANOGRAPHIC STATIONS. | 海洋观测站用于量测放出的取样线长度的特殊滑轮。 |
method of squares | 方格转绘法,格网转绘法
| See SQUARES: METHOD OF. | 将某一测量资料转换为不同比例尺的另一种资料的方法。根据比例尺的减小或增大,也称方格缩小或方格放大。 |